The Black Card

Chapter 65 - Taking Sun Yiyi to the Bar

Chapter 65 - Taking Sun Yiyi to the Bar

Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs


As soon as Shi Lei picked up the call, Sun Yiyi asked: “s.h.i.tou ge, are you not in your dorm again? I’m outside your dorm and I asked the aunty who’s in charge of your dorm to call, but no one picked up.”

Shi Lei smiled: “Are you giving me soup again? I told you that you shouldn’t anymore. Aunt’s recovering right now and it’s better for you to take care of her at home. Oh, do you have enough money? If you don’t, I’ll give you some.” Because he can now ask about the balance once a week, plus the Scepter confirmed that he was her sugar daddy, so giving her money should also be fine. Even if it didn’t count, Shi Lei had a little over 9,000, so he can give her his own money.

Sun Yiyi said: “I still have some…… Mum already ate, she asked me to send the soup to you!”

Shi Lei remembered Xu Yi’s words: “I’m at the bar street with my friends, the one you sold beers at before. Do you want to come over? You had a hard time recently and you should relax here.”

On the other side of the phone, Sun Yiyi became nervous as she stuttered: “Is it convenient for me to go? Maybe I’ll just leave the soup with the aunty, remember to get it. I used a thermal container so it shouldn’t turn cold.”

Shi Lei laughed: “How is it inconvenient? You’ve seen my friends before; they saw you call me and told me to call you over to play. How’s aunt’s situation? If she’s fine, then come over and play for a bit. Get a taxi, I’ll wait for you at the front.”

Sun Yiyi hesitated for a while and considered earnestly as she wanted to be together with Shi Lei.  She bit her lips and finally agreed: “Then, I’ll call Mum. I helped her shower today, if she’s going to bed, then I’ll come.”

Sun Yiyi’s mother obviously won’t stop her. She appreciated Shi Lei’s efforts very much, but also felt guilty to Sun Yiyi as other children at her age were dating in university, but she couldn’t even go to university, had to work during the day and take care of her at night. As soon as she heard that Shi Lei asked Sun Yiyi out to play, she smiled and said: “Go, have fun with s.h.i.tou. He’s a good person, I won’t be worried if you are with her. Don’t worry about me, I’m tired today so I’m going to bed early, just remember to come back.”

Then, Shi Lei received a message from Sun Yiyi telling him that her Mum agreed. She caught a taxi and was on her way there.

Shi Lei walked out and saw a taxi stopped not far from there and Sun Yiyi was looking for money in her pockets. Shi Lei walked over, handed over a 100 paper note and opened the door for Sun YIyi,

“I’ll pay myself……” Sun Yiyi bit her lip but said firmly.

“It’s not much. Plus, you should keep the money you have for your mother.” Shi Lei took the change from the driver, and also took the container from Sun Yiyi’s hands, then said: “You really don’t need to make me soup anymore……” As Shi Lei saw that Sun Yiyi was about to cry from what he said, he quickly added: “Not that I don’t like it, but you are working and have to take care of aunt, even if you want to make me soup, you should wait after aunt recovered. Also, you should just quit part-time job. If you don’t have enough, just tell me and I’ll give it to you!”

Sun Yiyi pulled Shi Lei by his shirt and followed after him obediently.

She lowered her head and whispered: “I don’t need you to give me money. I don’t even know when I can pay back the money for Mum’s surgery!”

Shi Lei saw the way she acted and laughed. He lowered his head and whispered in her ears: “Didn’t you give me the agreement? You are mine now. Since you are mine, then you don’t need to return the money, and it’s reasonable for me to give you living expenses!”

Sun Yiyi was shocked and she blushed even brighter, even her ears began to heat up.

“Then I won’t go back tonight……” Sun Yiyi struggled for a long time and said these bold words while biting her lips. After she said that, she covered her face like a small rabbit.

Shi Lei’s heart thumped furiously. Seeing that she was so shy, and her voice was so soft, he could easily push her over. Shi Lei felt as if a fire was burning inside him. He recalled the feeling he had in the afternoon when the employee subconsciously…… Although Sun Yiyi’s body was different compared to the employee who was a mature woman, but……

Shi Lei didn’t dare to think anymore as his body heated up again.

“If you don’t go back, aunt will be dead worried……” Shi Lei spoke casually and held her hand.

Sun Yiyi’s heart also missed a beat when Shi Lei held her hands. She felt that Shi Lei’s big hands were extra warm. She completely forgot how many times she had held hands with Shi Lei since childhood, she became even shyer and felt sweet.

“It’s ok, she knows I’m with you……”

Shi Lei thought, is this the time of my life? But this obviously didn’t fit into his scripts, it’s not that he really didn’t understand what happens between men and women, but as an ‘old driver’(1), Shi Lei had seen many women before. But obviously, they were the famous female celebrities on his laptop, and more specifically, they were all from j.a.pan. Shi Lei considered himself to be familiar with their body structures and although he had never done this sort of thing before, but Shi Lei believed that he won’t be unfamiliar with it either.

But wasn’t that too quick? Shi Lei didn’t want to make Sun Yiyi feel wronged, but he was also afraid that she would be upset because he doesn’t agree to it. All of a sudden, he was troubled.

After thinking about it, Shi Lei said: “Don’t worry about this first. Let’s go to the bar, those guys are probably crazy already.”

They quickly walked towards the bar. Sun Yiyi saw the familiar yet strange bar, the feeling she had when she came last time was also completely different to this time. She hesitated and her pace slowed down.

Shi Lei didn’t understand so she pushed Sun Yiyi in by the shoulders. Not far from them, a man walked past and saw that scene clearly.

“Eh, isn’t that Sun Yiyi? That man also looks familiar!” The man mumbled to himself and dashed towards the bar Shi Lei went in without caring about his friends next to him.

After he went into the bar, he quickly saw Shi Lei and the rest who were sitting inside the half room. He only thought Shi Lei looked familiar, but when he saw Zhang Mo, he recognised him at the first glance.

“Aren’t they from our school? Oh, right, the same department as us, just different courses. No wonder Sun Yiyi didn’t want my money last time, looks like someone else already paid for her! But why? I’m not as handsome as him? Why didn’t she take my money but theirs? What the h.e.l.l, even if you are going to sell yourself, at least find someone who looked better? Those people look like crooked melon and broken dates, where do they get money from?”

As students from the same department, although he didn’t understand them too much, but Wu Haoyuan believed that he knew all the students at the school who had decent financial support. He didn’t have any impressions of them except for Zhang Mo’s physique and it meant that they should be poor kids.

Wu Haoyuan’s phone rang non-stop. After a while, he left the bar with a sombre expression. 

Old driver: refers to someone who has a deep knowledge in an area, it describes someone who’s dirty-minded in this case

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