The Black Card

Chapter 101 - Calling the Police

Chapter 101 - Calling the Police


Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs


The agent quickly attempted to ease the atmosphere as he quickly apologised to granny.

“I’m sorry, this sir only wants to have a look at the house at the moment. If he likes the house and sign the contract with you, he will definitely tell you more about himself. When we help you with the contract, we need IDs of both parties, right? Please don’t be angry.” 

When he spoke, the agent was making faces at Shi Lei, asking him to go easy on her. 

The granny couldn’t say anything against Shi Lei, but now that the agent b.u.t.ted in, her reactions were even stronger. 

“What’s wrong with me asking now? Is there something wrong with him? Why can’t I ask? And, didn’t I tell you before? If the person didn’t make sure that he wanted to rent, then don’t ask me to come and open the door for you. This happened twice before and this is the third time. Is my time not important? If you are going to be like this, I won’t let your agency handle my rent anymore!” 

Actually, Shi Lei was not too satisfied with the house. Although everything looked fine, but as soon as he walked inside, he smelt the strong fragrance of perfume. A strange smell was mixed with the fragrance of the perfume, as if someone purposely used the perfume in attempt to cover a weird smell up. Of course, there was nothing wrong with having a strange smell. He could just let the windows open for a few days after he rented the place and the smell should be gone. 

But now, knowing that the granny was rather unreasonable, he had decided that even if the next house wasn’t good, he wouldn’t rent this house either. 

Seeing that the granny was rather annoying, Shi Lei walked out of the door and said: “Enough. I don’t want this house anymore.” 

The agent sighed. To be honest, the rent for the house was on the high end and the landlord’s requests were also rather unreasonable. Finally, someone who didn’t care about money like Shi Lei came, obviously he hoped to make the deal with him. If it was someone else, they probably can’t stand the landlord’s quests. 

But now, just like the previous two times, Shi Lei was also driven away by the granny landlord in anger. 

The agent shook his head and headed for the exit. The granny became even more agitated. She had her hands on her hips and yelled behind them: “Is that how your agency handles things? Every single time, you bring someone unreliable. If you are going to be like this, I really won’t leave the house with your agency anymore.” 

The agent was also piqued. He turned around and spoke as polite as possible: “It doesn’t matter which real estate agency you leave your house with, this is your authority. But, it doesn’t matter which agency, it’s impossible to sign the contract with the client without checking out the house first. Even if the photos may be realistic, but the tenant obviously would like to see the house with his own eyes, and when that happens, obviously some people would like it and some wouldn’t……” 

Before he could finish his sentence, the grandma was furious and stomped her feet: “If you don’t like it then don’t come here! And my house is popular with such good furnishings and location. You are blind if you don’t like my house……” 

The agent glanced at the old lady coldly and said: “Since you are so unwilling to leave your house under my agency’s management, I’ll immediately take it off our website after I go back. You can go and look for another real estate. Good bye.” 

“Hey, what kind of att.i.tude is that? I’m going to make a complaint!” 

The agent still spoke coldly: “Do as you please!” The whole real estate knew how reasonable this old lady was anyways, especially that he had confidence that Shi Lei was going to rent the other house. With a deal like this, he thought that his manager wouldn’t blame him for it. 

After they returned to the agency, the agent poured a gla.s.s of water to Shi Lei politely and apologised over and over again. 

Shi Lei took a sip and waved his hands: “It’s not your fault. It’s that old lady. But she did mention that she was going to make a complaint about you, would you receive any penalties from your company?” 

“It’s fine! Everyone in the office dislikes that old lady. Unless we meet clients who are super nice, the outcome will always be like this. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have you taken you there and made you angry.” 

“There’s an odd smell in her house. She probably used perfume to purposely hide it, but it didn’t work. What’s up with that?” 

The agent shook his head and said: “We don’t know either. The smell was there since we took our client there for the first time, and we suggested that she could use perfume to cover it first. We thought that it was from the previous tenant and it would be gone after a few days, we don’t know why but the smell seemed to be stronger than the first time we went.” 

Shi Lei joked: “Perhaps there’s a dead body in there? Haha……” 

The agent also laughed dryly and didn’t say anything. But, a sharp voice sounded from the door: “Who has a dead body in their house? How are you so shameless? Someone died in your house and not mine!” 

Shi Lei turned his head and the old lady followed them back. 

Although that the old lady’s words weren’t pleasant, but it was Shi Lei who talked nonsense first. He admitted his bad luck since she was old and he didn’t want to make a big fuss. Except he didn’t know that when he was trash talking about her and she just happened to be behind him. 

The agent stayed silent. The old lady was furious; she dashed inside and continued to curse at Shi Lei. The agent wouldn’t watch it anymore and said: “Mr. Shi was just joking. He thought that there was a strange smell in your house and didn’t pinpoint that it was you. It’s enough to just a curse a few words at him, if you are going to be like this, I’m going to call the police!” 

“Call the police!? You dare to call the police?! I haven’t called the police yet! You said that I have a dead body in my house for no reason, I’m calling the police! Yes, I’m calling the police! 

Shi Lei was speechless. He shook his head at the agent, meaning that he should just leave her alone. She probably wasn’t a nice person when she was young anyway. It wasn’t that the elder became a bad person, but a bad person who became old. 

The agent didn’t bother to say anything either and thought that it would be great if she called the police! 

Except, the old lady really called the police. She babbled to the police over the call and the other side couldn’t do anything against it. Although they didn’t need to treat a case like this, but they promised the granny that they’ll contact the local police station and ask them to answer her complaint soon. 

Not long after, two policemen from the local police station came. After they grasped a brief understanding of the situation, they thought that Shi Lei was messing around and said: “Young lad, how can you make such irresponsible remark? No wonder this granny is so angry. Hurry up and apologise to her.” 

The agent quickly pulled one of the police over and whispered the cause and action. After the police listened to the entire story, he didn’t know whether he should cry or laugh. Seeing that the old lady was still shouting non-stop, he began to lean more towards Shi Lei. 

But what could you do to an old lady like her? The police could only say: “Lad, just apologise to her……” 

Except, the old lady didn’t give up: “An apology is not enough. You need to catch him. This is framing! This is defaming! I’m going to report him to the court!” 

Shi Lei couldn’t remain calm anymore. He narrowed his eyes at the shrewd old lady and decided to use the seemingly useless prophecy card. 

“Sir, I believe that you now know briefly about the situation. My remark was indeed a joke. If she’s willing to accept my apology, then I’m more than happy to apologise. But then again, I’m not completely wrong. Her house indeed has a strange smell. Although it may not be a human body, but it may be the body of a small animal. The smell really resembled that of rotten meat.” Shi Lei was worried that after he used the card, it may not necessarily be a human body, but other living beings, so he gave himself a leeway. 

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