The Black Card

Chapter 73 - Wu Haoyuan Who Can’t be Chased Away

Chapter 73 - Wu Haoyuan Who Can’t be Chased Away


Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs

But something was not right. Shi Lei remembered that he never socialised with Wu Haoyuan in any way. He had always been a loser and this guy was always the renowned handsome fuerdai. Although they might have seen each other in the hall when they had cla.s.s together in the first year, but they’ve never ever spoken before.

And when Wu Haoyuan spoke, his tone was rather rude. Shi Lei was sure that he would never offend someone like this, but why did Wu Haoyuan aim at him specifically?

“Excuse me, I don’t have good memory and didn’t recall you. Sorry about that.” No matter what, Shi Lei felt that he didn’t have the need to offend him. Although Wu Haoyuan’s att.i.tude towards him was quite unreasonable, but Shi Lei expressed his apologies as Wu Haoyuan recognised him, but he didn’t recognise Wu Haoyuan.

“Bad memory! Hehe, you are really not very creative. After all, we are cla.s.smates and always see other around, yet you tell me this? Even if you didn’t recognise me, did you not recognise this car? Is there anyone else in the school who had this car?”

Shi Lei thought, is this guy crazy? He sounded so rude. Did I kill your father or did I sleep with your wife?

But Shi Lei’s personality was always easy-going and didn’t bother to argue with him.

“Sorry, sorry.” Shi Lei cupped his hands and didn’t want to explain anymore. He just replied and wanted him to go away.

But clearly, Wu Haoyuan didn’t want Shi Lei to leave that early. He raised his eyebrows and said: “What? Going back to school? Want a lift? s.h.i.tou, I heard you made a fortune recently. Why don’t you treat me, your friend, to a meal? Teach me how you did it and I’ll learn from you.”

Shi Lei frowned. He thought, if it really worked like that, I’d give you the black card straight away. A fuerdai like you already knew how to spend money, he’d probably become level three quickly. But it was also hard as he always spent so lavishly, he might spend money on places that the black card didn’t acknowledge and lose his life during the newbie stage.

The point was, only the people in his dorm knew that he had money, he also told them not to spread it, then how did this Wu Haoyuan know about it?

“Thanks for the offer but I’m not going back yet. Leave first if you are busy.”

Wu Haoyuan laughed and got off the car. He patted the top of his car and said: “What, made a fortune and look down on my car? Even if we are not going back to school, we can find a restaurant to eat and have a chat. We had been cla.s.smates for the past three years and we never had the chance. We can get to know each other a bit more today.”

Shi Lei thought, what the h.e.l.l’s wrong with you? Am I close enough to eat with you? But he had to reply: “Next time, I’m really busy today.”

“No, no. Today. What business can you have? Plus, if you have something to do, do I lose face for you? Or, did you find another way to make a fortune? You are going right now so you don’t want to share it to your bro?”

Shi Lei was puzzled. What was up with this brat? Why did he mention fortune every single sentence? Don’t mention that I didn’t, but even if I did, how the h.e.l.l did it have anything to do with you? If it was a normal person, fine. But you, a fuerdai, was it really fine that he mentioned money every single sentence?

“It’s really inconvenient today. And I didn’t make a fortune. Your family’s pretty wealthy, how can this much money mean anything to you!”

“Don’t mind it. One person can’t possibly earn all the money in the world. If you have any way, take me with you. Don’t mention others, but at least I can take out a few 100,000 yuan. Even if it isn’t enough, I can think of something and get a million. The higher the start-up fund is, the quickly you can earn profits. s.h.i.tou, let me do it with you, I won’t mistreat you!”

Shi Lei watched Wu Haoyuan as he walked around the front and opened the door for him on the other side, waiting for him to go in, he thought that this guy probably spent too much recently and wanted to work with him to get some get extra money. But I swear to G.o.d, I actually didn’t get anything except for that investment card.

But if he really worked with Wu Haoyuan, Shi Lei would use the golden thumb investment card. With a million start-up fund for investment stocks, even if they halved the profit, Shi Lei could quickly increase his 9,300 yuan to a few 10,000 yuan or more.

Shi Lei really wanted to see the good side of people and he didn’t know what Wu Haoyuan was up to. Seeing that Wu Haoyuan wanted him to get on the car, he bent down and did so.

After he got on, before Wu Haoyuan could ask where he was going, Shi Lei’s phone rang.

He took it out, and it was a WeChat message from Sun Yiyi.

“s.h.i.tou ge, my Mum heard that you drank too much yesterday and she told me how to make a soup to make you sober. Are you at school? I’ll give it to you.”

Shi Lei had a thought and said: “I’ll go back to school now, come over. There’s a restaurant called ‘Moonlight’ in front of the school, I’ll wait for you there.”

He thought that after Wu Haoyuan met Sun Yiyi, he could introduce her as his girlfriend, so Wu Haoyuan could stop bugging him.

Wu Haoyuan also got onto the car and asked: “Where are we going?”

Shi Lei waved his phone and said: “Sorry, my girlfriend just messaged me that she’s around out school and wanted me to go back.”

Wu Haoyuan felt anger shoot up. Girlfriend? Sun Yiyi? They sure were quick, she’s even the girlfriend now. I spent half a year on that chick and didn’t even touch her hands. Now she’s your girlfriend?

His emotions influenced his tone and his tone of voice became cold and creepy. Wu Haoyuan said: “So, you are going on a date with your girlfriend? You didn’t have to hide it, you know. Sit properly, we’ll get there in 5 minutes.”

A loud roar escaped the b.u.mblebee’s engine and dashed towards Wu Dong university.

Wu Haoyuan parked his car and asked: “Where are you meeting up with your girlfriend?”

Shi Lei got off the car and said: “Moonlight restaurant, just over there. Uh, Wu Haoyuan I……”

Wu Haoyuan waved his hands and said: “I know you don’t want your date to be disturbed. Don’t worry, when your girlfriend comes, I’ll just greet her and go! I’m hungry too, moonlight restaurant is quite nice so I’ll go and have some food there first.”

With that, Wu Haoyuan walked towards the restaurant. Shi Lei could not do anything but follow him.

As they sat down, Wu Haoyuan ordered a few dishes and told the waiters to serve them quickly. He then said to Shi Lei: “Us bros will have a drink first. After your girlfriend comes, if she doesn’t mind, then she can sit with us. If she doesn"t want to, you can sit on another table or I can leave!”

Shi Lei couldn’t do anything against an overly enthusiastic person. He didn’t know how to reject him either. But Shi Lei definitely didn’t know what Wu Haoyuan had plotted inside his mind.

Quickly, the first dish came on and Wu Haoyuan ordered some beers. Shi Lei had no choice but to drink with him.

Not long after, Sun Yiyi arrived at the restaurant. Wu Haoyuan and Shi Lei just finished drinking the first bottle and was about to open the second.

Because Wu Haoyuan sat with his back against the door and Shi Lei sat opposite him, Sun Yiyi saw Shi Lei immediately.

She waved his hands happily and ran over.

Shi Lei stood up and was going to introduce Sun Yiyi to Wu Haoyuan, but Sun Yiyi cried out: “Wu Haoyuan?”

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