The Black Card

Chapter 10 - Give Me Back My Money

Chapter 10 - Give Me Back My Money

Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs

The traffic lights threw their arms in the air aggressively with a lighter in their hand. They pressed it down and a tongue of fire appeared, then they let go, then pressed it down again repeatedly.  

Shi Lei felt as if he saw this scene before. A melody circled in his head and he could not help himself but to start singing.  

“Riding with the whirlwind, people looking up at me, riding with the whirlwind, I’m not looking back…...”

The traffic lights were dumbfounded. Indeed, they were mimicking the scene from the movie ‘Youth and Danger’, but what was up with Shi Lei starting to sing their background music?

Shi Lei continued: “Turning the world upside down, I write my own rules, a wolf with fierce gaze.”  

Red light, as the head of the gang, felt offended, smashed the lighter towards Shi Lei in embarra.s.sment and howled: “Shut up!”

Shi Lei slapped away the light and looked around, feeling puzzled: I didn’t walk into the dead-end alley way, why did I meet these guys again. At the same time, he held onto his pocket tightly.

“You, come here!” The red light perhaps thought that he shocked Shi Lei, and began to mimic Chen Haonan(1). He poked his left thumb in his ear, pretended to be digging earwax. His right index finger pointed towards Shi Lei and gestured him to come over.

Shi Lei covered his pockets nervously, and loudly said: “What?”

“We are a bit short on money. We think that you are pretty understanding after last time’s encounter. Why don’t you lend us some more money?”

Green light and yellow light laughed maliciously behind red light and Shi Lei understood that he was been too soft last time as he did not care about a few hundred dollars, which led to these three thinking that he could be pushed around easily as they ripped benefits and led to the act again.

But, last time was because Shi Lei did not understand the situation, which caused him to turn into a spiced egg. The Sceptre made it clear that because it was his first time violating the rules, hence took away the most useless part of the body. Now that he completely understands the rules and gave the money to them, with the Sceptre’s temper, it would definitely not be as simple as losing his armpit hair or leg hair.

There was about 300 yuan left. Although it was only about 1.5%, but if the Sceptre wanted Shi Lei to be penalised and take away the important parts, the outcome would be unimaginable.

“Sorry, I don’t really have much money on me today. For things like this you should tell me beforehand so I can withdraw some cash and have it on me. Tomorrow, I’ll withdraw 1,000 yuan tomorrow and give it to you, how about that?”

The yellow light nodded, and said: “As expected, this guy is very understanding.”

The green light also nodded: “Then tomorrow at this place, we’ll wait for you. If you don’t come tomorrow, I’ll kill you!”

After saying this, the slow-witted guys turned around and was about to walk away. Red light raged and kicked their b.u.t.ts, and swore while kicking them: “I f.u.c.king *¥#(&%…¥(2), are your brains made out of tofu? This b.a.s.t.a.r.d is lying to us, can’t you tell? If he doesn’t come tomorrow, where do we go find him?”

After been kicked in the a.s.s, yellow light and green light finally came to their senses, they immediately raged and dashed towards Shi Lei, and shouted in unison: “You b.a.s.t.a.r.d, don’t be so shameless! We were borrowing money from you because we thought highly of you. Stop the bulls.h.i.t, give me all the money you have on you!”

Shi Lei dug out his wallet helplessly, and said: “I honestly don’t have much money on me today. I just bought a new wallet and only have 300 yuan left. I have plans later and I’m asking my family for allowances tonight, when I get it, I’ll give it to you.”

Green light had sharp eyes, he saw that there were really only three red notes in the wallet, and said in a low voice: “Head, I saw it clearly, he really only has 300 yuan.”

Red light glowered at him, he swore: “f.u.c.king h.e.l.l, do you think it is not enough when you are borrowing money from someone?”

Yellow light took the hint, he immediately pointed at Shi Lei and said: “Cut the c.r.a.p, 300 is fine, hurry up and bring the money.”

Shi Lei’s face puckered, hoping that someone would walk past them as he dragged the conversation on. These three did not look like people who were actually gangsters. They were nothing, only bullying nearby students. If an adult comes, they would be scared away.

“I really can’t, I have plans, I promised my girlfriend that I’d treat her. Plus, I don’t have any money left on my card, I’m waiting for my family to transfer me some tonight.” 

As Shi Lei said this, the traffic lights became even angrier, they almost all swore at the same time: “You have a girlfriend?! Who the h.e.l.l are you trying to show off to!”

Red light took a big step forward and s.n.a.t.c.hed the wallet from Shi Lei’s hands, and muttered under his breath: “Yo, the wallet isn’t bad, CK, you look rich, fuerdai.”

Shi Lei was bitter but could not say anything, thinking that he tells his roommates all the time that he was a fuerdai, yet they never believed it. Instead these three thugs could tell the greatness of him.

“Same rules, we are not robbing you, just borrowing. This wallet would cost a thousand or two, I’ll give it back to you and take the money.”

Shi Lei panicked. How was it 300 yuan, it was his life. He watched as three red notes was shoved into red light’s pocket, Shi Lei suddenly felt empty and cold between his legs……

“Give me back the money or I’m calling the police!” Shi Lei hoped that he could solve the problem in peace.

The yellow light was unhappy, immediately raised his leg and kicked. Shi Lei was caught off guard and fell down. 

“f.u.c.king h.e.l.l, I told you we are just borrowing money, why are you calling the police?”

Seeing Shi Lei fall on the ground, the three of them laughed and walked away.

Shi Lei crawled up from the ground and his eyes were red. Been kicked was fine, the key was that he cannot allow them to take the 300 yuan away. Although he had some allowances on him, but he was not sure how the Scepter would calculate it. If he could make up the 300 yuan with his own living expenses, he would be safe. But if the Sceptre forcefully accuse that the money had been robbed, the money was his own, then wouldn’t Shi Lei be wronged?

Dashing one big step forward, Shi Lei grabbed the red light’s neck, and said in a rough voice: “Give me back the money!”

The traffic lights were shocked. They could not understand why Shi Lei did this. Last time when they robbed him, Shi Lei could not care less and threw the money to them. That was 800 yuan, this time was merely 300 yuan, yet he was so aggressive about it.  

Red light swore: “Take your f.u.c.king hands off me!”

Shi Lei ignored him and glared fiercely at red light with bloodshot eyes, repeated continuously: “Give me back my money!”

Red light raised his fist and punched Shi Lei in the eye socket, and swore: “So f.u.c.king shameless!”

Yellow light and green light also rushed over, they kicked Shi Lei once each, and made him fall down once again.

Their faces were filled with disdain, as Shi Lei’s rather tall body cannot even withstand a single blow. The three planned to leave.

Suddenly, Shi Lei lunged towards them, clutched onto red light’s clothes once again. He saw the red light throw another punch towards him, he took it right in the face without an attempt to dodge, and stubbornly said: “Give me back my money!” 

(1)Chen Haonan: The main character in the film ‘Youth and Danger’

(2)*¥#(&%…¥: The author censored the swearing 

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