The Black Card

Chapter 41 - Dashu and Loli

Chapter 41 - Dashu and Loli

Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs

In the blink of an eye, it was already and Shi Lei received a phone call from Zhang Meimei. At 2pm in the afternoon, he arrived at Zhang Liangliang’s place just as promised and knocked lightly on the door.

Quickly, the door was opened. Shi Lei looked and saw a fresh and pure girl inside, he blanked out for a second and blurted out: “Aiya, sorry, I knocked on the wrong door……”

The girl inside twitched her lips and said: “Dashu, I only changed my style up a little, did you really have to have such a strong reaction?”

At this time, Shi Lei realised that he didn"t knock on the wrong door, but……

Although it could be seen from Zhang Liangliang’s WeChat Moments that she’s actually quite good looking, and even without the Moments, but he could see that from Zhang Meimei’s looks. But she had such heavy makeup on, and now she revealed her true beauty, She Lei was caught off guard.

Her facial features haven’t matured just yet as she was only 15 or 16 years old, but it was obvious that she will be a beauty after she grows up. Shi Lei had to admit that for an instant, he was dazzled.

A feeling that his attention had just been caught.

“How nice is it like this, a pretty girl, why did you have to make yourself look like a homeless person?”

Shi Lei trash talked in attempt to hide his embarra.s.sment as he walked inside.

Zhang Liangliang twitched her lips once again and rolled her eyes: “Dashu, you are too out of date. You aren’t that much older than me. That’s called smoky eye makeup, it’s really trendy!”

Shi Lei said in disdain: “Is that how you do smokey eye makeup? The others are called exaggeration; you are purely scary. Although, I think your makeup would be perfect for Halloween. Doesn’t matter who looks at it, they’ll think you look like a ghost.”

Zhang Liangliang laughed and held onto Shi Lei’s arms. Her bosom which was yet to fully mature naturally touched Shi Lei on the arms.

As if being electrocuted, Shi Lei backed off with all his might but Zhang Liangliang followed his steps like a caterpillar.

“Hey, let go of me.” Shi Lei really felt awkward.

Zhang Liangliang was still smiling: “Dashu, you don’t to be so conservative? Don’t pretend as if you never touched a woman before.”

“Are you a woman?” Shi Lei yelled.

Zhang Liangliang stuck out her chest and she was rather confident: “Am I not?”

Shi Lei was defeated. Although her chest wasn’t big, but he could still feel it on his arms and made him feel reckless. He couldn’t help it. Although she was only a child, but Shi Lei was a man with perfectly normal physiology. He was also a virgin for more than twenty years, how could he stand this?”

He tried to loosen Zhang Liangliang’s hands and put up a fake stern face: “You are just a small girl, alright?”

“Hey! I’m already 16!”

“Nominal age, right? Where’s your ID? Show me!”

Finally, Zhang Liangliang was worn out. In fact, there was still a few months left till her 16th birthday, so naturally, she wouldn’t have an ID.

Seeing that Zhang Liangliang was rather down, Shi Lei couldn’t be harsh anymore and ruffled her hair, which was straight and had no more random colours, and said: “Let’s go inside and start tutoring. You fluked it last week, but I can’t just take your money for nothing.”

Pushing Zhang Liangliang into her room, to his surprise, Zhang Liangliang’s room also changed drastically. It was no longer in a messy punk style; the weird posters were all taken down from the wall. Her bed was also made up nicely and her desk was also very tidy. Shi Lei looked at Zhang Liangliang again and was rather surprised.

“Now this looks like a girl’s room. The style before really didn’t fit your age.”

“Age, all you know is age. You aren’t that much older than me you know. When I call you dashu, do you really think you are one?” Zhang Liangliang sat on the bed in resentment. Her eyes shifted elsewhere and she just wouldn’t look at Shi Lei.

“Then don’t call me dashu. I’m still young and good looking. You might scar me psychologically if you keep on calling me dashu!” Shi Lei teased her.

Zhang Liangliang looked at Shi Lei and shook her head: “Shameless. Don’t say you are young when you look like this. You can you are young if you looks good, but if you are ugly…...”

“How am I ugly?!”

Zhang Liangliang stood up and looked down at Shi Lei earnestly, and said seriously: “You aren’t not that ugly, but you are a bit off from youthful.”

Shi Lei’s chest felt heavy. When he looked at himself in the mirror every day, he thought he was rather good looking, but he never imagined to be attacked by a little brat today.

“Hey, dashu, don’t tell me you are angry?” Zhang Liangliang pushed Shi Lei. Seeing that he didn’t talk, she laughed secretly and sat down on his thighs, which made him jump.

Shi Lei pushed Zhang Liangliang away. But it was a bit too powerful as Zhang Liangliang almost fell onto the floor. Shi Lei rushed over to help her up but Zhang Liangliang grabbed onto him by the neck. Although she was quite young, but her height already surpa.s.sed 160cm and at least weighed 40kg. Shi Lei was not on his guard and was dragged down by Zhang Liangliang.

Luckily, behind Zhang Liangliang was the bed. But the not so good thing was that because Zhang Liangliang grabbed onto him way too tightly, Shi Lei ended up on top of her as they fell.

They were facing each other. Both of them could feel each other’s warm and thick breath. His body pressed onto hers and their faces were almost touching too.

If someone was to open the door, they would think that Shi Lei was s.e.xually hara.s.sing a loli. But Shi Lei was also in shock as he never experienced this before.

Zhang Liangliang was far bolder than Shi Lei. She realised the situation earlier than Shi Lei. Not only did she not panic, but even felt a little excited.

Shi Lei’s tried to push himself off the bed. He wanted to get up but Zhang Liangliang held onto him even tighter.

And, Zhang Liangliang slightly pouted her lips and closed her eyes. Her eyelashes shook slightly as it displayed her anxiousness. 

Shi Lei felt that one part of his body was becoming reckless. He panicked. Although he had her in his arms, but the sense of guilt surpa.s.sed everything else. Under the shock and panic, he used even more strength to support his own body weight as he wanted to free himself from this situation.

But Zhang Liangliang’s hands were surprisingly powerful. Shi Lei couldn’t even straighten his body as Zhang Liangliang pulled him down once again when he tried to raise his upper body up. Shi Lei was fl.u.s.tered as his hands slipped. He couldn’t care about anything more but to support it once again……

Wait, no, why is it so soft?

Shi Lei looked down!

Holy s.h.i.t! His hands were on……

Shi Lei’s mind exploded. He had never touched a woman for more than twenty years and how could he stand this? He did not know what to do but his tower was uncontrollable and reached its maximum height.

It was initially an accident. Zhang Liangliang thought it was a perfect chance to become a step closer to Shi Lei. But suddenly being touched on the chest, she was also shocked as she was only a 15 year old child. The script wasn’t like this. She thought it would just be kissing, but how did it come this far?

There was also a hard thing on her stomach. Zhang Liangliang reached down with her left hand.

Holy f.u.c.k, what are you doing?! ——Shi Lei’s mind was as if struck by lightning, then he was at a loss. Oh, Zhang Liangliang only wanted to move that thing away…… 

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