The Black Card

Chapter 109 - Drunk Little Bear 

Chapter 109 - Drunk Little Bear 

Translator: Lav


Shi Lei asked what Sun Yiyi wanted to eat but she said bashfully: “What about I go and buy some ingredients and make dinner at home. You have to waste money again if we go outside for food. s.h.i.tou ge, it was impossible for you before because you lived in a dorm, but now that you have a kitchen here, I can come over everyday and cook for you.” 

Shi Lei was speechless. He realised that asking Sun Yiyi to pick a restaurant was a grave mistake. 

If this happened two months ago, he would act exactly like Sun Yiyi. If Sun Yiyi said this at that time, he would definitely say yes without hesitation. 

As a woman who had ‘sold’ herself to him, and a woman who had cared for Shi Lei like her own family since childhood, Shi Lei thought that he must make this girl get used to a wealthy lifestyle. Otherwise, when his money increases more and more but she still suggests to cook at home, how could he possibly spend all the money out? 

“Don’t worry about that, I’ll check what’s good!” Shi Lei unlocked his phone and used a review app to find an appropriate restaurant. 

Sun Yiyi couldn’t do anything but to keep cleaning the room. Shi Lei curled up on the couch and mumbled to himself: “The environment must be good, it should be romantic and appropriate for two people. Hmm, Yiyi can’t drink, but c.o.c.ktails should be ok. c.o.c.ktails are usually colourful and girls should like it, it’s not too alcoholic either…… Then western food, only western food have c.o.c.ktails. Hmm, western restaurants……” 

Shi Lei scrolled on his phone and Sun Yiyi only heard ‘romantic’ from his mumbling. 

In this instant, Sun Yiyi thought that her heart was going to jump out. If Shi Lei said he wanted it to be romantic, did it mean that Shi Lei saw her as…… Woah, I’m so shy. Although he didn’t say that to me directly, but he must like me, right? Otherwise, why would he want to be romantic with me? 

And drinking too. I can’t really drink a lot and if I get drunk, would s.h.i.tou ge bring me back…… 

He gave me his key, was that a hint? But I’m scared. I’m scared to come over often, I’m scared that I’ll make him angry and interrupt him. But if it was because I was drunk, maybe I could…… Oh my G.o.d, Sun Yiyi, how can you be so perverted…… Although in dramas and novels, girls and guys have more courage when they were drunk and naturally do things which they wouldn’t dare to do usually. When we wake up in the morning, we should be together? 


Whilst Sun Yiyi was blushing from her illusions, Shi Lei had already picked a restaurant with rather positive reviews. 

Looking at Sun Yiyi’s clothes, it was probably bought at Run Zhou a few years ago as the fabric around the sleeves were rough. 

“Yiyi, why don’t you wear the clothes that I bought for you before? You are pretty in it!” Shi Lei asked casually, but it hit Sun Yiyi’s weak spot. She stammered: “They are so expensive, I feel bad wearing it!” 

“Idiot, clothes are made for wearing. Isn’t it wasting more if you just put it there?” 

Sun Yiyi bit her lips without a word. Shi Lei slapped his own head, dragged Sun Yiyi to sit down with him and persuaded: “Those clothes are worth more than 20,000 yuan, right? If you can wear it a thousand times, then it’s 20 yuan for every time you wear it. But if you only wear it ten times, then it’s 2,000 yuan for every time you wear it. Have a think, doesn’t it become cheaper the more you wear it?” 

Sun Yiyi looked at Shi Lei and her gaze subconsciously shifted upwards, as if she was calculating what Shi Lei said. 

After a while, she finally nodded and said: “Ok, I’ll wear it more!” 

Shi Lei laughed and said: “Stop doing, let’s go out now.” 

“It’s still early. It’s only 3PM, are you hungry already?” 

“I’m not hungry, but I’m going to buy more clothes for you!” Sun Yiyi panicked and waved her hands: “No, no! I don’t need you to buy more clothes for me. Do you think I’m too shabby to go out for dinner with you? I can go home and change because I can still make it back in time. It takes 40 minutes by bus to go home and it’ll be around 5PM after I change and come back, or you can tell me where we are eating and I’ll catch the subway there.” 

Shi Lei rolled his eyes and said: “Aren’t you tired? I told you that I earned 30,000 yuan today. And I won’t buy clothes as expensive as last time, probably around 2,000 or 3,000 yuan. You can’t say no, just listen to me! Don’t forget that you ‘sold’ yourself to me. You are my maid and you listen to what the master tells you to do!” 

Sun Yiyi was embarra.s.sed. She couldn’t say nor do anything and agreed. 

Shi Lei held Sun Yiyi’s hands and they left the house. 

There was a middle cla.s.s shopping mall just opposite the road. When Shi Lei took Sun Yiyi in, he thought that dresses wouldn’t be appropriate since it’s still cold. He also thought that at Sun Yiyi’s age, she should be wearing more youthful and sporty clothes. 

Hence, he bought a hoodie, jeans and a pair of Converse shoes for her. 

“Tie your hair up!” Shi Lei was like a director picking actors which he liked and ordered Sun Yiyi. 

Sun Yiyi listened to Shi Lei and tied her hair into a ponytail. She was wearing a pink hoodie with white shoes and she seemed so young. 

After a quick thought, Shi Lei also bought a vest with a hood for her. The vest was gra.s.s green with pale pink hood, the hood also had two small ears. After Sun Yiyi pull the hood over her head, she looked like a cute little bear from behind. 

Shi Lei was satisfied and paid for it. Sun Yiyi saw that Shi Lei just spent another 5,000 yuan, she was close to tears. 

“s.h.i.tou ge, it’s too expensive!” Sun Yiyi fidgeted with a corner of her clothes and bashfully said. 

Shi Lei waved his hands: “Not at all. I can earn 30,000 yuan a day, how much would that be in a month? Plus, I’m not buying you clothes everyday anyways. I said that you can’t oppose, just wear what I tell you to wear!” 

Sun Yiyi pouted. She felt wronged but at the same time, her heart was filled with joy. 

If she didn’t consider the price, she really liked this set of clothes, especially the vest. After she pulled the hood over her head, she couldn’t stop looking at herself as she seemed like a small bear in the mirror and she really loved it. 

Shi Lei threw the clothes she had into the bin. He said why wear it when the sleeves were already torn. Sun Yiyi couldn’t oppose so she could only watch as Shi Lei threw them away. 

After this, Shi Lei took Sun Yiyi to a rather renowned western restaurant. There were polite waiters with female staff members in maid outfits. After Sun Yiyi sat down, she began to calculate how much everything would cost and finally, she came up with a shocking number. 

The meal cost more than 2,000 yuan and 2,000 yuan was enough for her Mum and her to eat for more than a month. 

She wanted to say that it was too expensive, but she was also worried that Shi Lei wouldn’t be happy, so she ate the stake as if she was letting out her resentment on it. The taste was amazing and she never had this kind of experience before. When she knew that she could refill the c.o.c.ktail infinitely, Sun Yiyi gulped the gla.s.s of alcohol in one go and asked the waiter to refill it for her. 

What Sun Yiyi thought was that the c.o.c.ktail was 118 yuan for a gla.s.s. If she refilled it once, it would only be 59 yuan and another refill would be 39 yuan, what about the fourth gla.s.s? 

As a result, this idiot drank four of c.o.c.ktails. As someone who had never drank alcohol before, her face was red and couldn’t talk properly. 

She drank too much! 

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