The Black Card

Chapter 102 - Homicide Case

Chapter 102 - Homicide Case


Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs


The old lady became even more agitated and cursed loudly: “I don’t have a corpse in my house! I’ll take you over and check right now. If he dares to wrong me, just bring it on……” 

The old granny made threatening gestures as she dashed over. The two policemen tried to pull her away and they were hit a few times. 

“Enough! Stop the nonsense!” The police was also irritated, “He didn’t say that it was a corpse and only said that it was the smell of rotten meat. It’s not impossible too. What if it was a pet that the previous tenant had but forgot to take it with him, or a rat that ran in and died somewhere in the house? Why are you so disobliging?” 

The other police also spoke: “If it was really like what they said, grandma, I guess you go back and check it first. If it was really a small animal or rat that died inside the house, the smell wouldn’t go away and that effects your rental, right?” 

“How can you be talking nonsense with him! Aiyo, the police are working with the bad guy to bully an old lady like me……” The old lady dropped down to the floor and began to act shrewdly again. 

The policemen were also b.u.t.thurt against a situation like this. They contacted the station, found the old lady’s son’s phone number and called. 

After explaining the situation briefly, the old lady’s son wasn’t someone that could be dealt easily with either. He immediately raged: “There’s someone who’s framing that my house has a dead body. You, as the police force, isn’t giving him detention to let him know that he shouldn’t be saying this kind of things, but rather you are blaming my mother? Fine, you all wait for me, I’m coming right now.” With that, the person immediately hung up the call and the policemen were helpless. 

Then, the old lady’s phone rang. She was still making a scene on the floor the previous second, yet as soon as the phone rang, she jumped up from the floor and it was hard to tell that she was already 60 years old. 

The call was from the old lady’s son. He didn’t only not stop her mother, but he added fuel to the fire as he told the old granny to take the police to their house right now to check that there wasn’t a corpse in their house. He would then report Shi Lei for the crime of false accusation and even said that he’s rushing over from his workplace right now. 

The old lady was incited by her son and she wanted the police to go and check with her. 

The policemen couldn’t do anything but to discuss with Shi Lei. Shi Lei confidently said: “I didn’t feel like this before and it was purely a joke. But now that I think about it, it really did smell like rotten meat. If she really wants you to go, then go, since I’ll be in that building checking out another house later.” 

The group of people returned to the house. Shi Lei and the agent crossed their arms at the door, and the police went in to check, whilst the old lady pointed at Shi Lei and cursed non-stop. 

“I’m telling you, if there is no dead body in my house, just wait, I’m going to report both of you for the crime of false accusation. You can’t be like this, I’m a 60 year old granny, and you are accusing me for murder. You are bullying me……” 

Shi Lei and the agent were both speechless and thought, who was bullying who? 

The two policemen opened all the closets and drawers, they even checked under the couches and tables, but nothing was found. 

They shook their head and was about to leave. The old lady became more energetic and continuously babbled that she’s going to accuse Shi Lei for the false accusation.  

Shi Lei stood in front of the door and tried his best to distinguish the direction of the odd smell. He discovered that the source of the smell was around the bed and said: “Sir, I think the strange smell is coming from the bed, can you check that?” 

“Check! Must check it! You, lift the bed and check it!” The old lady was boiling with anger as she dashed inside. Of course, the two policemen wouldn’t really lift the bed up, but they didn’t expect the old lady to walk next to the bed and grabbed onto a corner of the mattress. 

Shi Lei wouldn’t believe it if someone told him that she was over 60 years old. This granny had the strength of a grown up man. It was rather difficult to pull up the heavy mattress to that height, but she picked it up rather easily and pushed it up……

After she pushed it away, everyone was dumbfounded! 

The old lady didn’t look down but she faced the door and yelled: “I’m going to report you, I’m going to send you to jail! Don’t just think that you can frame a good person…. Holy s.h.i.t……” The old lady sensed that everyone’s expressions were strange, she turned around and saw that someone was indeed lying beneath the mattress…...

She let out a yell and fell on the floor, scared soulless. Her legs began to shake and almost had a heart attack. The police were also in shock, but they quickly reacted and rushed over to the bed, pushing the mattress up. 

Now, they could see clearly that there was really a dead body lying under the bed. Small worms were crawling all over the body and from the clothing and hair, it was a young lady, except her face was already rotten and they could not identify her. 

The policemen gasped. They didn’t expect that a homicide case would really happen with a joke. 

They exchanged a glance and dropped down the mattress. One of them helped the granny up and walked her to the door and said: “No one leave the house, protect the scene!” Then, the other police immediately called the station and it was chaotic. 

At this time, a man’s voice came from the outside: “Mum, is that brat still here? I’m going to discipline him! Holy s.h.i.t, he dared to say that someone died in my house! Your whole family……” 

The old lady abruptly dashed from the inside and yelled whilst wailing: “Son, someone’s really dead!” 

The man was shocked. He saw two policemen walk out and interrogated coldly: “Are you the owner of the house?” 

The man nodded blankly. The police said: “We discovered the body of a young female in your house. We’ve already reported it and the criminal police and forensic team will be here shortly. You stay here and don’t leave, otherwise you are putting yourself at risk!” 

“Sir, I didn’t kill anyone, I’ve only being renting this house to others……” The man was on the verge of a breakdown as he attempted to explain for himself in panic. 

But the police coldly replied: “We will investigate whether the corpse has anything to do with you or not. We won’t wrong an innocent person, but we definitely won’t leave a criminal free. Right now, all you can do is to stay here and don’t move to cooperate with the police’s investigation.” 

The agent was also astonished and quickly said: “Sir, this really has nothing to do with us!” 

The police patiently said: “Don’t worry, this definitely doesn’t have anything to do with you. You guys just happened to discover the problem and we need to thank you for that. We discovered this case because of your joke, so we may need you to record an oral testimony for us.” 

“No problem, no problem……” The agent wiped his sweat and looked at Shi Lei, thinking what was up with his mouth, there was really a dead body here…… 

Shi Lei also felt chills shooting up his spine. He used the prophecy card secretly on the way here. He opened the app and typed in “there’s a corpse in the house”, and…...

Isn’t the Black Card too awesome?!

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