The Black Card

Chapter 38 - Slavery Agreement

Chapter 38 - Slavery Agreement


Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs


Looking at the time, it was almost afternoon. Shi Lei put his clothes on and without brushing his teeth, he rushed towards the school gate.

When he saw Sun Yiyi, she was holding a thermal container.

Sun Yiyi smiled happily as soon as she saw Shi Lei. She raised the thermal container in her hands and said: “s.h.i.tou ge, I made you some soup. My mum taught me this and she said you really loved the soup she made before!”

Shi Lei took the thermal container and as he was about to open it to smell it, he discovered that Sun Yiyi had dark circles under her eyes.

“Did you not sleep well? What’s up with the dark circles?” Shi Lei asked casually as he opened the lid of the container.

“I slept a bit late last night, and I had to send Mum to the hospital for checkups, so I probably look a bit ugly.”

Shi Lei laughed and said: “Not at all, but you look a bit like pandas&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” Shi Lei felt it sounded off and he hurried up and asked: “Did you sleep late last night because you stayed up to make the soup for me?”

Sun Yiyi’s face turned red. She lowered her head and said shyly: “Yes.”

Shi Lei was rather touched but he also grumbled: “This girl&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; You know you need to take aunt to the hospital for check-ups, then you shouldn’t have made the soup. Soup can be drunk at any time, but it’ll be bad if you catch a cold or something.”

Sun Yiyi still lowered her head in shyness and said in a light voice: “Well, but it’s not all because of this. Even if I didn’t make the soup, I probably won’t be able to fall asleep either.”

Shi Lei nodded: “Worried about aunt’s surgery?”

“The doctor said Mum was still considered young. Doing the surgery at this age is not very dangerous, and after surgery recoveries are also quite easy. Last night&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; last night&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” Sun Yiyi wanted to say something but hesitated.

Shi Lei frowned and asked: “What’s wrong? Is there anything you can’t say to me?”

Sun Yiyi bit her lips and her face was as red as an apple in autumn. The redness seemed to be seeping through her skin. 

After quite a while, Sun Yiyi appeared as if she finally made up her mind. She took out a piece of folded paper from her pocket and shoved it in Shi Lei’s hands wordlessly.

Shi Lei was confused. He held the container in one hand, and shook open the paper. As soon as he saw the three big characters on the top of paper, Shi Lei jumped and almost dropped the container to the ground. 

“What’s this situation?” Shi Lei felt like his voice was shaking.

Sun Yiyi twisted her body in embarra.s.sment as she pointed her feet and swung it in circles. Her voice was barely audible: “Um&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; Um&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; It’s exactly what it means, s.h.i.tou ge, please read it first then&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;”

Helplessly, Shi Lei could only read onwards.

Her writing was rather neat and pretty. Shi Lei could tell that Sun Yiyi wrote this earnestly as there were no erasure. Obviously, Sun Yiyi wrote it first then copied it.

The three big characters stung Shi Lei’s eyes painfully as he really couldn’t understand what Sun Yiyi meant.

On the piece of paper, it wrote ---- slavery agreement!

On the bottom was written, “I, Sun Yiyi, is willing to sell my body to Shi Lei for a year due to my mother’s severe illness. Within a year, I will satisfy any wishes of Shi Lei. Within a year, I will be Shi Lei’s maid and Shi Lei will be my master.” After that, it clearly wrote the date when it would be in effect. Lastly, it was Sun Yiyi’s signature and a bright red finger print.

Shi Lei’s face was stern and asked: “Yiyi, what’s the meaning of this?”

Sun Yiyi’s voice was as small as a fly and stammered: “Originally, I was going to agree to be Wu Haoyuan’s girlfriend because he said he could pay for my mum’s surgery fees. But s.h.i.tou ge, you helped us with this money and I thought about it. Even if mum can recover, but I won’t dare to let her be this tired. If I want to attend university next year, I definitely need to apply for a student loan. Even if I find a decent job after graduation, I would need a long time to pay back the student loan. Your 60,000 yuan, I don’t know when I’ll have enough to pay back. So&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; So&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;”

Sun Yiyi was embarra.s.sed and couldn’t say it, but Shi Lei knew what she meant. He shoved the paper back into Sun Yiyi’s hands and said coldly: “Yiyi, we grew up together as good friends and neighbours. I didn"t help you because I wanted this. I just didn’t want to see you sell yourself for the sake of aunt. But look at you now, what’s different to what you were doing before? This is nonsense!” With that, Shi Lei also pa.s.sed back the thermal container in apparent anger.

Sun Yiyi was shocked. She didn’t imagine that Shi Lei would be angry at her. Receiving the container from Shi Lei, she felt wronged and tears filled her eyes again. Although she didn’t make a sound, but her tears poured down like a broken string. Seeing her like this, Shi Lei regretted that he was too heavy with his words. Shi Lei was angry mainly because Sun Yiyi thought of agreeing to be Wu Haoyuan’s girlfriend in exchange of her mother’s medical fees, but how is that different to having a sugar daddy? But he also knew that Sun Yiyi wasn’t that type of girl and she simply didn’t have any way to solve it, plus she still held some fantasies to the human nature.

After seeing that ‘Slavery Agreement’, blood rushed into Shi Lei’s head and he spoke without choosing words appropriately. But now that he thought about it, she only did that because she wanted to appreciate him for what he had done.

His heart softened. Shi Lei couldn’t help but to wipe the tears off of Sun Yiyi and said: “Yiyi, don’t cry, I didn’t mean it.”

“s.h.i.tou ge, are you looking down on me? I know this isn’t right but I don’t know what else I can do to repay you. My most precious thing is myself, and I trust you that you won’t bully me like Wu Haoyuan did&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;. s.h.i.tou ge, please don’t bully me&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;”

Shi Lei said hurriedly: “I’m sorry, sorry, Yiyi, I"m not looking down on you. How can I look down on you? I really didn’t help you for this, I&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;”

Seeing that Shi Lei was panicking, Sun Yiyi suddenly burst into a laughter. Her tears still stained her face, as if it was a drizzle on a sunny day, except he didn’t whether a rainbow will appear on her face.

“Then try the soup to see if it tastes nice&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” Sun Yiyi pa.s.sed the container over.

Shi Lei quickly took it and opened the lid. Fragrance floated in his nose and Shi Lei complimented: “Just by the smell alone, I know that the soup would be good.”

He poured the soup into the lid, raised it up and drank. Sun Yiyi panicked and shouted: “Hot&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;.” But it was too late. Shi Lei almost jumped from how hot the soup was.

Sun Yiyi took the lid in distress. She pouted and blew it to help it cool down for Shi Lei. Those pet.i.te red lips, plus the agreement Shi Lei jut saw, some thoughts unavoidably popped up in his mind. Maybe it was because he just drank the hot soup, or for other reasons, Shi Lei licked his lips subconsciously.

Eh, that’s a bit perverted&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;.

Luckily Sun Yiyi didn’t notice this. She tried the temperature of the soup then pa.s.sed it to Shi Lei: “It shouldn’t be too hot now. s.h.i.tou ge, try it.”

Shi Lei drank a big mouthful and blurted out: “It tastes amazing! Yiyi, you are great!”

“If you like it, I’ll make it for you everyday&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;.” As Sun Yiyi said that, the redness on her face extended onto her neck. 

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