The Black Card

Chapter 63 - The Story of Opening an Account

Chapter 63 - The Story of Opening an Account

Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs


Shi Lei thought that he kept a low profile by not having the obvious logo, but he was too young and too naive.

As soon as he walked into the stock exchange office, someone greeted him.

After all, it was a service industry so Shi Lei did not overthink it. He followed the man into a small meeting room across the hall, who jabbered on and on who seemed as if he was checking on his whole family’s industry situations.

Shi Lei was slightly surprised as he was just opening an account, why did he have to go to a meeting room for it? Shi Lei already did some research online and usually, he just had to show his ID, fill out a form and bind the account to a bank card that’s specifically used for investments and he would be done?

After he sat down, the man asked Shi Lei what he would like to drink, Shi Lei simply said water, but that person told the girl inside the meeting room to her him a bottle of water from the brand Yi Yun.

Even though Shi Lei had an income of 10,000 yuan per week, but he had never drank this kind of water before. It’s just water and it cost more than 10 yuan, Shi Lei thought they were crazy.

The man shoved the water into Shi Lei’s hands solicitously and even opened the lid for him, and Shi Lei was in a difficult position.

If he accepted it, there seemed to be some sort of misunderstanding in it. If he didn’t accept it, he already opened the bottle and he can’t give it to the next person.

Shi Lei accepted the water but didn’t drink it, he only stared at the man, wanting to know what he was trying to pull off.

The man smiled broadly and said: “Mr. Shi, do you want investment stocks or investment funds? I have a few good ETF recently and it’s only out for a month or so, but it increased by 5 percentage points. According to our estimate, these new funds may even reach 20% of return annually.”

Shi Lei thought that he only had a bit over 9,000 yuan, and it was not enough for that. Even if it was the most basic funds in the bank required at least 50,000 yuan startup.


The man raised his thumb at Shi Lei and said: “Sir, you definitely look like the type of pursue high return with high risks. May I know Mr. Shi’s occupation?”

Shi Lei frowned and said: “I don’t have a job.”

The man was blank for one second, but immediately laughed: “Sir, you are too good at joking. What does your family do? Oh, I was being too blunt, sorry, sorry. If you are going for investment stock, I’ll take you to the major client room and check it out. Our major client room has a great environment and furnished with five-star hotel standards. We have a separate room for it and definitely would make you feel like you are a n.o.ble guest. Our computers are of the newest model, and a VIP pathway that ensure your orders get through as quickly as possible. The stock market is changing constantly and one second early or one second late may impact your profit greatly……”

Shi Lei thought that the man must have saw him as a fuerdai. But he was keeping such a low profile, how could he see that? Shi Lei thought that he was a firefly in the pitch dark, he did not only catch people’s attention, but he was above everyone and he couldn’t control how brightly he shone……

Fine, stop boasting, Shi Lei knew that he must cut off this man’s words.

“Uh, I just want to open an account. Everyone has a computer in their house now, who would go to the major client room!”

The man’s expressions didn’t change and still smiled broadly: “The major client room has its own benefits. After all, people who go to the major client rooms are people with status like you. The entrance for our major client room is 10,000,000 yuan, and there is absolutely no barrier between us. We have more information and are more accurate too. Just by the VIP treatment alone, it can make sure the clients avoid unnecessary loss. We can also provide a part of the fund for these clients to ensure that you invest the least but receive the most return possible.”

Shi Lei was speechless. As expected, the man thought he was a fuerdai who was ready to go into the stock market with a huge amount of fund. Seeing that the man was so hospitable, Shi Lei really couldn’t be hard-hearted and reveal the answer.

But he couldn’t lie to him either, so Shi Lei coughed and awkwardly said: “I just want to open an account and just fiddle with it. I only have a few thousands to invest, so I’m afraid that I don’t have the qualification to go into that major client room!”

The man was in shocked, but then laughed loudly again: “Hahaha, Mr. Shi, you are so funny. With your status, how is it possible……”

Without waiting for him to finish his sentence, Shi Lei cut him off again: “I’m serious, I’m not lying to you!”

“Sir, are you really not just testing our service att.i.tudes?” The man asked in doubt.

Shi Lei shook his head and said firmly: “I’m just a university student who haven’t even graduated yet. I just want to see what stock is.”

The man saw that Shi Lei wasn’t joking and studied him from head to toe again, thinking that Shi Lei was joking around with him. But you just got off a Cadillac Escalade jeep, and you had a driver to drive for you. You are also wearing Armani, don’t think that I won’t recognise it just because there’s no logo on it. My eyes……

“Sir, you……” The man didn’t know what to say. He was the manager for major clients. He just finished smoking and saw that he got off a Cadillac worth over 1,000,000 yuan with Armani, the driver even ran around the car and opened the door for him. He thought that a big client came so he took the initiative and dragged Shi Lei to the meeting room to discuss.

It was almost at the end of the year. If he could get a client for the major clients, his mission could be completed.

But this young master who seemed wealthy only wanted to open an account?!

Shi Lei nodded awkwardly: “I’m really only here to get an account and I don’t have that much funds for your major client room.”

The man was so close to swearing inside but he maintained a smile on his face. After all, he wore a full set of Armani, and he came with a driver and Cadillac, even if he didn’t want it now, he might become a major client in the future.

The man said again: “That’s fine. So, you just want to check a few things out first? How about I take you to get an account first, if you really want to invest later, please consider me first.” With that, he took out a business card and pa.s.sed it over with both hands and said: “This is my business card……”

Shi Lei accepted and looked down; w.a.n.g Kaiming, his t.i.tle was the manager of the major clients and he felt slightly horrified.

“Manager w.a.n.g, I’ll go to the front and do it myself, don’t be so polite.”

w.a.n.g Kaiming immediately said: “How would that work? Every client who comes here is our great guest. It’s just the procedure to open a new account, how can I make you do it yourself?”

Shi Lei laughed bitterly: “I’ll put it this way. I also want to become your client, but honestly, the entrance of 10,000,000 is something I probably will never be able to achieve in my whole life.”

“Sir, you are joking again. I just saw your car with your driver, I’m sure your a.s.sets are more than this, this merely 10,000,000 yuan……”

“That’s a private driver and I called for the car online. Do you know that app called Yi Dao? Luxurious car models!” Shi Lei said earnestly.

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