The Black Card

Chapter 47 - Lucky Draw

Chapter 47 - Lucky Draw

Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs

At the same time, Shi Lei was rather glad he spent every single cent on him. Otherwise, refunding the laptop was 70,000 yuan, and if he left more than 10,000 yuan, he could not imagine what kind of penalty he would be receiving right now.

Luckily he had a few friends who were devoid of any sense of shamefulness and ate more than 8,000 yuan worth of food in one meal. Otherwise, he might’ve really been left with more than 10,000 yuan and he would have treated it as his private a.s.set.

After he stabilised his emotions, he asked again.

“Then what’s up with the 60,000 yuan? Normally, Sun Yiyi is my friend, but the money was for her mother. And it was not the same type of consumption as treating a friend to meal. I could not partic.i.p.ate during its process, so it shouldn’t have been calculated into the quota, right?”

As he asked this question, Shi Lei still wished that he could fluke it. If the Scepter acknowledged this type of consumption, then it would make things so much easier. He could not only spend for himself, but also to his friends as well as his friend’s relatives. If it was like that, it would be much easier to spend.

“You are still quite conscious about it. So, you should really thank your friend, oh no, she’s not a friend now since you are her sugar daddy. She saved your life!”

Shi Lei was shocked. How the h.e.l.l did she save his life?

As to the so-called sugar daddy, Shi Lei decided to filter it out.

“What’s up with her saving my life?”

“You wasted 60,000 yuan of the total sum of 80,000 yuan, how would you think your penalty will be? 70% of your body, even if you find a surgeon who can remove all the organs other than the ones you need to survive, it’s impossible for you to live. You should really thank the girl whom now you are sugar daddy to?”

“Slow down, slow down. Let’s not talk about the sugar daddy thing first. Tell me first, how did she save me?”

“You should take a good look at the agreement in your pocket. You idiot, when she gave that to you, you didn"t want it. If it wasn’t for her shoving it to you forcefully, and I see that consumption as a five-star deal, do you really think you can live like this?”

Shi Lei jumped and took out the agreement Sun Yiyi gave to him and asked: “You mean, you, oh no, the black card treated the 60,000 yuan I gave to Sun Yiyi as a type of consumption and Sun Yiyi is an item I bought back?”

“Correct. It looks like you aren’t so helplessly stupid. After estimating, Sun Yiyi should still be a virgin, and her looks and body are evaluated as A grade. An A grade virgin’s price should be around 500,000 yuan, but you reached the deal with merely 60,000 yuan, this is totally worth it! As so, your consumption had been evaluated as a five-star one.”

Shi Lei did not feel happy at all. This b.l.o.o.d.y black card had completely thrown him into a pit. It looked like he had an amount of money to spend every week, it was such a delicious piece of candy. But in reality? The inside of the candy was filled with poison. So, Shi Lei saw the black card’s rewards as sugar-coated bullets.

“You are the first lucky guy who had received a five-star reward. What a lucky idiot!” The Scepter suddenly spun faster and faster. It formed a golden circle on the screen. As its spinning speed became quicker and quicker, the golden circled gradually expanded into a disk and filled more than half of the screen. The disk was separated into many fan-shaped areas. Shi Lei calculated it roughly and confirmed that there were 36 areas. Each area was 10°.

The disk also had a pointer in the middle. Even though the Scepter didn’t explain, Shi Lei knew that it was for him to make a draw.

“You get two chances for a five-star consumption. But because you finished half of the consumption, you can have one chance as a level one employee.” The Scepter seemed to return to its usual state. Although its voice was still as.e.xual, but its voice no longer had emotions.

Shi Lei was not in a hurry to make the draw. He was not even bothered to look at the rewards on the 36 grids on the screen. He asked in alertness: “How did I come complete only half?”

“As an investor, have you seen anyone who buys a girl but doesn’t do anything to her? The other half will be treated as complete once you make Sun Yiyi no longer a virgin.”

Shi Lei was shocked. Why was the black card so dirty? Don’t tell me the black card’s nature is a train(1)? He asked immediately: “What if I don’t do it?”

“You have a year. After that, wait for the punishment!”

Shi Lei’s world views were challenged against the rigid voice of the Scepter. How could they do that? Isn’t this making him force Sun Yiyi to prost.i.tute herself?

But there was no use to try to argue against it. Shi Lei gave up as he thought he had feelings towards Sun Yiyi, and Sun Yiyi should also have feelings towards him. They grew up together since childhood and if it wasn’t for Sun Yiyi’s mother being scammed by that man and moving to Wu Dong, they might even be in a romantic relationship by now. Although the black card’s demand was rather dirty, but it won’t violate Shi Lei’s principle too much. He decided to put it aside first as he still have a year. At this time, he finally looked closely at what kind of rewards the disk has. There were 36 rewards and as Shi Lei scanned through them, there were only about 5 rewards in which he could understand its meaning instantly.

But there was one that made him pleasantly surprised.

“Avoid punishment. Does it mean that if I get this, I won’t be punished when I don’t finish consuming the money?”

The Scepter replied coldly: “Yes, but it’s one-time reward and it can only avoid the punishment once. Plus, talk after you get it. 1/36 chance, hmm……”

Shi Lei laughed as he thought this kind of reward was equivalent to saving his life once.

“1/36 chance is much higher than the percentage to win the lotto. I’ll get some five-star consumptions and one day, I’ll successfully draw this one.”

“Idiot! Do you think five-star consumptions can be accomplished that easily?”

“Suck it up!” Shi Lei didn’t give the Scepter any face.

Shi Lei stretched his hands out and pressed the ‘draw’ b.u.t.ton on the screen. The pointer on the disk began to spin crazily.

“Press the b.u.t.ton whenever you think it had spun enough and it will stop.”

Shi Lei nodded. He thought to himself that once he saw through the Scepter, it was rather easy for him to communicate with it. The screen was a ball of shadow anyways and there was no way for him to see where the pointer was. It was based on nothing but luck. Shi Lei pressed the b.u.t.ton down once again without hesitation.

The pointer stopped instantly and the shadow closed off like a fan.

The Scepter let out an odd shout: “Such good luck!”

Shi Lei looked down and saw that the pointer stopped in a grid that said nothing but an Arabic number ‘2’.

“What the h.e.l.l is this? What does 2 mean? Does that mean I’m 2(2)?” Shi Lei muttered to himself.

“Congratulations, beginner’s luck. Even this was drawn.”

“It sounds like a good reward. But, it’s just a number, what does it represent?” Unable to understand the situation, Shi Lei asked.  

The Scepter didn’t seem to be in a good mood as he said unhappily: “This means that you drew the reward of doubling your draws.”


(1)  Train: The onomatopoeia for train’s sound is ‘wū’, which is of the same p.r.o.nunciation of the character ‘dirty’ in Chinese

(2)  2: means stupid in China

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