The Black Card

Chapter 225 - Starting Golf

Chapter 225 - Starting Golf

Translator: Lav

Editor: Seliniaki Ilikia

Shi Lei had something small for lunch by himself and then returned to his apartment. He had only remembered to calculate his total consumption, but forgot about the profits from his investments.

Because the set time was a delayed few days, Shi Lei opened the stock trading system and found that the three stocks that were supposed to increase had increased even more. He took a brief look and saw that one of the days had actually reached the limit.

Eventually, Shi Lei’s 80,000 yuan had risen to a little over 120,000 yuan. He chose to sell the stocks without hesitation and was the deal was quickly done. Disregarding the service charge, Shi Lei’s private funds had acc.u.mulated to 120,000 yuan.

However, because there was the possibility that almost 100,000 yuan would not be counted from the consumptions he made in Runzhou, Shi Lei’s funds would only be around 20,000 yuan if that was true.

There were eight days left until the last day of the period. Shi Lei promptly began to research the stock market and finally settled on three stocks before the market closed at 3 PM.

He opened the Investment Golden Thumb application on his phone and entered the code for the first stream of stocks, setting it to check the profit for a week later.

Unfortunately, this stock would fall slightly over the course of the week.

Shi Lei entered the code for the second stock with the same time setting.

This one wasn’t too bad, although it was not as good as before, with barely twenty percent in profit. After a moment of thought, Shi lei decided to save his last chance to check and put all of his private funds into this stock.

The profit was around eighteen percent and the mature investment bond was approximately 22,000 yuan. After taking away the service charge, his profit would be around 20,000 yuan, so Shi Lei should own around 140,000 yuan of free funds by the end of the week. Even the if spending in Runzhou wasn’t calculated into the sum, Shi Lei would still have around 50,000 yuan left after he made up for it himself.

As soon as he decided to buy the stocks, his phone rang.

“The weather is nice outside. Let’s find a place to exercise. Every single time we meet, it’s indoors. It’s so unhealthy,” Wei Xingyue said lazily.

Shi Lei didn’t know where to begin, since Wei Xingyue was someone who had to spend two or three hours doing makeup, and yet she had the guts to say that it was unhealthy.

“Then come to my school. Let’s play some basketball.”

Wei Xingyue rolled her eyes on the other side of the phone. “Do I look like someone who is willing to be covered in sweat like you?”

“But you said you wanted exercise!”

“Does exercise have to be basketball? Why can’t we play something else?”

“Why don’t you just say it straightforwardly then? How would I know what you want to do? Thank G.o.d you’re not taking me drag racing again!”

“Golf!” Wei Xingyue almost yelled.

Shi Lei was blank for a second. Oh, golf. The sport that’s essentially just holding a stick and running around on the gra.s.s, chasing after a small, white ball and then then hitting it as far as possible. Oh, wait. I think I can only win by hitting that ball into a hole. That was basically all Shi Lei knew about golf.

“But I don’t know how to play it!”

“Learn it. No one knows how to play it when they first start. How about this? Go to the golf club next to Qinglong Mountain. There’s a standard golf course there with a practice ground. I’ll make the effort to practice with you for a bit.”

Shi Lei didn’t understand what a standard golf course was, and neither did he know what a practice ground was. He only knew that golf was played on an extremely s.p.a.cious lawn. All he wanted to do was give Wei Xingyue her present and express his appreciation, so where he went wasn’t very important.

“Fine. Come pick me up.”

“There’s not enough time for that. Hurry up and go there yourself. You need to have a set of equipment for golf, so go first and take your pick. If you don"t understand, just ask the attendants there to help you out. The customer service there is quite good. I’ll send the location to you in a moment. When you go, just mention my name. I will notify them beforehand.”

Although he didn’t understand how to play golf, Shi Lei knew that golf courses usually had some sort of membership system. If a new person wasn’t introduced by a member, they either had to sign up for a membership card, or they just wouldn’t be admitted.

A location was quickly sent to his WeChat. Shi Lei left with a car he booked online.

The driver drove Shi Lei to the front gate of the golf course, which was on the other side of Mountain Qinglong. He stopped the car.

“Sir, I can’t go any further.” Shi Lei nodded, got out of the car, and walked toward the gate.

He was the only person who was walking through the front gate. Everyone else that entered all drove in. Suddenly seeing someone walking in, the two guards at the front gate were shocked.

When Shi Lei walked past the bar used to stop cars, the two guards finally chased after him in panic. They didn’t dare be too rash, seeing that he didn’t dress ordinarily. “Sir, you…?”

Shi Lei scratched his head. “Oh, do I need to show you a membership card? Sorry, this is my first time here and I don’t have one yet. My friend does. She told me to come over first and that it’s fine to use her name.”

The two guards exchanged a glance. One of them said, “Sir, we don’t only require a membership card for you to enter. Usually, the customers come here by car. Their cars have our bluetooth card installed, and as long as the bar raises by itself, they can proceed in. This is quite far from the main building of the golf course. It’s a bit far for you to walk.”

Shi Lei understood and immediately said, “I don’t mind walking, but if you want to see a membership card, then you can only make a call. My friend told me to find a manager with the surname ‘Meng’ after I come.”

As he spoke, a car’s engine sounded from behind. The three of them turned around and saw a Bentley stopped in the middle of the road, its path blocked.

They quickly moved out of the way and the Bently slowly drove in. However, it pulled to a stop next to them and the face of a young man around twenty years old appeared in the lowered window.

“What’s going on?” The young man in the car asked.

The guard recognized the person. He quickly smiled and said, “Young master Yu. I’m very sorry for blocking your way. This sir is here for the first time and said a friend of his told him to come looking for Manager Meng first.”

The young man in the car studied Shi Lei for a while before turning to the two guards. “Then let him wait at the front gate,” he said. “When his friend arrives, can’t they just go in together?” With that said, he rolled the window up and arrogantly drove the Bentley in.

What the young man said was true, but the guards didn’t dare offend any of the customers. They discussed between them, then turned to Shi Lei and said, “How about this, sir? You indeed don’t have a membership card and it’s inconvenient for us to let you in, but I can send you in to find Manager Meng. If your friend has indeed talked to Manager Meng beforehand, then…”

Shi Lei nodded. He didn’t mind the guards’ distrust at all, since they couldn’t just let anyone who said that they wanted to see Manager Meng into a fancy place like this.

“That works.”

The guard quickly drove an electric golf cart over and brought Shi Lei to the main building. He went in and found Manager Meng. As soon as she heard Shi Lei’s name, she immediately put a smile on her face and said, “h.e.l.lo, Mr. Shi. I am the manager here, Meng Xiaodie. Miss Wei has talked to me already. Please come this way.”

The guard left after he saw this. Meanwhile, Shi Lei followed Meng Xiaodie inside. Meng Xiaodie was a woman just over thirty years old. She would definitely have a large number of people looking at her on the street with her level of beauty. However, Shi Lei had already seen too many beauties and was accustomed to it.

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