The Black Card

Chapter 23 - You Can Drink Four Bottles

Chapter 23 - You Can Drink Four Bottles

Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs

Shi Lei pointed towards the tray on the table with two beers on it and asked: “Yiyi, is that yours?”

Sun Yiyi nodded as she held onto Shi Lei tightly and didn’t dare to loosen her grip.

Shi Lei picked up the two beers and the tray, smiled as he glanced over the two men in the room: “Sorry, excuse us!”

“Are you just gonna leave like that?” It was still the shorter man.

The taller man pulled him slightly and whispered something, he seemed to tell him that he should not cause unnecessary trouble. But that person swung his arms, tilted his head and he looked at Shi Lei, who was taller than him, clearly not wanting it to end like this.

Shi Lei calmly looked at him and said: “If not, what else do you want?”

“Since you came in, don’t say that I’m bullying you. I bought two dozens of beers from her and you can leave after she drinks two bottles.”

“What about this, I’ll buy four dozens of beers. If you drink four bottles in one go, the rest will count as a gift from us, yeah?” Shi Lei grew angrier as he saw that they indeed had some tricks up their sleeves.  

Plus, this dude was talking about money with him. He did not know that Shi Lei was so poor that he had nothing left except for money and he did not know how to spend it.

“Hey! You are challenging me!” The short man was furious.

The tall man also frowned and said: “Bro, this has absolutely nothing to do with you, why are you being so forceful?”

“Oh, so I’m the forceful one now? I can’t control the filthy things that go on in bars, but you should at least follow the rule of one’s willingness. If she agreed to your deal, I wouldn’t b.u.t.t in even if she was my own sister. But since she’s not willing to do it, and no one’s forcing you to buy her beers, you should remain friendly even if the business fails and I’m only taking her to get her own things. He’s the one who’s not letting us go, I don’t think it makes any sense and logic?”

“Brat, don’t talk incessant nonsense with me. If she doesn’t finish drinking these two beers, you are not walking out of this door!” The short man shouted.

The tall man also frowned as Shi Lei was indeed reasonable. Honestly, he did not want to make a big fuss over it, but he could not side with Shi Lei as his friend was unwilling to give up.

“How about this, we will both take a step back. We’ll buy two dozens of beers and don’t need this little girl to drink it, you can drink it instead. After this, we’ll put an end to it, how does this sound?”

Shi Lei could tell that the tall man was attempting to compromise. ‘But why? Do I even know you? Why do I have to drink with you? Plus you were the people who tried to flirt with my fiance? Why are you getting stirred up when I didn’t want to bicker with you?’

“I’m allergic to alcohol and would never touch a drop of alcohol!” Shi Lei’s voice had completely turned cold and rigid. He squeezed Sun Yiyi’s hand lightly and pushed her a step behind. He held one bottle of beer in his right and two in his left, gripped it tightly as he was preparing to fight.  

“What the f.u.c.k, you are not giving me any face!” The short man grew even more furious. It seemed that he was half drunk, he grabbed the opened bottle of alcohol and smashed it on the floor. The liquid gushed everywhere and gla.s.s shards shattered everywhere.

Shi Lei narrowed his eyes, quickly turned around and talked to Sun Yiyi in a rapid yet low voice: “If we really start to fight, run straight out and go to the room 17 downstairs. There’s a fatty about 100kg, tell them to come up and help!”

Sun Yiyi looked at Shi Lei worriedly, shook her head violently and her eyes were filled with tears.

Shi Lei nodded heavily towards her, gesturing that she must follow what he told her to do. Then, he stared at the two men straight in the eyes.

In this moment, a voice came through from the outside: “What the h.e.l.l, who the f.u.c.k is causing a disturbance in my place?”

Shi Lei thought that the voice sounded rather familiar. As he raised his eyes, he did not catch the person’s looks, but only a head of red fur.

Then, green fur, and another yellow fur appeared.

What the h.e.l.l, how come I into these three wherever I go? Why are the traffic lights here again?

Those two seemed to know them, especially the short man who immediately smiled and said: “We are not causing trouble here. This guy who doesn’t have any sense came into my room and made a scene. I wanted him to drink two bottles to apologise, but he’s not giving me any face!”

“Oh, it’s you guys.” Red light seemed to know them, they were probably frequent customers here.

“Let me see, who has the guts to make a scene at my place.” Red light took a step forward and saw Shi Lei clearly, who was shielding Sun Yiyi behind him.

In a split second, red light’s facial expression changed drastically.

“How is it you?” Red light called in surprise. The green and yellow light behind him originally wanted to come in and punish whoever that dared to cause trouble here. However as they saw Shi Lei’s face, they were also filled with astonishment.

Last time when they were in the alley, they were chased and beaten up by Shi Lei and they are still scarred from it as those memories would not go away from their head. They felt the lingering fear as they saw Shi Lei.

Shi Lei did not expect that these three would be scared of him, thinking that he can’t be a good guy now. But these three thugs are keepers of this bar? Didn’t they say that thugs who looked after the bars won’t be short on money? Why would they go as far as bully those poor students in front of schools?

“It’s me, so what?” Shi Lei smashed the beer bottle on the table without hesitation. Beer foam splashed in the air, broken gla.s.s shards flew across the room. Suddenly, all that was left in Shi Lei’s hands were half a bottle with sharp edges.

“Hey, you dare to fight?” The short man probably thought that the traffic lights would side with them, and he shouted.

But, an unimaginable thing to both him and Shi Lei happened. Red light’s att.i.tude immediately changed as he accompanied with a smiling face, cupped his hands in salute and said: “Big bro, why didn’t you tell me that you are going to my place earlier so I can welcome you? Don’t fight, don’t fight, we can talk this out.”

Everyone in the room was shocked and that included Shi Lei.

But Shi Lei quickly understood that these thugs were horrified by his att.i.tude to get the 300 yuan back, and in the end he chased them quite a few hundred metres with a brick in his hands.

It’s my time to pretend to be cool, don’t stop me!

Shi Lei snorted coldly and said: “I didn’t know that thugs like you have a place to look after. What, do you want to borrow money from me again today?”

“No, no! We were discussing to return the 800 yuan that we borrowed from you with interest!” Red light’s flattering att.i.tude was as if he was talking to his father.

The tall man and short man did not dare to talk. Honestly, these three thugs were nothing to be afraid of, and this place isn’t theirs either but their head’s, he just handed it over to them to look after. But their head was a big thug that these two could not afford to offend.

Although these three were nothing, but the person they were so respectful to, could it be someone big from the underworld? But who the h.e.l.l could see that? He looked refined and talked rather politely, don’t tell me that heads from the underworld all like to pretend to be cool now?

The tall man could not help but to shoot a glance at the short man in complaint. The short man was almost sober by now and the two looked at each other in dismay.

“Aiya, we really didn’t know this bro…... Oh dear, it’s us who have eyes but failed to recognize Mt. Taifailed to recognise his greatness, don’t lower yourself to our level. What about this, I’ll buy ten dozens of beers from your sister, and we’ll drink four bottles each in one go as an apology?”

They were only slightly better in their family backgrounds. They definitely did not have the guts to offend someone who’s part of the underworld.

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