The Black Card

Chapter 30 - White Lie

Chapter 30 - White Lie


Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs


Shi Lei did not want to lie. But no matter whom it was to, he could not explain the source of his money. And now he was facing a situation where he needed to save someone’s life, he could only make a white lie. 

On Sun Yiyi’s side, Shi Lei tried his very best and finally comforted her. 

Shi Lei then said: “Don’t tell aunt that I gave you the money later.” 

Sun Yiyi widened her beautiful eyes. Her eyelashes were still filled with tears, captivating as dews on an autumn morning.  


Shi Lei touched her head and said: “Aunt will be burdened psychologically. She will definitely think that we won’t be able to afford such big amount of money.” 

Sun Yiyi instantly lowered her head, rubbed her canvas shoes on the floor and said in a low voice: “s.h.i.tou ge, I might need a really long time to return the money to you, I……” 

“I’m not in a hurry, we can talk about it later. I’m not talking to you about returning it, I’m just worried that aunt may not want to accept it.” 

“Then what should I say to Mum?” 

Shi Lei had a thought and said: “You can tell aunt that I’m working at a medical care and medicine company. My company mainly and independently research and develop an equipment for heart bypa.s.s surgery. When it’s promoted to the market, although the price is was cheaper than the equipment before, but the hospitals are worried that the clinical results won’t be as good. So my company is currently promoting this area and we want to find patients who need to do the heart bypa.s.s surgery and experiment on them. We won’t only not accept fees for for the equipment, but we are also willing to pay for the recovery expenses after surgery. The hospital will observe from the surgery to determine whether our company’s equipment is actually effective or not. As for the hospital, we’ll tell the doctor and I believe they are willing to tell this white lie with us. In short, aunt’s health is the most important right now.” 

Sun Yiyi was dumbfounded, she blinked and did not know how to reply to Shi Lei. 

Shi Lei could only say: “Anyway, don’t say anything, just listen to me talk to her and work with me for a bit. You only need to say that I called you out in the morning. I took you to my company and the discussion is almost set, we just need aunt to agree and sign an agreement.” 

Sun Yiyi nodded blankly and both of them returned to the garage which was renovated into a rental house. 

As Sun Yiyi’s mother saw Shi Lei came in, she called Sun Yiyi to pour Shi Lei a gla.s.s of water hurriedly and wanted to get up from the bed herself. 

Shi Lei quickly supported Sun Yiyi’s mother and helped her lean against the bedhead. He also sat down on the bed and asked with a smile: “Aunt, how are you feeling today?” 

Sun Yiyi’s mother smoothed the hair on her forehead. Although she was only a little over 40 years in age, but grey hairs already appeared. It seemed like the past few years had been harsh to her. 

Sun Yiyi’s mother struggled to smile: “About the same everyday. Honestly, I’m fine with myself, but I can’t let go of Yiyi. I’m really useless, being scammed and now an illness like this. If it wasn’t that Yiyi’s still young and yet to attend university, I really want to just die……” 

“Mum….. Don’t say that…...” Sun Yiyi’s tears fell down once again. 

Shi Lei quickly comforted: “Aunt, you shouldn’t not think like this. Yiyi needs to go to university later, she will graduate and find a good job, she will even have a baby and take care of you!” 

“You always knew how to comfort people ever since you are young, but my body…….” Sun Yiyi’s mother’s expressions were filled with worry. 

Shi Lei smiled and said: “Aunt, don’t worry too much about your illness. The reason I called Yiyi out this morning was to help you solve this problem.” 

“Shi Lei, you can’t ask your family. Your family isn’t rich either and it’s hard for your parents to earn money. These years, you parents’ lives must be hard because you are in university. It’s my problem, we’ll think of something ourselves……” 

Shi Lei cut off Sun Yiyi’s mother’s words and said: “Aunt, don’t panic and wait for me to finish. It’s like this. After I entered university, I wanted to share the burdens with my family so I did quite a lot of part-time jobs. Right now, I’m working at a medical care and medicine company and sell medical equipment for them. Last night I met Yiyi and she told me about you, so I thought it must be destiny. My company recently developed a frame for the heart bypa.s.s surgery. The price my company gave was also lower than the ones the hospitals use right now. Perhaps because it’s a new product, so the loyalty is rather low in the hospitals and they are unwilling to use our frame. So the company decided to see if we can find a group of volunteers who has coronary heart disease and needs the surgery but cannot afford the medical fees. Our company is willing to give out free frames and also provide the surgery and after surgery recovery fees. After all, it’s a newly developed frame and most people view it as being risky. But I work in the company so I know that we can trust it. Except for the sake of expanding the market, the company has no choice but to spend some money which is equivalent to advertis.e.m.e.nt. The hospital also agreed to this as firstly, they can try whether this new product really works or not, secondly, they can help those patients who are in financial difficulty. The doctor feels bad that they see a lot of patients who cannot be treated due to financial difficulty. So this morning, I went to my company and talked to my boss and mentioned your condition. The boss said that the company was ready to do that anyway. Since you are my neighbour, it was easier to reach the agreement. So I called Yiyi over and the manager who’s in charge of this explained the process of it in detail…… Yiyi, tell aunt about it.” 

Sun Yiyi simply did not know how to add on, she could only force herself to say: “Mum, I think the manager looked really nice. Plus, s.h.i.tou ge said that his company is rather reliable, the newly developed product won’t be bad. s.h.i.tou ge’s company told me to come back and discuss you about it and make decision quickly.” 

Sun Yiyi’s mother was shocked as she did not imagine something like this would happen. She was rather nervous and said: “Is your company really going to pay for all the expenses? “

Shi Lei saw that Sun Yiyi’s mother did not care about the frame’s quality in the slightest and only worried about the expenses, he knew that he basically succeeded. 

So he said hurriedly: “Yes, my company’s budget is that every volunteer won’t surpa.s.s 40,000 yuan of expenses. I heard from Yiyi that from your condition, the doctor said you need at least three frames, plus surgery and after surgery recovery, you need almost 100,000 yuan. And three frames would cost about 40,000 or 50,000 yuan, plus medical insurance, 40,000 yuan is more than enough for a volunteering patient from surgery till they are completely recovered. At the same time, our company will buy an insurance for the patient before the surgery to maximise the volunteer’s benefits.” 

“Shi Lei, you are not lying to me, are you? How would something this good happen?” Sun Yiyi’s mother was astonished. 40,000 yuan per person, if there were eight or ten people, she could not even imagine it. 

Shi Lei smiled and said: “Aunt, you don’t need to worry because I’m not lying to you. It’s a coincidence, my company needs to expand the market, yet the hospital worries about the quality of the product. So, if you are willing to be a volunteer, my company will be very grateful of you. If everything’s well after your surgery, the hospital will agree to use the frame which our company produces. If one hospital is willing to buy it, then the other hospitals would know that our product is cheaper than other companies and would all buy it from us. The expenses for your surgery is nothing to our company.” 

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