The Black Card

Chapter 242 - Lying and Lied To

Chapter 242 - Lying and Lied To

Translator: Lav

Editor: Seliniaki Ilikia

Shi Lei shot up from the couch and pointed at Wei Xingyue, his movements exaggerated and furious.

“You really are crazy. How can you be so calm after saying such things? You make it sound like it"s health cla.s.s. And I suspect that it"s you who secretly kissed and touched me. I was the one who got drunk first. Although I drank a lot, I didn’t black out. I remember very clearly that I fell asleep sitting on the couch after going to the bathroom. It’s you! Crazy woman! Didn’t you say you wanted to sleep on the bed? You basically took over my house and made me give my bed to you, but then you just had to sleep on the couch with me despite there being a big bed right there.”

Wei Xingyue’s cheeks turned slightly red, but she still refused to give in. “In my memory, you went to the bathroom, came back, then sat opposite to me and began to do things to me. I pushed you away, but you said we had kissed before, so it won’t matter if we kiss again. Then you hugged me. That’s when I probably fell asleep and lost consciousness.”

After hearing this, Shi Lei could no longer keep his composure. He stepped back in terror and his eyes widened in shock. “Impossible! That’s definitely impossible! I clearly remember every single thing I did yesterday. I definitely wouldn’t touch you and say something so cringeworthy!”

Wei Xingyue fell silent and lifted her head to look at him quietly.

After those words exited his mouth, Shi Lei also began to feel guilty, since he wasn’t certain about what had actually happened.

In his memory, he really didn"t lose consciousness, but even if he did, it didn’t mean that he wouldn’t remember what happened. Shi Lei recalled that he was sitting on the couch, but fell asleep when he could no longer keep his eyes open. But if that was instead a blackout, then what Wei Xingyue claimed wasn’t exactly impossible. Although it was beyond Shi Lei’s imagination, under his drunken circ.u.mstances, he would subconsciously follow what his mind told him to do. He might have really done it because Wei Xingyue was an exceptionally beautiful woman.

“Don’t tell me that it’s real?” Shi Lei’s eyes shifted everywhere as he pondered what kind of excuse he should make. After all, he really didn’t think of her that way and the kisses they had before were just accidents. Of course, he couldn’t deny that the one time Wei Xingyue forcibly gave him a kiss felt good.

“Hmph!” Wei Xingyue laughed coldly.

Shi Lei lowered his head nervously and made up excuses in his brain. Perhaps it was his body’s unconscious instinct, or that he was a perfectly normal man and Wei Xingyue shouldn’t dress in such revealing clothes in a man’s house or else she was basically asking for it. However, he couldn’t use any of these excuses. If what Wei Xingyue said was real, Shi Lei wouldn’t be able to explain himself even if he had a hundred mouths.

Don’t tell me I really did such a shameless thing? But Wei Xingyue doesn’t seem really angry. That might just be because I am the man who took her first kiss. If I didn’t do anything, then I think it’s fine. But even if I did, I don’t remember anything. Did I even touch her? I don’t remember the feeling, yet I am still accused of doing so. It’s such a big loss for me.

“Tell me then. What did you decide to do?” Wei Xingyue laughed coldly at him, but she was close to losing it. Holding back her laughter was really uncomfortable. If Shi Lei looked at her now, he would probably be able to realize that something was amiss from her shaking shoulders.

But Shi Lei didn’t dare raise his head. He looked down nervously as if he wanted to shove his head into his crotch.

What the f*ck, Shi Lei? How can you be like this? How can you face Yiyi like this? What if that crazy woman asks you to take responsibility and be her boyfriend? What are you going to do? You haven’t even solved your problems with Song Miaomiao and now there’s Wei Xingyue. Shi Lei, you were asking for it. You are going to die at the hands of a woman sooner or later! Shi Lei silently cursed in regret, blaming himself for what had happened.

But then Shi Lei suddenly caught sight of Wei Xingyue’s feet. They were delicate and the blue nail polish was dazzling.

Wei Xingyue’s feet were shaking slightly, which resembled of the shaking of the body when a person was trying to hold back their laughter.

Shi Lei raised his head abruptly and saw Wei Xingyue’s distorted face trying not to laugh.

Wei Xingyue knew that she could no longer lie when Shi Lei looked up. She immediately laughed out loud and fell onto the couch giggling like a happy, innocent child.

“You lied to me?!” Shi Lei glowered at her, but he soon stopped. He even turned away and walked to the window, looking outside without a word with his fists clenched tightly by his sides as if he was nervous.

Wei Xingyue didn’t understand why Shi Lei was acting like that and her laughter gradually ceased. She looked down and suddenly realized.

I’m giving you such a good view and you don’t even look at it, she silently scolded, feeling slightly shamed

The reason was simple. Wei Xingyue’s laughter had loosened the belt on the bathrobe. The front was completely open, revealing her bra and underwear.

But it really wasn’t anything strange. No one would care if a woman at the pool or hot springs had a bikini on. However, whenever women were exposed in their underwear, they always felt like they were being taken advantage of while the men felt like they had been given a great benefit. Not to mention that Wei Xingyue’s lingerie was rather conservative and only exposed the silhouette.

She tied it back up and said, “Enough. Stop looking at the scenery outside. The smog is heavy and you can’t see anything.”

Shi Lei turned around with the speed of a snail. “I definitely will not let you take even half a step into my house ever again,” he said seriously.

“I’m giving you benefits and yet you act all arrogant? I didn’t even say anything yet!”

“Do you think I’m willing to accept your benefits? You think of it as something good, but I think that it’s poison!”

Wei Xingyue froze at Shi Lei’s words. She looked at him and a sudden, inexpressible feeling rose inside of her. Women were strange. If a man showed that he was interested in her, then she would definitely call that man a pervert. But if the man didn’t show any feelings and even acted as if he was completely uninterested in her, it would make her interested in him.

But Wei Xingyue had a strong mind. She definitely wouldn’t allow herself to drown in this kind of unfathomable feeling and easily regained her confidence.

“The weather doesn’t look that good today. Are you sure you want to go play golf?” she quickly composed herself and asked.

Shi Lei looked at the weather outside and agreed that it wasn’t good enough for golf. He wouldn’t even able to see the ball from twenty meters away. He wasn’t particularly interested in golf either, but he felt like he needed to use the expensive set of equipment he’d bought to prevent the Scepter from being nitpicky about it.

“I’m a beginner anyway. I’ll probably just practice teeing off in the practice ground. It doesn’t really matter if I can’t see it, right? I remember seeing people playing golf in the rain on TV before.” Shi Lei thought that it would be safer to at least use the expensive equipment a few more times.

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