The Black Card

Chapter 250 - Not a Pretty Sight

Chapter 250 - Not a Pretty Sight

Translator: Lav

Editor: Seliniaki Ilikia

Flashback to one day ago.

Liu Dingwei was half-asleep until the sun was shining brightly in the sky, but he never received Yu Deping’s return call.

As of right now, it was already half past ten in the morning. He could only attempt to call Yu Deping once more.

But Yu Deping still didn’t pick up and Liu Dingwei felt gloomy, yet he didn’t dare leave. He tried calling the person who introduced him to Yu Deping, but he didn’t pick up either.

After a few moments of consideration, Liu Dingwei returned to the hotel and asked the staff to try calling Yu Deping’s room again.

Because it was close to noon, the employee at the reception desk agreed. It rang seven to eight times before someone finally picked up.

“Who is it?” Yu Deping sounded angry. “Why are you calling me at this unholy hour? Don’t you know I need to sleep?”

The employee was shocked and also felt wronged. Who knew you were still sleeping this late? But she could only explain quickly, “h.e.l.lo, Mr. Yu. There’s a friend of yours who says he received your call and whom you told to come look for you here. But it was late at night and the staff on shift didn’t dare call you. Your friend is still here waiting for you. He says he’s called Liu Dingwei. What would you like to do?”

Yu Deping finally remembered, but he was far from having had a decent amount of sleep. “Get a room for him and add it to my bill. Tell him to rest there, and that I’ll contact him when I wake up.” With that said, Yu Deping threw the phone aside.

The employee hung up and explained the situation the situation to Liu Dingwei. Then she asked, “Sir, do you need a room?”

Liu Dingwei was helpless, but at least he knew that Yu Deping wasn’t playing around with him. “Are there any free rooms at the moment?” he could only ask.

“A customer has already checked out, but you might have to wait a while. I’ll ask them to clean the room right now.”

Liu Dingwei nodded. “I’ll sit over there,” he said. “Clean it as quickly as possible and tell me when it’s done.”

“Understood, sir. Please wait a moment.” The employee at the reception desk proceeded to organize the maids and janitors while Liu Dingwei went to the bar in the hall, chugged down a cup of black coffee, and listlessly waited for the room to be cleaned.

After half an hour, the room had finally been cleaned and Liu Dingwei was given the card. He was rather hesitant after he entered, afraid that he would miss the call from Yu Deping if he took a nap, since he didn’t know when Yu Deping was going to wake up. If Yu Deping called and he didn’t hear it, then wouldn’t he be offending him?

However, Liu Dingwei didn’t sleep well last night and he couldn’t resist the temptation of a soft bed. He warned himself that he was only going to nap for a bit, but he fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow.

Liu Dingwei didn’t know how long he slept for, but he was woken up by a rushed-sounding ringtone. He picked up the phone with a muddled mind but immediately woke up after seeing the caller ID.

The call hung up just when he was about to pick up. Liu Dingwei quickly called back. “Why didn’t you pick up?” Yu Deping scolded, clearly not in a good mood.

Liu Dingwei quickly explained, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Young Master Yu. I came over after receiving your call last night and I took a nap because I didn’t sleep. Where are you? I’ll go there right now.”

“Mansion Meilin.” With that said, the call ended.

Liu Dingwei quickly got out of bed and anxiously ran to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth as quickly as possible and ran out of the room after fixing his hair and clothes.

He grabbed an employee and sprinted for the mansion after learning its location.

Liu Dingwei knocked on the door for a long time before someone answered. As soon as he walked in, he was met with a not-so-pretty sight.

Yu Deping was wearing a bathrobe, but he wasn’t wearing anything underneath. He didn’t even attempt to hide it as he revealed something down there that he really shouldn’t reveal.

Liu Dingwei didn’t dare say anything, but Yu Deping studied him closely and asked, “You are the guy called…?” He had forgotten Liu Dingwei’s name again.

“My name is Liu Dingwei. You called me last night and told me to come over.”

Yu Deping nodded and gestured for Liu Dingwei to enter. He then walked to the couch and crossed his legs after sitting down. The private part that had been covered by the robe was nastily revealed again.

Liu Dingwei felt so awkward that he wanted to die. He could only shift his gaze to the other side, but when he turned around, he was met with an extremely s.e.xy scene.

There were two completely naked women lying on the bed in the mansion. They just happened to be facing Liu Dingwei and didn’t cover their bodies with anything, which allowed him to see everything in an instant. He lost his cool as he felt a flame of desire burning in his heart.

Yu Deping knew what Liu Dingwei saw, since he seemed excited. He lit a cigar, took a deep draft, and exhaled all the smoke at Liu Dingwei.

Liu Dingwei didn’t smoke and starting coughing because of it. He soon realized his uncomposed state and quickly turned around again, but didn’t dare look directly at Yu Deping since he didn’t want to see that ungraceful thing.

“Stop looking. I need you to do something of rme. If you can do it well, you can play with as many as you want and for as long as you have the energy to do so, not to mention the ones here!”

Liu Dingwei was blank for a second when he heard Yu Deping’s words, but he quickly replied with a flattering smile. “Young Master Yu, please order me as you wish. I’ll definitely do it if it’s within my capabilities. There no need…no need to…” He wanted to reject, but felt too bad to do so as his glaze involuntarily shifted back inside the room again.

Yu Deping puffed the cigar again and smoke escaped from his nose. “I heard that your father is a dean at Wudong University?”

“My father is the dean of students there,” Liu Dingwei replied.

“Oh, so it shouldn’t be a problem if I ask you to help me investigate a student who goes there.”

Liu Dingwei immediately patted his chest and replied, “That’s definitely fine. As long as they are students of Wudong University, my dad will have their profile.”

Yu Deping nodded, but then said, “It’s useless to only have the profiles. I could’ve just found him through the police station. I need to know about this student’s past four years at the university.”

“This is also fine. I can’t promise other things, but as long as he hasn’t graduated, I can definitely find someone to collect the information for me.”

“I’ll give you three days. Will that be enough?”

Liu Dingwei didn’t dare refuse, even if the time limit was a bit tight to research a student thoroughly. If there was an appropriate person to collect the information, then it would be easy. If there wasn’t, then it would be troublesome.

Liu Dingwei could only force himself to accept. “No problem. You can count on me.” This was his only chance to get closer to Yu Deping and he had to use it to his benefit.

Yu Deping nodded. “Alright. Take whichever girl you like. But don’t just play around. Remember to look for that person first. Oh, right. That person is called Shi Lei. If my predictions are right, then he should be a senior. The rest depends on you.” As to why he knew Shi Lei was a senior, Yu Deping learned that from Shi Lei using the same phone number for more than three years.

Liu Dingwei felt slightly worried, since the name Shi Lei was quite ordinary and he didn’t know if there was going to be any people with the same names.

“I’ll get some people to investigate him now.” With that said, Liu Dingwei stood up and prepared to leave.

“I told you to take one home. Don’t f*cking play pretend with me. Why? You don’t like that I f*cked her already?” Yu Deping swore in dissatisfaction.

Liu Dingwei was slightly intimidated, but even more excited. The two women inside the room were people he normally couldn’t lay his hands on, whether it was in appearance or body aspect.

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