Publishedat 9th of May 2020 08:47:34 PM
Chapter 157

Big Boss Wants To Blacken (2)

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This finally got the leader’s attention .

His attention shifted from Quan Ci to Su Yan .

The boss held a dagger and pointed it at Su Yan .

“Who are you, daring to act so unrestrained on this Grandpa’s turf?”

As he spoke, the dozen people also surrounded Su Yan .

It was only then that she saw the appearance of Quan Ci at close range .

He looked very handsome, with a pair of peach blossom eyes, lips curled up, and a smile, excluding laziness .

But Su Yan frowned slightly .

She quietly backed away two steps .

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“Host, what’s wrong?”

Su Yan whispered, “The killing intent on him is so heavy . ”

Xiaohua listened stupefiedly .

“Ah? Host, where? How could such a cute little male lead exclude heavy killing intent?”

Look at this male lead, even when he’s forced into a corner by others, he dares to not fight back, just waiting for the host to rescue him .

Su Yan’s voice was very low, but it was still clearly heard by Quan Ci standing next to her .

He raised his eyebrows and glanced at the woman dressed in exposed clothing in front of him .

But soon, he looked away .

Looking at this situation, Su Yan stood in front of Quan Ci .

“I’m here to protect him . ”

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Her voice fell, and after a brief silence, a burst of laughter came .

The boss laughed loudly . “When did Mister Quan start needing a woman to protect him?”

While he was spoke, he waved his hand, like swatting a fly .

“Go, I’m talking with Mister Quan here . This matter has nothing to do with you . ”

Su Yan looked left and right, feeling a little uncertain . Then she turned her head to look at the man behind her and asked, “Do you need my protection?”

The man listened to her words and raised his eyes to look at her for some time .

The curvature of his lips didn’t change . He still had that lazy and careless look, but he had unknowingly pulled out a silver pistol .

His arm raised, and ‘bang!’

The boss who was just laughing at Quan Ci suddenly fell to the ground .

His eyebrow was penetrated by a bullet .

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At this moment, the red crystal bracelet on Su Yan’s wrist appeared, especially bright and obvious under the moonlight .

Before the crowd could react, a group of black bodyguards came from one end of the alley .

In a blink of an eye, he had taken control of the dozen people .

There was a handsome man in a green suit, screaming as he ran . He looked at Quan Ci, then looked at the group of people in black who had taken control .

He patted his chest .

“Mother, ah, fortunately I came fast, otherwise I would’ve died a terrible death . ”

Xiaohua’s expression instantly turned into a Σ (° △ °) face .

Then, the man in the green suit began to give commands to the men in black .

“Take it away . ”

The group of black bodyguards’ skill in protecting people is unknown, but their skills of handling corpses were good .

Soon, the blood stains, dead bodies, bullet fired by guns, and even bullets that were buried into walls were dug out, cleaned, and taken away .

The man in the green suit touched his face .

“There are several investors who want to see you . You have to say h.e.l.lo when you go back to the capital . ”

Quan Ci didn’t answer .

His eyes lifted and he looked at Su Yan .

Su Yan blinked and whispered, “I didn’t know that you didn’t need me to save you . ”

He smiled, and his peach blossom eyes lowered, hiding the cold gloom in his eyes .

He stayed silent or a while before finally opening his mouth and speaking in a meaningful tone .

“Brainless, but rare . ”

Su Yan lowered her head, she didn’t want to come to the rescue . Xiaohua said that he needed protection, so she came .

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