The Black Card

Chapter 145 – Gently Holding Her Hand

Chapter 145 – Gently Holding Her Hand


Translator: Lav

Editor: Seliniaki Ilikia

Shi Lei was suddenly furious. He dashed out from behind Wei Xingyue and pointed at the leather jacket woman while cursing. “You are crazy! You told her to sleep with me and she will? She has a face resembling those of many others and I doubt I’ll even remember who slept with me afterwards. I’m telling you, if it wasn’t for the fact that you are a woman, I would kill you!”

After the words left his mouth, Shi Lei felt that they sounded too ambiguous and he added, “I’ll f.u.c.k you to death…” That wasn’t right either. He lost his confidence and muttered, “I mean, I’ll use my hands to…”  

Holy s.h.i.t, that still wasn’t right. Wei Xingyue just said that the leather jacket woman used her fingers.

Shi Lei backed off as he lost imposing manner and Wei Xingyue was speechless. The leather jacket woman laughed and pointed at him. “Hahahaha, where did you find such a funny person? He’s hilarious! Hahaha, it’s so funny! He’s interesting! Hahaha, lucky that I, master Shui, am bis.e.xual. After I do it with Wei Xingyue, I’ll also give you the honor!”

Now everyone had discarded their original att.i.tudes. Shi Lei didn’t have the thought of trying anymore. This woman in the leather jacket was even more hardcore than Wei Xingyue, and she was even crazier! He didn’t even know how Wei Xingyue knew this person. Whose family let her out? This…Does your mother know about this?

Wei Xingyue couldn’t stand it anymore. She began to think that it was a grave mistake for her to bring Shi Lei along. She’d overestimated Shi Lei’s IQ and underestimated how s.l.u.tty the leather jacket woman was.

“Enough! Song Miaomiao, did you only bring your mouth here tonight?” Wei Xingyue exclaimed indignantly.

But Song Miaomiao only giggled and answered, “I only need one mouth to make you drown in ecstasy!”

The first round resulted in Wei Xingyue’s complete defeat.

Seeing that Wei Xingyue’s soul was about to leave her body from rage, Shi Lei couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. The ancestors of whoever was affiliated with this woman must have committed some horrible crime.

“Cut the nonsense. Let’s begin if everyone"s here. Remember your bet. If you lose, stay the f.u.c.k away from me no matter where I am. You need to be at least thirty kilometers away.”

Shi Lei heard and thought that the bet was rather unreasonable.

It Wei Xingyue lost, she had to sleep with this woman for one night. But if Song Miaomiao lost, she only had to hide from Wei Xingyue. The script was wrong and it had to be fixed. At least it should be changed to Song Miaomiao sleeping with a man for one night if she lost.

Of course, Shi Lei didn’t mean that he wanted to be that man.

“Okay! Make a turn where the road ends. Whoever comes back first is the winner!” Song Miaomiao smiled brightly. Simply from this, it seemed that she was much stronger than Wei Xingyue.

The second round also resulted in Wei Xingyue’s defeat! Shi Lei looked at the extremely irritated Wei Xingyue felt a bit sympathetic toward her.

“What are you looking at? Get in the car!” Wei Xingyue turned to Shi Lei and yelled. He jumped and thought, isn’t it the same if you guys drag race on your own? Although I don’t really want to spend time alone with this snake face, I would rather do so than get in the car with you.

But, Shi Lei firmly believed that if he didn’t get in, Wei Xingyue really would tie him up in the front pa.s.senger’s seat. He shook his head and helplessly climbed into the car.

After Wei Xingyue got in, she found a helmet and shoved it into Shi Lei’s arms.

“Wear it. Don’t blame me if you hit your head later!”

Shi Lei took the helmet and looked at Wei Xingyue. She had a cold expression on her face. He felt that this crazy woman was pitiful, since whoever was affiliated with a woman like Song Miaomiao would be pitiful.

Without waiting for Wei Xingyue to take back her hand, Shi Lei grabbed it. She jumped and scolded as she turned her head, “What are you doing?”

Shi Lei didn’t reply. He pulled her hand toward him and held it with both hands, staring into her fury-filled eyes. “You’ll definitely win! What you need to do now is to relax and calm down quickly. Otherwise, you’ll be at disadvantage for racing with such negative emotions. Even if your skills are better than hers, you can’t possibly win when you are agitated like this,” he said.

Perhaps it was because Shi Lei’s eyes were too clear. Wei Xingyue froze. She let him hold her pet.i.te hand and her heart skipped a beat.

Under his pure look, the irritation gradually died away and the fury turned into tranquillity.

For a long time, Shi Lei looked into her eyes with a steady gaze, and kept his grip on her hand.

“It’s fine. I’m calm now. You can let go of my hand.” Wei Xingyue said, dumbstruck.

Shi Lei quickly let go and smiled in embarra.s.sment. “I s.p.a.ced out, sorry!”

Wei Xingyue was troubled. This guy s.p.a.ced out? Then why was his stare so clear?

She looked again and finally realized that Shi Lei’s vision always looked like that because his pupils were somewhat transparent.

Wei Xingyue started the engine and stepped on the accelerator. The Alfa Romeo let out a roar and was ready.

Shi Lei put on the helmet but suddenly remembered that he had something else he hadn’t said yet. He opened his mouth to speak, but the words were m.u.f.fled by the helmet. 

Wei Xingyue glanced and him and said, “Take off helmet! Who can understand what you are saying?”

Shi Lei quickly took it off and said, “Don’t be scared, I’m here!”

Wei Xingyue felt strange since Shi Lei suddenly seemed so responsible. But his next words made Wei Xingyue have a breakdown.

“Don’t worry, you can definitely win. Even if you lose to her, she’s definitely not good enough to be your opponent. So if you lose, just beat her up until she doesn’t dare to pester you anymore!”

Wei Xingyue was about to faint. If I could beat up Song Miaomiao, did you think that that woman would still be alive?

Wei Xingyue didn’t want to hear anything else from Shi Lei before the race ended.

She seized the helmet from Shi Lei’s hands and shoved it onto his head, bellowing, “Shut up!”

Then, she grabbed the steering wheel with both hands and looked ahead, preparing to go at any time.

The sound of the Alfa Romeo’s engine was much more contained than the Mustang’s. The power of both cars was actually quite similar. Although the Mustang was slightly more powerful, it was also heavier. The Mustang wasn’t as good as Alfa Romeo in terms of acceleration within a hundred meters, but it had a high continuous power output capacity. The Alfa Romeo was turned easily while the Mustang would win in a situation involving sudden turns due to its heavy weight. Since the race was on a straight road with one turning point, if Alfa Romeo turned suddenly, it may slide, but obviously, the Mustang didn’t have to worry about that, so the two cars would have an equal chance of winning.

Hence, the race was more focused on Wei Xingyue and Song Miaomiao’s ability to drive. It was a compet.i.tion of driving skill.

They didn’t only have to think about making the turn at the end of the road. Chasing and overtaking were definitely focus points as well.

However, that kind of understanding would come from the perspective of watching from the side of the road. Inside the car, especially for someone like Shi Lei who had never experienced anything more than the speeding on the highway, the only thing he could do was pray to G.o.d to let him come out of it safely.

Shi Lei had struggled for almost two months under the Black Card and he didn’t want to die because of Wei Xingyue.

The Mustang shot forward to line up with the Alfa Romeo, which meant that it was ready and they could start. Wei Xingyue pushed the gear into position and as she floored the accelerator, the car shot out like a rabbit.

She only used four seconds to accelerate and reach the one hundred meter mark.

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