The Black Card

Chapter 229 - Bet

Chapter 229 - Bet

Translator: Lav

Editor: Seliniaki Ilikia

Young Master Yu thought that Shi Lei would ignore him, but he instead placed the club on the floor and turned around to look at him. Although Shi Lei’s face was expressionless, his eyes were filled with disgust and annoyance.

“Dude, is there actually something wrong with you? If there is, go see a doctor. You dress like a professional player, but you just stand there and talk nonstop. Don’t tell me you were a caddie before?”

Young Master Yu glared at him and his voice was cold as he spoke. “What else do you know other than taking the advantage by talking? Brat, I suggest you be careful with your words. There are people whom you can’t afford to offend in the world!”

Shi Lei in disdain. I even dare to offend the most renowned Shui Ye in the Yangtze River Delta. I even have the guts to swear and threaten her. So who the h.e.l.l do you think you are?

“Why, you wanna fight?” Shi Lei really had the guts to carry out his words and there weren’t any opponents whom he would be afraid of fighting.

He had the Ancient Times’ Martial Arts card after all!

Of course, Young Master Yu wouldn’t agree to fight him. He snorted coldly and said, “Only a loser like you would use such a barbaric action. If you have the guts, let’s bet on who can tee off better!”

“If you have the guts, let’s bet on who is better at marbles! Is there something wrong with your brain?” Shi Lei was speechless toward this Young Master Yu and he really wanted to ask exactly how his family had the guts to let a crazy person like him go out like this. Even if there was no cure for him, he should go back to eat and drink while he could before it was too late.

“Basically, you don’t have the guts to! I’m not telling you to play a game with me. It’s just a tee off and whoever hits the ball further wins. I don’t want other people to say that I’m bullying you. You can double the distance you hit to complete with me. One million yuan at stake. Do you dare?”

Shi Lei felt that if he didn’t tell this dude to go away, he would stay and talk forever. However, wouldn’t he be crazy if he actually agreed? He didn’t have a million yuan, but even if he did, he couldn’t lose it to this guy.

Seeing Shi Lei’s change in facial expression, Young Master Yu sneered coldly. “You don’t have to guts to say yes even though I said you can double your distance? You are man, aren’t you? Can’t you hit at least one hundred meters? If you double it, you might exceed three hundred meters, and my usual is only around two hundred. So are you a man or not? If you are, then bet with me!”

“Are you really that short on money?” Shi Lei glared at him.

“I’m short on money?! Haha!” Young Master Yu laughed in disdain.

“If you aren’t short on money, then why don’t you bet with a coach here? Find a male coach and I’ll pay top price to hire him. If you lose, I won’t take your money. Give it to him. If he loses, I’ll give you a million.”

Young Master Yu had nothing to say to that. With his skills, there was no problem winning against Shi Lei, but there was no way he could win against a coach here. Every single one of them had professional experience and even if they were at the bottom among professional players, they definitely weren’t people whom amateurs like him could win against.

“Are you a man or not? If you are a man, find a coach and bet with me!” Shi Lei almost returned this sentence word for word back to Young Master Yu.

He was immediately enraged. “I’m betting with you, not the coaches! You are the one who’s not a man! Do it yourself, if you dare! If you tell others to do it for you, then why can’t I find someone to play for me too?”

Shi Lei was amused and shook his head. “Look at your angry face. We can bet, but not with money! If I really won your money, you would probably go home crying to your parents. One million…How many meals at McDonalds is that?”

“You…” Young Master Yu was furious, but he forcefully restrained himself. “Fine, no money. I don’t see how you can cough up a million either. Tell me, what are we betting on?”

Shi Lei smiled. “Well, whoever loses will stand right there.” He pointed at a corner. “The person who loses will stand there and let the winner hit ten tee offs. They can’t dodge or run away, and must stand there straight and take it. What do you think?”

Young Master Yu was so mad that he laughed. “Hahahaha, fine! I’ll take that bet with you!”

Shi Lei pretended to be surprised. “You are really doing it? Aren’t you scared of losing? It would be really embarra.s.sing for you if you lose. There are so many people here, watching. You need to stand in the corner next to the wall and take ten b.a.l.l.s without dodging. What if I break your head?”

“Hmph! You should worry about yourself first!”

Shi Lei patted his chest proudly. “You said this before,” he said. “My distance will be doubled!”

Young Master Yu laughed disdainfully. “You can’t win against me even if I let you double it!” He silently calculated the numbers inside his head. Shi Lei was just lucky to hit a ball about seventy or eighty meters away. It’s only about one hundred and fifty meters if he doubled that. As for him, he could achieve at least two hundred yards, even with a 7-iron, which had an average distance of about one hundred and eighty meters. If he used a 1-wood, he had the confidence to hit over two hundred and fifty yards away. Shi Lei hadn’t even learned how to use a 1-wood, so there was no need for him to worry whatsoever.

“Don’t go back on your words if you lose! At the end of the day, you are a young master or something, right?”

“Me? Lose?!” Young Master Yu took out a 1-wood from his set, swung it around, and pointed it toward Shi Lei.

Shi Lei didn’t care at all, since he had thought it through a long time ago. He would obviously be nothing if they were to really play a game of golf, since anyone here had the ability to crush him completely. However, this was about the distance, so Shi Lei wasn’t really afraid.

Distance depended on accuracy and power. Shi Lei knew that he definitely couldn’t do it himself, but he had the Ancient Times’ Martial Arts card.

He would do the action himself, but after the martial arts master possessed him, his power and accuracy would be multiplied by quite a few times. Even more than ten times. Although those martial arts masters had never played golf before, they were still masters. Their powers would be much greater than those of ordinary people. Their vision, control, and accuracy would surpa.s.s normal people. They were at the top of the human race. He had used it twice before and there was still two chances left this month. Shi Lei had been extremely unhappy when he picked this card twice in the row, but he didn’t think it was useless now. If he only had two chances, he wouldn’t be able to be possessed right now.

From previous experiences, Shi Lei was very clear that after he was possessed, every part of his body would be on the same level as the Terminator. His vision and hearing would obviously be strengthened. It definitely wouldn’t be a problem dealing with a mere tee off!

“Who’s first?” Young Master Yu asked arrogantly.

“You go first,” Shi Lei said. “Show me how far you can hit!”

“No matter how far I hit, this bet is already on,” Young Master Yu replied in alarm. “If you see that I can hit really far and you don’t have the guts to do it, then it still counts as your loss. And you must swing the club within ten minutes after my turn. Otherwise, it will also count as your defeat. Brat, I suggest that you rid yourself of any intentions of playing dirty, or else I will let you truly understand what it means by ‘better dead than alive!’”

Shi Lei felt that this guy had suddenly become smart. He was like an idiot before, but to think that he would consider so much…

But you overthought it! There is no way in h.e.l.l will I lose to you!

“You really think that everyone in the world is the same as you, huh? Don’t worry. Just because you like eating s.h.i.t, doesn’t mean others are the same as you.”

Young Master Yu was so close to smashing his club at Shi Lei, but he held it in. His eyes were exploding with anger and his words became even more vicious. “Brat, this is the last time I’m letting you verbally take advantage of me. I will show you how to defeat someone who’s not on the same level!”

“Oh my G.o.d, I’m so scared!” Shi Lei patted his chest and pretended to be scared.

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