The Black Card

Chapter 88 - Not Shameful Enough

Chapter 88 - Not Shameful Enough

Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs

When Wu Haoyuan parked his car next to the cars worth more than 2 or 3 million, he looked back at his b.u.mblebee. He used to think that his b.u.mblebee was awesome, but it was like a clown here and he was too embarra.s.sed to stop the car. 

He was finally able to understand those wealthy character’s lines in movies: “My neighbours either drive BMW or Benz, if you drive an RB car, you won’t even have the face to greet your neighbours.” Obviously, Wu Haoyuan’s car was better than an RB car, but the other cars here could not be measured with brands anymore. 

Wu Haoyun was close to turn around and leave, but he overcame his fears and walked up the steps. 

As soon as he walked up, the heavy wooden door opened and a woman dressed professionally came out. 

Dai Qian stopped in front of Wu Haoyuan and asked polite: “Is this Wu Haoyuan, Wu Shao?” 

Wu Haoyuan was extremely cautious and in fear as he knew clearly that she was a staff member working at the mansion, but even if she was only an ordinary employee there, she definitely could not be ignored either. 

Wu Haoyuan quickly bowed and said: “h.e.l.lo, I’m Wu Haoyuan. Please don’t call me Wu Shao. Shi Shao said I could come.” 

After he said that, Wu Haoyuan probably didn’t even realise that before he entered, he still addressed Shi Lei by his name and only changed to Shi Shao after he realised that it was inappropriate to address by his name, but now, it felt rather natural for Wu Haoyuan to address Shi Lei by Shi Shao, as if ever since he knew Shi Lei, he had being addressing Shi Lei like that. 

Dai Qian pushes her up and kept a professional smile: “Shi Shao ordered me to take you to the guest room first to have a hot shower after you arrive. He said that you went for a winter swim and was afraid of you catching a cold.”  

Wu Haoyuan was in cold sweat. Winter swim? That was him losing all his face, alright? 

But either way, he followed Dai Qian around the mansion and entered from the backdoor. Dai Qian guided him to a guest room on the second floor, and told him where all the things were and left. 

Wu Haoyuan took the shower tensely. Under the hot water, he breathed deeply. He felt like that he was an idiot and he didn’t even know why he came here. When he goes down later, how would Shi Lei embarra.s.s him even more? Perhaps he should leave after his shower. He had already seen the extravagance here and leaving this place should be the most important thing. 

After he showered, Wu Haoyuan opened the door and at the sight of staircases everywhere, he did not think that it was a house, but rather an extremely fancy lodge. He planned to leave secretly, but now he was reluctant. 

He walked around the second floor, but didn’t have the guts to open the doors to those rooms. Wu Haoyuan finally realised that his family’s money could barely buy 2 rooms in this mansion. He thought he was the most privileged one, but now he began to feel inferior. 

Wu Haoyuan didn’t know where he gained the courage from, but he went down anyways. 

There were about 30 people downstairs. Other than Shi Lei, who was a stranger to them, the rest of them weren’t necessarily close to each other, but they’ve at least all met each other before. 

As they saw a stranger walking down the stairs, those who haven’t met Wu Haoyuan before asked those around them who he was in a low voice as if he was a fuerdai, they were trying to get to know him. 

But to those who were being questioned and knew about him, they smirked and recounted what happened earlier,  after that, everyone in the living room smiled oddly. At the same time, they had the same idea: is this guy a dumba.s.s? Shi Shao just mentioned it and he really came? Was he not embarra.s.sed enough and asking for more? 

As Wu Haoyun walked down the stairs, it seemed extremely long, not because of the length of the stairs, but because he could see the odd smiles on the crowd’s faces, and even their whispers seemed so clear, but in reality, he couldn’t hear it, but did he really have to listen? Wu Haoyuan knew what they were talking about even if he couldn’t hear them. 

In this moment, Wu Haoyuan was under the spotlight, and, was really scorched(1). 

Shi Lei turned around and looked at him. He did not embarra.s.s him any further, but raised his gla.s.s and said: “Eat and drink anything you want. I’ll be opening Conti later, leave after you drink.” He said it in a commanding tone, there was no room for discussion nor inquiry.

Under the pressure of all sorts of stares and glances, Wu Haoyun got some food. 

Looking at those food that he could only occasionally have, and some food which he only heard of before but never tried, Wu Haoyuan felt the immense gap between a so-called fuerdai like him and real fuerdais once again. 

He ate some food and his stomach finally stopped hurting from starvation. Wu Haoyuan took a gla.s.s of wine and hid in a corner of the room. 

There were a few times that he wanted to squeeze through the crowd and apologise to Shi Lei who seemed like a b.u.t.terfly, free and doing whatever he wanted to. He really wanted to apologise. Of course, he didn’t have any desires of vengeance as he completely acknowledged Shi Lei, on the contrary, he began to worry about what he said before. He said he wouldn’t let Shi Lei stay in Wu Dong University, but Shi Lei said to only worry about himself, so he was afraid that Shi Lei will do something to him.  

No one in the living room talked to him. A few people walked past him and Wu Haoyuan quickly smiled at them. But nonetheless, all he received was neglectance. 

Except, under a situation like this, Wu Haoyuan was even more scared to talk to Shi Lei, not to mention apologise. 

Does a hawk need an apology from a toad? Of course the answer was no. 

Because Shi Lei said that Wu Haoyuan should leave after drinking, he was extremely fidgety but didn’t dare to leave. It was not like he really wanted to drink that bottle of 1996 Conti, although with his family’s financial situation, he definitely could not afford to drink such an expensive and top cla.s.s wine, but he was worried because if he left first, he would agitate Shi Lei. 

Oh, it’s Shi Shao! 

This uneasy feeling lasted till dusk. Because the sun setted quite early in winter, it was only about 5PM. Wu Haoyuan finally saw Shi Lei walk up the stairs which led to the second floor. Dai Qian stood next to them with three bottles of 1996 Conti on a tray. Shi Lei smiled as he opened three bottles of wine with the value of more than a million, but Shi Lei didn’t seem b.u.t.thurt about it at all. 

Then, a few waiters poured the wine into the wine decanter and said: “This will take a while. Around 7PM or 8PM would be the best time to drink. Please wait for a bit longer.” 

Naturally, no one would be bored as this mansion had everything. 

Next to the living room, there were all sorts of rooms for entertainment. There was a billiard room, bar, cigar room, karaoke, and it basically had every indoor entertainment one can possibly ask for. 

The frontyard and backyard could even be used to play golf. Of course, they could only practice push rod. Although it was big, it was impossible to be as big as a golf course. 

Someone suggested: “Shi Shao, can we use the helicopter in the backyard?” 

Many people had seen the helicopter in the backyard already. Although it was not that they had never seen it before, but there wasn’t much opportunities for them to play with it themselves either. 

“It’s dark already. This is the highest point in Wu Dong city. It should be fun to fly up and look down to the lights of the city.” Because the Scepter said that the helicopter could be flown, Shi Lei didn’t stop these people from doing it. 


Scorched: pun- spotlight in Chinese is ‘jiao dian’, with jiao literally meaning burnt or scorched 

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