Publishedat 10th of May 2020 09:33:48 PM
Chapter 161

The smell on her is consistent with his taste .

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Quan Ci’s peach blossom eyes looked up . He reached over slowly to hold Su Yan’s arm .

Looking at her behaving and obedient appearance, he took her to the outer room .


When the sun rose the next day, Su Yan felt suffocated and immediately opened her eyes .

She found herself tightly clamped in two arms .

A black and white room, a huge bed that can accommodate five people, black sheets, black blankets, white floors, and a white table, nothing else .

After taking the medicine last night, there was no other communication between the two . Then she was put in his arms and fell asleep .

Right now, it’s almost ten o’clock, and he is still asleep .

Xiaohua watched this scene of its host and the male lead .

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It hadn’t even been twenty-four hours ever since they met, and she has already gone to the male lead’s house, sleep in the same bed, and will live together for a long time .

Well, the host is very powerful .

Su Yan moved, wanting to change her posture . As soon as she moved, she was hugged tighter .

But because of this, Quan Ci awakened .

His eyelashes fluttered, and he opened his eyes, first glancing at Su Yan .

After a pause, his eyes became clear .

He let go of her and sat up .

He looked lazier just by leaning against the bed .

His eyes were filled with a burning light as he looked at Su Yan .

“Su Yan?”

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These words were p.r.o.nounced in a hoa.r.s.e voice .

Su Yan nodded .

“En . ”

“Good name . ”

Then he bent down and hugged her again, with his eyes closed .

It was noon when the two got up and walked downstairs .

An Yuanfei stood downstairs and watched Quan Ci walk down . On his rare and beautiful face, there was no smile like it usually had in the past .

If he laughed now, he would look even lazier .


An Yuanfei made a strange sound .

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His eyebrows raised .

Congratulations to Mr . Quan for finding the girl of your dreams~”

Quan Ci glanced at him . Today he seems to be in a good mood, but he also followed the phrase

“Doc.u.ments . ”

An Yuanfei handed over doc.u.ments in his hands to Quan Ci .

“The Delta people are looking for you, asking for 100 million arms . ”

Quan Ci held the doc.u.ment and flipped through a few pages .

“Refused . ”

An Yuanfei seemed to be used to this att.i.tude, and he continued, “The leader over there said that you have two choices— either take this order or die . ”

An Yuanfei smiled as he spoke . His body shuddered for a moment . “It hasn’t been this exciting for a long time . ”

Quan Ci listened for a while and accidentally glanced at Su Yan . He saw that she had walked to the table and was now staring at these dishes, her stomach growling .

Her eyes were full of longing .

An Yuanfei saw that Quan Ci’s attention wasn’t on this matter, so he followed his line of sight .

Then An Yuanfei looked at the Quan Ci again .

“I’ve investigated her background . She dropped out of high school, her family background is clean, and now, she is an artist and has signed up with an agent . ”

An Yuanfei’s attention is all on her family background, seeing that it was clean, he didn’t pay too much attention to what she does .

“Host, according to the original host’s schedule, there is a small production interview today, don’t forget it . ”

Su Yan was feeling very hungry at this time, and she didn’t care what the interview was about . She wondered when the two people were going to eat .

She still knew some table manners— wait for everyone to be ready to eat .

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