The Black Card

Chapter 77 - Stupid Mole

Chapter 77 - Stupid Mole

Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs

Shi Lei didn’t forget to ask if it could be viable tomorrow when he made the decision today. The Scepter told him impatiently that he could appoint the time for the millionaire card with a 24 hour period, but it cannot exceed after midnight of the appointed day. 

“Ok, then it will become viable tomorrow. Although the overall time will be cut down quite a lot, but it should be fine as it long as it lasts still midnight.” 

A beam of gold light flashed on the screen and the millionaire card from before appeared again. With the disappearance of ‘-1’, the top right corner of the card changed from ‘+3’ to ‘+2’. This meant that the millionaire card was used, and the number will decrease by one whenever Shi Lei decides to use it. 

“Congratulations, you stupid employee. Your first millionaire day is coming soon.” 

Shi Lei twitched his lips. The Scepter was obviously trying to disgust him. He emphasised that he won’t allow the Scepter to address him as slave again, but as an employee. But the Scepter played around with the word and changed ‘employee’ to the similar expression of ‘employee(1)’. Since it has the meaning of servant, even what was written on the Black Card changed into this word. 

Shi Lei wasn’t in the mood to make a fuss about it. What he cared about was how extravagant tomorrow will be. 

“If you have any enquiries, you can tell me now. I will follow your enquiries strictly and help you reach the living standard of a billionaire.” 

Shi Lei pondered for a while and said: “First, I need more than 3 supercars. The price needs to be at least 5 million or more.” 

The Scepter sighed and said: “You are really a loser. Wu Dong is a city with supercar clubs. 5 million yuan supercars might not even make it into those clubs, they will lose face from it. Well, in order to give you the life of a real wealthy person, I’ll change it to 8 supercars. Let’s see how many in Wu Dong City we can get you……” 

After a while, the Scepter spoke up again: “Brat, you are quite lucky. There are a few people who drove here from Shanghai, I’ll put them on the list. Listen carefully; the 8 cars I’ve arranged for you, it includes a Lamborghini Aventador. Ferrari F12, Porsche 918, Aston Martin Vanquish, and a McLaren P1. The main one is a Koenigsegg. As for the other two, I will just get middle cla.s.s ones as subst.i.tute.” 

Shi Lei was in shock as he didn’t know much about supercars. Although he knew what Lamborghini, Ferrari, and Porsche were, also somewhat knew about McLaren because F1 had a team with it, but Koenigsegg, he had no idea what it was. 

“Koenigsegg? The main one?” Shi Lei was in doubt. 

The Scepter displayed its disdain mercilessly again: “I told you to read more magazines and gain knowledge on how the wealthy lives yet you didn’t listen. You don’t even know Koenigsegg? It cost more than 20 million for one and it’s something you can’t necessarily buy with money. 

Shi Lei was in shock again. 20 million for one? He only heard of a brand called Bugatti in this price range. 

“20 million? Isn’t that more expensive than Bugatti?” Shi Lei exclaimed. 

The Scepter’s voice was as cold as ice: “From the lowest to the highest price, they don’t even stand a chance against a Koenigsegg.” 

Shi Lei was totally speechless. 

“Do you have a request for the location?” The Scepter asked again. 

Shi Lei shook his head and said: “I don’t care about that, as long as it’s in Wu Dong.” 

“Okay. Considering that you want a c.o.c.ktail party in a luxurious mansion, hmm, c.o.c.ktail party, not a banquet, because no wealthy people like to attend occasions like that. As for location, it will be under the mountain of Qing Long. That’s a place for car races anyways and there’s a decent mansion on the mountain.”

Shi Lei: “......” 

He didn’t even mention his second requirement. He only said ‘first’ and the Scepter knew what his second inquiry was. 

“The attendants to the c.o.c.ktail party will be fuerdai in Wu Dong or from nearby places with more than 50 billion worth of a.s.sets other than the owners of the cars. There might even be some children of powerful officials. The number of people will be around 30, do you have any problem with that?” Although the Scepter asked whether Shi Lei had any questions, but it didn’t give him another chance to reply and continued: “Any other requests?” 

Shi Lei: “......” 

What other requests could he make? 30 fuerdai with at least 50 billion worth of a.s.sets. Although it didn’t specify who the children of the officials were, but since they are a match to those fuerdai, they would be the children of leaders amongst the officials. 

Shi Lei suddenly felt horrified. If he was going to live a millionaire life for a day, he had to socialise with so many billionaires? He was scared. 

Perhaps the Sceptre sensed that Shi Lei’s legs began to shake, it said in disdain: “Don’t worry, they are just playing a part in it as temporary actions. After this day, they will not remember the details of what happened. All they will remember is that they gathered under Qing Long mountain, then went to the mansion at the top of the mountain for a c.o.c.ktail party and won’t know who organised the party. This is normal for those fuerdai who gather together often. They will definitely not remember you afterwards.” 

Shi Lei was slightly relieved and stopped shaking. 

He was really hopeless as it was obvious that he was a loser in his bones. Shi Lei felt that he was losing face. Suddenly, he remembered another problem: “Who does the house belong to? If he realised that a bunch of people are having a party in his house, even if he didn’t live there, wouldn’t that be a problem?” 

“You don’t need to worry about this. But in order to make this stupid mole feel better, I’ll give myself more trouble and tell you. When we let you experience the millionaire life, the scenarios which it includes, we got all of it through logical and legal ways. You can comprehend it as someone found the owner of the house and wish to borrow for the purpose of having a c.o.c.ktail party for a bunch of youngsters to bond. If he knows that there will be party on that day, naturally there won’t be any problems in the future.” 

Shi Lei was speechless. He didn’t understand how he became from an employee to a mole. 

“Oh, also, the mansion has a helicopter. If there are anyone in the crowd who knows how to drive it, you can have a trip in the sky too. But don’t go overboard and just hover a few circles over the mansion. If you fly too far, you might catch the attention of the police force and that’s real trouble.” 

Shi Lei’s eyes almost jumped out of its socket onto the floor. 

Helicopter? Stop joking. Having a look of it is enough, who the h.e.l.l wants to go up into the sky? 

“I definitely won’t let them.” 

A few strange noises escaped the Scepter, as if it was scorning Shi Lei but he ignored that automatically. 

“If you don’t have more problems, I’ll ask the last question.” 

Shi Lei hurried up and said: “No problem, this is enough.” He thought, I don’t even know how to take all these information. But I’m not scared, I’m really not scared. Holy s.h.i.t, I’m really not scared. 

“Last question: as for those who are attending the c.o.c.ktail party tomorrow, what do you wish them to address you as? Shi Shao(2)? This way of addressing is how usually people say it. But someone like you, you really don’t have manners of a younger master!” The Scepter laughed creepily as he scorned Shi Lei mercilessly. 

Employee: the author used an equivalent word of employee in Chinese, but there is no equivalent in english 

Shao: comes from the word shao ye, which means young master

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