The Black Card

Chapter 52 - A Few Dozens of Seniors

Chapter 52 - A Few Dozens of Seniors


Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs

Shi Lei did not ask the Scepter what level he needed to be qualified to know the answer. Since the Scepter did not say it clearly, then even if he asked, the Scepter would just say ‘no comment’.

Such a shameless parlance!

Shi Lei deliberated for a while, changed his tone of voice and asked with a smile: “Ok then, I will work hard to level up. Since it’s like this, then I have nothing else to ask. At least, I’m the most outstanding one compare to those seniors before me, right?”

“That’s true, I’m looking forward to your performance!” The Scepter’s tone of voice also became light. Although it still had the as.e.xual voice and sounded ear-piercing.

“Then let’s chat, I don’t think you have many chances to chat to people.”

“Idiot! I only complimented you a few words and you are on top of yourself! You are so much ruder now, I have nothing to chat to you with!”

“With a presence like a G.o.d, you can grant humans with unlimited money, and you are making me sad.” Shi Lei’s tone became even lighter and flattered the Scepter subtly. He discovered that the Scepter liked it and it was only possible for him to gain more information on the black card’s content when the Scepter is happy.

“Although you still seem rude, but your words aren’t bad.” Obviously, the Scepter began to lower its guard due to the flattering.

“Speaking of my seniors, can I know that how many seniors I had before me? This is not really a question, it’s just purely chit chat. I think that you aren’t too satisfied with their performances, I’m very willing to listen to you vent about them to me.”

The Scepter didn’t seem to realise that Shi Lei attempting to bait out information, but mainly because it was indeed dissatisfied with those people, it simply snorted and said: “Those idiots, although they were all polite to me, but they were too dumb. They saw the money that appear on their bank card every week and had their heads in the cloud. They did not wish to make any progress and began to live their lives waiting to die. At the beginning, of course it was amazing. They spent money as if they were nothing, indulged themselves in a wanton life and even forgot what their names were. It was a shame that they quickly faced the situation of being unable to complete the mission and were all killed.”

They didn’t wish to make any progress! Mhm, these words were extremely important. The Scepter seemed to mention before that the investment card was a precious card to those who wished to develop. But if all the employees had difficulties surviving, then developments were meaningless.

It looks like if he didn’t want to be killed by the black card, personal development was a rather important condition.

Shi Lei laughed and said again: “Then it seems like they are still stronger than me in some areas. At least even if I want to live a life like them, I still don’t know how to spend so lavishly. I thought it was a rather easy thing to spend money, but when I really have such great wealth, I don’t know how to spend them.”

“It won’t harm you to only think about how to spend the quota. I’m only telling you this because I saw your excellent performance in the training stage, as well as the way you talk to me. You better not let me down for saying this. Even if you can’t survive till the end, you should at least live longer.”

In these words, Shi Lei received another important information—— survive until the end.

Since there was an end to it, it indicated that there was a chance for the employees to live. And at this end, it was obvious that they could only cut the connections with the black card.

The only way for the employees to avoid being killed was for the black card to stop issuing them money.

“How many people were killed before me?”

“A few dozen, I can’t really remember.”

A few dozen? The first ATM in the world only had about 40 years of history, and China did not have it till the end of the 1980’s. When it was popularised, it was already at the end of the 1990’s. In other words, it had merely been about 20 years and one person was killed on the average of half a year?

“How long did the longest person last for?” Shi Lei asked casually.

“Over a year. That guy, had a bank card with a billion and already did not know who he was. All he did was spending and was kidnapped not long after. Although they didn’t kill him after he paid them ransom, but he could not make up for the money he lost and was killed.”

Shi Lei got another important information out of this. It reached the quota of a billion in more than a year. It seemed like he was not too loose to time either.

“Did the worst person not even survive a month?” Shi Lei laughed and asked.

“Stupid question. I told you that the previous four weeks is the training stage. Even if you don’t complete the mission during this time, you will only receive punishments and would not be killed.” The Scepter used its taunting skills again. After it finished talking, it also realised that he was talking too much. It became impatient and said: “Ok, I said too much. I didn’t even talk this much to the dozens of people before you altogether. That’s it for today, you should deliberate how to consume correctly!”

As it finished its sentence, a beam of gold light emitted from the Scepter on the screen and vanished into the starry night like whirlpool.

Seeing that the black card was ejected from the ATM, Shi Lei twitched his lips. After putting the black card back to his pocket, he turned around and left the self-service bank.

It was already 2am in the morning. Shi Lei found a restaurant that was still open, he recalled his conversation with the Scepter and organised useful information as he ate.

Shi Lei was still thinking of it after he returned to the dorm. He knew that comparing to the 100,000 yuan weekly quota right now, he should pay more attention to the future. In a year’s time, the quota he needed to face may be billions. He didn’t even need a year; after a few months, the quota would reach a few hundred thousand and that’s the beginning of his challenge.

It was bright outside and Shi Lei finally fell asleep.

When he woke up, it was already 2 in the afternoon. Shi Lei checked his phone subconsciously and discovered that two new apps appeared on his phone.

One of them was an image of lips, the other one was a golden thumb. As his brain was still dead, Shi Lei thought, this was an iPhone that even downloading an app is a lot of trouble, how come it was forced to download a certain app like Androids?

The key point was that the app only had their icons with no words at the bottom and this was extremely strange to Shi Lei.

As Shi Lei wanted to click on the app with the thumb icon, he suddenly woke up completely. Isn’t this the same icon as the golden thumb investment card? The Scepter said it will generate an app on his phone and he almost clicked it. 

Shi Lei did not forget that the Scepter said he could only open this app three times per month, and just opening it would be counted as one. This was related to whether Shi Lei’s investments will be successful or not, and how much his own fund will be. There was no way he would waste the chances easily.

Opening his mobile bank app, he thought that he would see a quota of almost 110,000 yuan, but he looked carefully and there was only 100,000 yuan. What happened? Didn’t the Scpeter say that he would receive 9,300 yuan as a reward other than the 100,000 yuan? It didn’t matter how high the quota was, he needed to spend all of it. Except for the 9,300 yuan which did not seem a lot, but that was the only money that truly belonged to Shi Lei. Shi Lei even expected himself to invest this 9,300 yuan to conquer others and reach the peak of his life!

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