The Black Card

Chapter 198 - Leveled Up to “Suspect”

Chapter 198 - Leveled Up to “Suspect”

Translator: Lav

Editor: Seliniaki Ilikia

Shi Lei saw that Police B was leaving and called out anxiously, “Don’t go. I haven’t asked how demolished his house is. It’s so capable of the hero to even demolish the house! Did a whole construction team go?” 

Police B was walking along nicely, but suddenly stumbled. He turned around and looked at Shi Lei deeply. Is it really fine for you to laugh at his misfortune? Maybe this guy really didn’t do it…  

Shi Lei considered the situation and stood up to follow the other. He chased Police B to the door and pulled on the handle only to discover that the officer had locked the room from the outside. 

He immediately knocked the door and shouted, “Why did you lock me inside? I’m telling you, even if this is the police station, you are detaining me illegally!” As he spoke, he took out his phone and checked the time. It was only slightly past seven and he a.s.sumed that it would be around nine until Zhang Meimei came. That was more than an hour-long wait and was annoying. 

Police B’s voice sounded from outside. “Think long and hard inside and see if you have anything to tell us! After you think about it carefully, we will open the door!” 

“I have nothing to think about. I just feel that it’s very satisfying. I’m warning you, you’d better open the door or you’ll end up regretting it!” 

Although Police B was hesitant, he still believed that the demolition and Qin Huaiyuan’s injuries last night were Shi Lei’s doing. But deep down inside, he thought that Shi Lei’s way of doing things was more satisfying. That Qin Huaiyuan and his wife, especially, were really annoying. She reported the case to the station and order them around as if she was the emperor’s mother. She was only the wife of a factory owner. Did she really think she was the chief’s wife? 

But this case was entrusted to them by the chief. After they received the report, they had seeked the chief out at once. He couldn’t just act against the chief’s orders for Shi Lei’s sake.  

“Stop yelling! If you keep yelling, then don’t blame us for taking extraordinary measures to make you shut up! This is the police station, not your house!” Police B said unhappily and headed for the office next door. 

Shi Lei looked around the office he was in. It was on first floor, but unfortunately, there were steel bars installed in the window. 

But these kinds of steel bars were all from ten or twenty years ago. When Shi Lei still lived in a flat house, he also had these kinds of steel bars. It was to prevent thieves, but was also convenient for Shi Zhongping to use to lock him at home. However, Shi Lei could still escape secretly, since he’d thought of a way to remove the bars. 

He walked to the windows and tried the bars one by one. Theoretically, even if it was the police station, these steel bars wouldn’t necessarily be secure. No one would think to fix them even if they were broken. Which thief was stupid enough to steal things from a police station? 

He tried each one, finding two really loose ones. Shi Lei lifted them up a bit. He just needed to lift the two steel bars two millimeters higher to pull them out. 

Shi Lei had long since become skillful at removing such bars. He pushed one up and rotated it while doing so. The two heads of a steel bar were usually conical, which was more than enough for these wooden window frames. Within a minute, Shi Lei had successfully removed the first bar. Another minute pa.s.sed and he managed to take down the second one. 

He put the bars carefully next to the door, then bent over and climbed onto the windowsill, just barely squeezing through the gap with the two missing bars. 

It hurt slightly, but was bearable. 

He jumped down from the window and walked confidently out of the police station. There were only a few officers on shift at this time. The majority of them were sleepy and none of them noticed him. 

There was a self-service bank next to the police station. Shi Lei ran in, pulled the Black Card out, and inserted it into the ATM. 

“I’m going to use the Millionaire Card!” Shi Lei didn’t bother with the pleasantries and directly announced his purpose. 

The Scepter followed his example, asking, “Do you have any special requests?” 

Shi Lei told it all of his requests and it frowned. “That’s rather creative and new,” it remarked. “I’ve never seen anyone using the Millionaire Card like this before.” 

“Don’t worry about it too much. Hurry up and implement it.” 

Although the Scepter was dissatisfied by Shi Lei’s att.i.tude, it still said, “I must tell you that Wei Qing is also in Run Zhou right now. Are you sure you want to use this card? There’s no need for me to tell you. You know who Wei Qing came for. You are now friends with him, so you just need to call him and he will be more than willing to settle this for you. This is nothing to him.” 

“I don’t want to owe anyone a favor. Don’t worry about Wei Qing and don’t involve him when I use the Millionaire Card this time. Now that he knows me, I’m scared that there will be lasting effects on him if you wipe his memory again.” 

The Scepter agreed to Shi Lei’s requests. He pulled out the Black Card and returned to the police station. 

When he looked in from the window, the office was still empty. Shi Lei quickly squeezed in and returned the steel bars to their original places. 

Not long after the window was fixed, the front yard of the police station became lively. It was around 8 AM, when all civil and a.s.sistant personnel came to work. The previously empty police station was suddenly filled with people. 

Unsurprisingly, the door to the office opened. Other people were coming to work, so Police B and that Xiao Song were inconveniencing them by staying in the other office and could only return to their own. 

“Have you thought it through?” Xiao Song yelled at Shi Lei as soon as he entered the room. “Hurry up and spit it out! Don’t even try to muddle your way through this! I’ve seen too many like you!” 

Just you wait, Shi Lei thought. Bad luck will come for you soon. This police station of yours will definitely become very active and lively.

“I have no other explanation to give. I’ll say it once more. I was sleeping last night and I don’t know anything else!” 

“Hey, how can this brat be so impudent? Stand up and go squat in the corner!” Xiao Song smacked the table and fumed. 

Shi Lei glanced at him coldly and didn’t move an inch. This time, Police B also remained silent, since he’d probably run out of patience. They had left the office for about half an hour. If Shi Lei had some means of getting out earlier, then he had his phone and could’ve contacted someone. Even if that person couldn’t have arrived after such a short amount of time, they should’ve already called. But nothing happened. Police B thought that Shi Lei must’ve watched too many dramas and didn’t know what the police station was really like, and so a.s.sumed that no one would dare touch him if he had a lawyer. 

“Hey, you’re pretty mad at me, aren’t you?” Xiao Song walked toward Shi Lei, rolled up his sleeves, and tried to grab him. 

Shi Lei wasn’t about to back down. He pushed Xiao Song away and yelled, “Don’t you f*cking touch me!” 

“You dare attack a police officer?!” Xiao Yuan glared, eyes wide. 

Shi Lei laughed angrily. “You’re probably the one who’s watched too many dramas! Attack the police your a.s.s! Don’t you dare touch me again!” 

Xiao Song was flabbergasted by Shi Lei’s words. He stomped around and began to curse.

An rather imposing voice sounded from outside the office. “It’s so early in the morning. What are you guys doing?” 

Xiao Song and Police B turned around, smiles immediately appearing on their faces. “Chief Feng, you’ve arrived? This is that Shi Lei. The one who demolished factory owner Qin’s house and injured him!” 

Chief Feng was about forty years of age. He didn’t have any obvious characteristics except for a beer belly, but at least he didn’t look as ugly as a pig. 

He looked at Shi Lei. “Is this how you people do work? Can’t you even do something this simple properly? You let a suspect run around yelling and shouting? And in the police station, of all places! What a scandal!” 

Even though it seemed like just a normal lecture from a superior, the man had cla.s.sified Shi Lei as a suspect. The two police officers immediately knew what to do. 

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