The Black Card

Chapter 177 – Shameless Way of Robbing Money

Chapter 177 – Shameless Way of Robbing Money

Translator: Lav

Editor: Seliniaki Ilikia

Song Miaomiao was similar to Hu Changying in that after experiencing the initial shock and speaking some nonsense, she recovered her wits and dragged the suitcase out of the warehouse in silence.

She pa.s.sed the suitcase of money to Shi Lei, who stood next to the car. He quickly waved his hands in denial. Although he pretended that he saw that money as nothing but dirt, his heart couldn’t help but beat crazily.

If the Black Card didn’t exist, Shi Lei wouldn’t hesitate to take this money, take his parents to another city, and live a happy life. But he didn’t dare take the risk. There was only a little over a week left in this consumption period and he wasn’t sure that he could spend it all. If he wanted to spend this money according to the rules laid down by the Black Card, the only possible solution he had was to purchase a house. And it had to be a house to live in. It couldn’t be used for business or with obvious intentions for investment. Shi Lei really couldn’t find anyone who was willing to sell such an expensive property in Wu Dong, with a price of more than sixty million yuan.

And if he really did take this money, he would have to leave this place and hide his ident.i.ty to avoid a potential act of revenge.

10,000,000 USD was indeed a hot potato.

Song Miaomiao had recovered from her shock. Shi Lei didn’t kill her, so she believed that it was because he didn’t have the guts to do so. Therefore, she had no reason to be afraid and rolled her eyes. “Carry it to the car. It’s a really heavy suitcase. Do you think I can lift it up?”

Shi Lei carried the suitcase with difficulty. The half hour period of possession was already over because of the blank state Song Miaomiao had been in, so Shi Lei was a normal person again. His muscles began to hurt from the intense activity.

“Stop pretending. You effortlessly disabled two boxers and you can’t even carry this?”

Shi Lei shook his head and continued pretending to be cool. “I told you already. That was neigong. Carrying a suitcase requires external, physical strength. It’s almost 120 kilograms. You dragged this out, so don’t you know how much effort this takes?”

Song Miaomiao had no choice but to help him lift the suitcase into the car. “Don’t you think that Hu Changying is crazy?” Shi Lei panted and asked. “Shouldn’t wealthy people like you make wire transfers? That’s so much easier. He carried a suitcase of money here, and if he won, he would have to carry it back too…”

“He’s crazy as always.”

Shi Lei was speechless to hear such an answer.

“Oh right. Are you just going to leave those two?” Shi Lei didn’t forget that there were still two people lying inside. He understood the situation more than anyone else. Those two boxers would probably never have the chance to compete on stage again. Shi Lei believed that they had paid the price for threatening him before the fight started. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have held any grudges toward them and really wouldn’t have been so harsh on them. But now that they were injured, he couldn’t just leave them there.

“There were many like them before. And that car is a present for the Thai boxer. They can go to the hospital anytime they want, but they don’t have the guts right now because you’re still here.”

Shi Lei opened the door of the Hummer and jumped in. “Let’s hurry up and go then. They won’t have the chance to rely on boxing for a living anyway. If they delayed treatment and really ended up disabled, I would feel sorry for them!”

“You feel sorry and yet you still beat them up so harshly?” Song Miaomiao asked, climbing into the driver’s seat.

“Obviously. If I couldn’t defeat them, do you think they would just let me go? One wanted to break my legs and mouth, and the other was worse. He wanted to disable my entire upper body! For someone like you, it would be a miracle to walk out alive. ”

“If you really dared to take a life, do you think that you wouldn’t have killed me already? Just so you know, as long as I’m still breathing, you are done for life.” Song Miaomiao said in a bad mood and started the engine. This d.a.m.ned ladyboy’s mental fort.i.tude is quite strong. Has she returned to her normal state this quickly?

The Hummer sprinted toward the city. Song Miaomiao was silent the entire time, making the atmosphere awkward and creepy. Hence, Shi Lei found something to talk about. “As a person from a neighboring province―wait, you are from a neighboring province, right?” Song Miaomiao nodded silently and Shi Lei continued, “Since you’re from a neighboring province, why would you open an underground fighting ring all the way in Wu Dong?”

