The Black Card

Chapter 67 - Learning How to Invest in Stocks

Chapter 67 - Learning How to Invest in Stocks


Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs

On the way, Wu Haoyuan was thinking that 60,000 yuan was definitely nothing to him, but to those poor kids, where do they get that from? Even if they did part-time jobs, don’t tell me their company was a charity? They helped him with Sun Yiyi’s medical fees, and let them feast every day.

Wu Haoyuan suddenly remembered that the blazer on Shi Lei looked rather familiar. Wasn’t it the one he saw in the Armani shop the other day? He tried it on and it fitted him well, but he didn’t buy it because the light blue one he liked was out of stock.

“Did he rob a bank or win the lotto?” Wu Haoyuan was extremely confused.

He laid in bed and messaged another friend: there’s a guy called Shi Lei in the department next to ours. Look out for him and tell me what he does. Come get 1,000 yuan from me afterwards.

The other side quickly replied ‘no problem’ and Wu Haoyuan finally went to bed.

Shi Lei made himself drunk. He thought that he could easily invest to make a fortune, but he discovered that even the easiest investment stocks are not so easy. Plus, what Sun Yiyi said to him before they came in made Shi Lei scared to leave the bar sober. He was scared that if Sun Yiyi asked to go with him, he won’t be able to say yes or no, so he made himself drunk.

When it was about midnight, Shi Lei staggered out of the bar. Sun Yiyi suggested to send him back, but Shi Lei threw up all over her.

Zhang Mo and the others saw this and quickly supported Shi Lei and said to Sun Yiyi: “Hurry up and go home, we’ll take care of him. Don’t worry, we are fine. We’ll catch a taxi.”

Sun Yiyi saw the mess on her shirt; although she wiped it off, but it still smelt disgusting, so she agreed.

“Ok, just send me a message after you return to the dorm, s.h.i.tou ge has my WeChat.”

Zhang Mo patted his chest and promised her. Sun Yiyi watched them getting in the taxi before leaving.

Sun Yiyi washed up and finally went to bed after receiving a message from Shi Lei’s phone.

After he woke up, Shi Lei’s energy was fully restored but the dorm was already empty. He swore silently at those heartless guys and left after washing up.

There was an unseen message on his phone and Shi Lei checked it. It was from Sun Yiyi.

“s.h.i.tou ge, you drank too much last night. I was going to send you back to school, but Zhang Mo and the others didn’t let me. Don’t eat oily things after you get up, it’s best to drink congee. Also, don’t drink that much in the future, you scared me last night.”

Shi Lei was lost in thought as he saw this message. He felt strange. Usually if a girl cared about him this much, plus that he was close with Sun Yiyi anyway, he should feel happy. But for no reason, whenever he saw Sun YIyi, it made him think about the agreement. Of course, he wasn’t looking down on Sun Yiyi because of this, but he was troubled by what the Scepter said.

It was supposed to be a good thing that they have feelings for each other. But the Scepter made it into a mission that they have to do it within a year’s time. Shi Lei felt strange as it seemed like he was trying to take advantage of Sun Yiyi.

He checked the consumptions last night and it was only a few thousand. Shi Lei realised that he still had a little over 50,000 yuan for that week.

It was already Thursday and Shi Lei needed to do something soon.

He just bought a set of clothes just then, so he couldn’t just buy another set. But he thought of the laptop he refunded last week, he thought that he should buy another one. Since he lost his face at the Alienware shop, he tried to think but didn’t know where else he could go.

At last, he decided to go to the ThinkPad specialty store. He asked for the most expensive but not the best one, which made the employee touched. But even so, it was only a little over 20,000 yuan.

The store had a more expensive one, but they didn’t have it at the shop. The quickest they could get one was three days later. It wasn’t that Shi Lei couldn’t wait, but he didn’t dare to wait. What if the Scepter said that it couldn’t be counted into the quota?

It is really troublesome to have money.

He found a random restaurant and ate lunch. He didn’t have anything to do in the afternoon so he found a close stock exchange place, stood below the big screen and made a fuss with those experienced investors. He asked around randomly. Since he couldn’t jump straight into it, then he’ll just learn from the beginning. If he heard a few names of possible stocks, he could search it with the golden thumb investment card and perhaps he could earn some money.

Shi Lei really had zero experience. The words he could not believe the most were the words from these experienced investors. Their statements were all different and recommended the stocks they invested in. Especially to a complete newbie like Shi Lei, those people could tell him about the stock market even since the early 1990’s.

After a whole afternoon, Shi Lei was dizzy from all this information. He recorded down more than fifty different stock recommendations in his notebook which he just bought.

After the closing, everyone left. Some of them went grocery shopping, some went to pick up their grandchildren. Shi Lei laughed bitterly at the fifty different stocks in his little book.

“Everyone wanted me to believe them saying that their stocks will increase. But if it was really as easy as you guys said, why are you still here? You should be in the major client room already. I should just do it myself at home.” Shi Lei also realised that he couldn’t take their words seriously, he ripped the notebook and threw it in the bin.

An old man about 60 years old walked pa.s.sed Shi Lei. He smiled as he saw Shi Lei’s actions.

“Youngster, do you want to learn how to invest in stocks?”

Although Shi Lei didn’t want to believe any of those people, but he still answered politely: “I just want to check a few things out. Don’t tell me you want to give some recommendations too?”

The old man smiled and said: “I saw that you talked to them for the whole afternoon and recorded down some notes, why did you throw them away?”

“Ah, don’t even mention it. Everyone had their own sayings. Some said they knew what was going on behind the scenes, some found a fortune-teller, and others said they had 20 years of experience. It sounded legit when I just heard it, but I realised that if what they said was really useful, then people like Buffett would be everywhere. I’m afraid that they don’t even believe what they said. If they were that good, they should have at least the a.s.set of 10,000,000. But look at them, they went to do whatever they needed to do after it was closed.”

The old man still smiled: “At least your mind is still clear. I don’t have much to teach you. I"m also one of them, investing in stocks for over 20 years. I only earned a little with the mega bull market, most of the time it was ups and downs. I lost and I earned. I only have one piece of advice for you and that is that stock investments have two types: the informational and the technical. Technical type is a.n.a.lysing the K line chart; day, month, year, and put all data into consideration. The more you see, I don’t know if you’ll earn or not, but at least you have a set of strategy of your own. And the informational type is to gather as much information as possible from all sources. Pay attention closely to a few stocks and dig deep into it, knowing when to invest at the best time and only spend time on these stocks for a few years. The big no-no for us amateur investors is changing stocks constantly.”

Shi Lei was lost in thought after hearing this. He wanted to thank the old man, but realised that he already left.

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