Time flies, and seven days pa.s.sed quickly.

After a day of cultivation, Su Yan spent most of her time in the pavilion in the garden.

The head maid found her an embroidery lady with excellent embroidery skills.

Every day, she comes to teach for an hour.

Since His Highness said that as long as she is qualified for embroidering, he can not blame her for what she did in the rain that day.

So, she worked diligently every day.

Probably... Comrade Su Yan didn"t eat this bowl of rice.

After practicing for several days, her embroidery pattern is crooked, and it didn"t look right.

Even the embroidery lady who was teaching her was surprised.

She had never seen a woman who can embroider so unsightly.

In the end, after a while, Su Yan chose the simplest pattern.

Embroidered a pink flower.

She only needs to outline the border, then fill it in with pink threads. No skill is required, she only needs to embroider carefully according to the instructions, and it can be finished within three days.

By the seventh day, Su Yan"s purse had taken shape.

The white purse"s bottom with a small pink flower in the center is conspicuous.

When the last st.i.tch was finished, the embroidery lady looked carefully at her purse.

She said, "It is the best finished product you"ve done in the past seven days."

The embroidery lady had a bitter smile on her face, but she didn"t say anything against her.

Then she handed the purse back to Su Yan, got up, and left.

Su Yan put away the purse properly, then picked up a snack on the stone table and ate it.

In the pavilion, only Su Yan was sitting alone, and there was no guard or maid beside her, so when she talked to herself, no one noticed.

Xiaohua asked, "Host, when are you going to bring this purse to His Highness?"

"Tonight, I heard that the envoy visiting the country has arrived, so I will go with His Highness to give him it."

As she spoke, she continued eating the cake.

She looked at the mung bean cake in her hand.

She saw a bit of paper on the bite. Su Yan looked at the stack of mung bean cake, and she remembered it was sent half an hour ago.

While thinking about it, she took the note apart.

A few words were written on it.

[At noon, go to the fake mountains in the imperial garden.]

Xiaohua couldn"t help but say, "Host, they will ask you to do something for the crown prince."

Su Yan tucked the note into her purse along with the candy and nodded.

She looked up at the sky; it was just about noon.

She didn"t continue eating and stood up and walked to the Imperial Garden.

Su Yan thought it would be the same as the last time, where there would be a man in black to contact with her.

But when she arrived, she was surrounded by four men in black.

It was noon and everyone was eating, so the garden was quiet and no one pa.s.sed by.

Su Yan looked at the men in black and blinked.

The other party did not speak, and nor did she.

Then, from the fake mountains, a thin-faced man came out.

The man had no politeness. He first took out a black pill and handed it to Su Yan and said in a husky, sharp tone.


"What is this?"

"Broken Heart Pill."

Su Yan blinked and didn"t take it.

She"s not a fool anymore. Once she heard the name, it"s obvious that it"s not good medicine. Why should she take it?

Suddenly, a man in black took out a sword from the sheath and put it directly across Su Yan"s neck.

Su Yan glanced at the sword and asked softly, "If I don"t eat it, will you kill me?"

Wu Zu smiled, but looked rather scary.

"Relax, this medicine won"t endanger your life currently. As long as you complete the task, the antidote will naturally be given to you."

TL thoughts: !!!! Like h.e.l.l she will, why don"t you shove it down your throat instead?

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