“I only have shares. The real owner usually takes care of this place. It’s like that in Xi Xi, except others have shares and I’m the owner.”

Shi Lei nodded. He couldn’t understand the hobbies of these fuerdais and it was even harder for him to comprehend why they would invest in boxing.

The car stopped in front of a five-star hotel on the edge of the city. Shi Lei was dumbfounded. “Do you live here? Why don’t you live in the city?” he asked.

Song Miaomiao turned around furiously. “You want to go to the hotel I’m staying at? Don’t think that you can do anything you want just because you can fight! We’re doing it here!”

Shi Lei was confused and thought: What is going on? Then he suddenly realized that this heartless ladyboy really thought he was going to have s.e.x with her. He only said it for the sake of provoking her. Although Shi Lei really did consider whether the Black Card would calculate this consumption into the total sum if he spent 500,000 yuan for one night with Song Miaomiao, he only thought about it, never intending to actually do such a thing.

He quickly ran after her. “Did you really take it seriously?!” he whispered furiously. “That was only for the purpose of making you angry!”

Song Miaomiao froze. She had actually thought that Shi Lei was serious and took him here knowing that since she couldn’t win a fight against him or run away, she would just pretend she was pressed by a ghost(2). And yet he just said that his previous words were only for provoking her.

Now Song Miaomiao felt she was losing face. She hadn’t even figured out the his real reason for saying those things and actually took him to a hotel.

Hence, she also lowered her voice and said viciously, “You are f.u.c.king kidding me, right? Do you think that if you say yes, it’s a yes, and if you say no, it’s a no? Now that Ye is prepared to satisfy you, you’re f.u.c.king telling me that you were only trying to make me angry?”

Shi Lei understood in an instant. Holy s.h.i.t, this d.a.m.n ladyboy was a bis.e.xual transvest.i.te. He hadn’t chosen his words appropriately for the sake of provoking her, but he’d wanted to project the image of a prost.i.tute onto her and thought that it didn’t matter how perverted his words were, as long as she would feel ashamed. But now, Shi Lei was riding a tiger. This d.a.m.ned ladyboy had had her eyes on him ever since the night of the car race. Wasn’t this like sending a sheep into a tiger’s den?

But the thing is, do you want money that badly? You have ten million in your car right now, in USD, and you’re asking to be prost.i.tuted?

“You call yourself ‘Ye.’ Two men doing it together…do you think I’m gay like Hu Changying?” Shi Lei said without a choice.

This completely infuriated Song Miaomiao. “How does calling myself ‘Ye’ make me a man?”

Shi Lei was intrigued. “Why would you address yourself as ‘Ye’ if you are not a man?”

“In what way is Lao Niang(3) a man?” Song Miaomiao adapted to the change quickly and fluidly changed her words.

Shi Lei was completely speechless now. This d.a.m.ned ladyboy. To be honest, she only looked like a man because of her hairstyle. But there were no rules saying that women couldn’t have a buzz cut, so that excuse wasn’t very convincing.

“Even if you want to be prost.i.tuted, I don’t want to do it, alright?” Shi Lei could only say.

Song Miaomiao grew even more irritated and reached a hand out. “Do you think it’s okay for you to first say yes, then say no? Fine! Lao Niang’s forty-five kilograms are all yours. You can take it if you want. If you don’t, I still want that 500,000 yuan!”

Holy f.u.c.k! How can you be so shameless when robbing my money?!

Shi Lei promptly turned around and left. Song Miaomiao pestered him violently as she followed in pursuit. Luckily, it was late and not many people were in the hotel’s reception hall. Otherwise, if anyone heard their conversation, they would definitely call the police for illegal activity.

The words “pressed by a ghost” is the same as sleep paralysis, in which a person is temporarily unable to move or speak when waking up or falling asleep

“Lao Niang” is equivalent to “Ye,” but for females






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