Nan Tang"s mind quickly flashed to the scene where Su Yan has been squatting in a corner seven days ago, surrounded by dozens of poisonous snakes.

They didn"t go far before they heard the panicked scream of the maid and princess.

It was unknown what happened next.

Nan Tang"s complexion returned to normal after shifting various times for a few moments and continued leading Su Yan forward as usual.

Su Yan rubbed her arm where the tiny snake had bitten her.

Then she took out a piece of candy from her purse, unwrapped it, and put it in her mouth.

The sweetness of strawberry milk spread out of her mouth, distracting her from the pain coming from her arm.

After crossing the path and bypa.s.sing the stone road, they finally came to the place where the banquet was being held.

The court officials of more than third-rank all came.

The guards patrolling circle by circle are carefully deployed.

The maids wear an orange maid uniform, entering and exiting like flowing water.

As soon as you enter the venue, you will see the lavishly luxurious furnishings.

Headed by the dragon chair seated by the Ninth Five-Year Statue, there were two rows of tables and chairs.

Under the emperor, the head of the left and right seats, the position of Prime Minister Zhao Ziyan was on the left, and the position of General Lin was on the right.

After that was the seat of the princess, descending in order of age.

On the opposite side of the throne was the seat of the envoys, and then the positions of court officials.

According to the truth, royal lineage is n.o.ble and should be above the prime minister, but from this, we can see how much the emperor relies on these two.

The entire banquet hall was lively, but the seats weren"t all completely filled yet.

Su Yan looked up and Xuanyuan Yonghao did not sit among them.

Nan Tang took Su Yan through the banquet hall, walked through a winding path, and came to a pool.

Nan Tang paused, he clasped his hands.

"Your Highness, I have brought her."

The harmless and gentle voice sounded, "Retreat."

Nan Tang"s clenched his fists. He said "Yes," and then retreated.

Xuanyuan Yonghao wore a light yellow Kirin robe with his hair tied up with a hairband, which was slightly different from the leisurely appearance of the past.

At first glance, his red lips and white teeth were eye-catching.

Moonlight shone on him, making him seem a little purer.

His eyes were dark and his thin lips were raised slightly.

"What are you doing there? Come here."

His voice was no longer alienated and calm, containing a little more emotion.

Su Yan blinked and walked towards him slowly.

As soon as she approached him, he grabbed her arm and pulled her slightly, making them come closer.

He looked at Su Yan"s soft face, and couldn"t help but move.

But his face was still, and his tone was quick.

"Was the purse embroidered?"

Su Yan nodded. "Embroidered."

He smiled and didn"t seem to be in a rush to see the purse.

"So what do you think of embroidery?"


"This prince has said that the satisfaction of embroidering will make you lose money. If you are not satisfied with embroidering, those old things still have to be re-evaluated."

Su Yan was surprised. She had forgotten.

Xuanyuan Yonghao looked at her stunned reaction and asked, "Is the purse with you?"


"Take it out and let me see."

Su Yan didn"t move.

Xiaohua whispered, "Host, could you tell him that you want to re-embroider another one?"

Even Xiaohua thought the purse was a little ugly.

This makes Su Yan not want to take it out.

While the two were entangled there, it was unknown when Nan Tang appeared again.

He stood two meters away.

"Your Highness, Prime Minister Zhao Ziyan and General Lin are here."

TL Note: Aghhhhh sorry for updating this slightly late, my sleep schedule has been all messed up due to me suddenly waking up halfway through the night or being woke up forcibly, which leads to me accidentally falling asleep later on in the afternoon :(

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