The Black Card

Chapter 220 – Too Forceful

Chapter 220 – Too Forceful

Translator: Aominemika

TLC: Lav

Editor Seliniaki Ilikia

That one sentence alone made Vice Mayor Bai break out in cold sweat. He stared at Song Miaomiao with a bitter face, feeling extremely embarra.s.sed.

Vice Mayor Bai tried to squeeze out a smile and said, “Young Miss, it’s my fault for not disciplining my subordinate. I promise that there won’t be a next time.”

He immediately turned around when he saw Song Miaomiao shift her gaze to Secretary Yang. Seeing the man tremble in fear made his blood boil. “You d.a.m.n b.a.s.t.a.r.d!” he berated. “You think you’re impressive, huh? Using my name to dominate others!? ”

Secretary Yang felt as if he had fallen into an icy cave. His teeth chattered as he stuttered, “Vice Mayor Bai, I…I…”

“You what? Get the h.e.l.l over here and apologize to the Young Miss.” After scolding Secretary Yang, Vice Mayor Bai turned to Song Miaomiao again and said, “It’s my fault for being incapable. Please forgive me. Don’t stoop down to my level, and definitely not down to his…”

Secretary Yang had never seen Vice Mayor Bai being so polite to anyone before. He felt fear and apprehension wash over him. Even if it was the mayor or the deputy governor, the vice mayor only treated them with courtesy, but never groveled before them. And yet he seemed like a small quail in front of this woman.

The thought that he had offended someone he shouldn’t have finally hit him. Even Vice Mayor Bai could only tremble in fear and apologize to her, something Secretary Yang had never thought he would witness in his entire lifetime. His legs felt weak when he remembered that he had raised his voice at Song Miaomiao just moments before. He involuntarily plopped onto his knees and fell forward.

Shi Lei was disgusted at the sight. “I just wanted to have a nice conversation,” he said to Song Miaomiao. “Now look what you’ve done!”

Vice Mayor Bai was stunned and he abruptly turned to look at Shi Lei and thought: Who is he? How dare he speak to the young miss like this?

But Song Miaomiao just answered indifferently, “I don’t like the way he acts. Chief w.a.n.g told me that guy is his secretary, so I simply asked him to come over and take his dog away.”

Although Vice Mayor Bai’s face darkened at her words, he quickly reacted, walking over to Secretary Yang and sending a kick flying his way. “What are you still doing here? F*ck off!” he cursed angrily.

Secretary Yang wanted to get up, but his legs refused to obey. However, he didn"t dare stay any longer, so he crawled out of the room.

Vice Mayor Bai felt slightly relieved after seeing Secretary Yang leave. He continued to bow and grovel before Song Miaomiao. ”Young Miss, you see…”

Song Miaomiao was annoyed and Shi Lei couldn’t take it any longer. Who knew how long this farce was going to last if this went on? He sighed and said, “Song Miaomiao, Vice Mayor Bai didn’t even do anything. He was just staying comfortably at home. It was Secretary Yang who a.s.sumed someone else"s authority to be his own. So cut this guy some slack, will you?”

Vice Mayor Bai turned to Shi Lei again, but Song Miaomiao seemed to accept his words. She immediately said, “Fine. Sit.” Vice Mayor Bai felt like he had been pardoned and looked for a place to sit. He didn’t dare sit all the way in and so only used half the chair.

“Young Miss, I really had no idea of what was going on. Yang…He normally seems well-behaved and I didn’t know that he would use my name to oppress others. I have always borne in mind what my grandfather taught me: Never allow others to use your name for trouble. Today, I—”

Song Miaomiao shook her head at his manners. “You don’t have to apologize to me,” she said indifferently. “If you want to apologize, then apologize to Shi Lei. That secretary of yours wanted to bully him. Though I have to say, Run Zhou sure is formidable. First some stupid factory owner broke his father’s leg, then he showed no sign of repentance and stopped the police from filing the case. If Shi Lei didn’t look for help, he’d probably thrown in jail by those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds at the police station. We finally settled the case when this Secretary Yang just came out of nowhere. Bai Yuan, you are only a vice mayor and yet your secretary already acts like he’s the governor. Haha, what a powerful official! Why do I feel like your secretary is more powerful than you?”

Bai Yuan didn’t dare answer as he pleaded to Secretary Xu with his eyes. Secretary Xu shook his head vaguely, implying that he also didn’t know the details. Bai Yuan then shifted his gaze to w.a.n.g Hua’an.

w.a.n.g Hua’an smiled bitterly as he thought: Why am I getting involved when I did nothing?

“Miss Song, there are always rotten apples in every organization. People like Secretary Yang and those insignificant cops are examples of that. You can’t just a.s.sume that everyone else is the same.” w.a.n.g Hua’an spoke as he looked at Shi Lei. He knew Shi Lei was the only person who could stop Song Miaomiao from going any further.

Shi Lei sighed and thought that the day had been chaotic enough. “This is enough,” he said to Song Miaomiao. “If you want to show off your power as a fuerdai, you can go back to the hotel and do it. I will go back to the hospital later to take over for my mother. She’s been there the whole day and is probably exhausted.”

Song Miaomiao glared at Bai Yuan and looked at Secretary Xu before turning to Wei Qing and saying, “Xiao Qingzi, fill these two in on the details. And take them outside. They are such eyesores.”

Wei Qing pursed his lips. He had no choice but to leave the room with Secretary Xu and Bai Yuan. Song Miaomiao told Shi Lei, “Bai Yuan is the son of the security who used to work for my grandfather. If your parents encounter any trouble in Run Zhou, just go directly to him. He can forget about becoming mayor if he can’t even settle these things.”

Shi Lei scratched his head and said, “It’s not a big deal. It would’ve been fine even if you didn’t come. Either Hu Xiaohua or Wei Qing are capable of handling this in a pleasant manner. You came to make things more complicated and here you are, throwing a tantrum. ”

Song Miaomiao glared at him and said, “So it’s my fault for wanting to help you?”

“I’m not saying that you are wrong. You’re just too forceful. This matter could’ve been resolved even if you weren’t here, so why make things complicated?”

“Do I really complicate things?” Song Miaomiao looked at w.a.n.g Hua’an in bewilderment.

How would w.a.n.g Hua’an dare say it? He could only avoid eye contact. Shi Lei continued, “Tell me why you involved Secretary Xu and Vice Mayor Bai. That Yang Ruicai was already terrified when Wei Qing revealed his status. The same goes to what happened at the police station today. You just forced your way in and showed how undisciplined you are.”

Song Miaomiao burst out laughing. When she thought about it, what he said wasn’t wrong.

After explaining what had happened to Secretary Xu and Bai Yuan, Wei Qing added, “You know how Shui Ye was like before, right? Shi Lei may seem like an ordinary guy, but he made Shui Ye more manageable. He can scold her and she won’t even talk back, which I’m afraid even her father isn’t capable of doing. Shui Ye wore a dress today. Have you guys ever seen her in one before?”

Bai Yuan and Secretary Xu looked at each other in dismay. “I heard people in Xi Xi talk about how Miaomiao has been peaceful lately,” Bai Yuan said. “She stays at home every day to accompany her father and even told Chief Secretary Song that she would turn over a new leaf and not cause any trouble. Is this all thanks to that young man, Shi Lei?”

“I’m not sure about the details. When I first met Shui Ye and Shi Lei, they were at each other"s throats. But after one night, Shui Ye changed.”

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