Publishedat 21st of March 2020 10:09:50 AM
Chapter 24
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"The second lap . " As soon as Zhao Sen"s voice fell, someone continued to say, "This is really too much . Really when we are scared? It"s almost a lap after cla.s.s . It"s not a lot of work to cut corners . "

After talking, the sound of the bell rang, signaling the end of cla.s.s .

Some people couldn"t help muttering, "So boring . Can"t she run faster?"

"That is, is this a trick to run till noon?"

"Very weak . "

"Oh, it"s scattered, and we have to go back to cla.s.s . "

"Mr . Fan said she was a lot of things . Now, maybe the teacher is right . "

The remaining students planned to leave, until one person said, "Hey, what"s wrong with her? Fainted?"

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Looking at the playground, the thin body suddenly stopped . In the next second, when she slumped, falling to her knees .

After she fell, she laid there for a long time .

Someone couldn"t help saying, "She just fell down after only two laps? Is she pretending?"

"Ah, you can pretend like that . "

Zhao Sen frowned, feeling something was wrong, so he walked over and looked .

He approached, seeing Su Yan"s pale face, bean-sized sweat dripping down .

"Cla.s.smate, are you okay?" He asked in a voice . Seeing Su Yan not talking, he was about to reach out .

Suddenly a boy appeared, with a strong presence, bending over to hold Su Yan .

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Looking at the girl, his good-looking eyebrows wrinkled . "I"ll take you to the infirmary . "

The voice fell, and he hugged the girl by the waist and strode towards the infirmary .

He didn"t look at anyone else from start to finish .

But there were a lot of exclaiming voices around .

"Wow, that man . . . Jiang Ran?!"

"How could he be here?"

"He"s not here for Su Yan, is he?"

"Yufei, do you know what"s going on?" Someone asked suddenly .

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Yao Yufei stiffened . Then there was impatience on her cold face . "You didn"t see Su Yan faint? Shouldn"t students help each other?"

Then she went to the medical office . As soon as she spoke, everyone froze .

No one dared to take any more action . There was nothing to look at, so everyone naturally dispersed .

Cheng Xingyang originally came with Jiang Ran . Unexpectedly, Jiang Ran"s face suddenly changed and went out .

By the time he reacted, Jiang Ran had already left with Su Yan .

Then, he watched Yao Yufei and those cla.s.smates talking about it .

Cheng Xingyang shook his head with a smile and also walked towards the infirmary .

Jiang Ran"s speed was very fast, and in a blink of an eye, he was already at the infirmary and put her on the bed .

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The doctor has come over . At a glance, looking at Su Yan"s pale face, he could tell it was serious .

"What"s the matter?" He held a flashlight and opened Su Yan"s eyelids a few times, then checked all over her body .

Jiang Ran frowned . "Running Laos in the playground, then pa.s.sed out . "

The doctor nodded, listening . Then he heard Jiang Ran"s voice and looked up at him, a little surprised .

It seems that the person who came in holding this girl was Jiang Ran .

He waited until the check-up was done .

"Doctor, is she okay?" Jiang Ran couldn"t help asking

The doctor put his stethoscope away and smiled . "Nothing big, it"s the amount of exercise and temporary fainting caused by physical weakness . I just checked her . The girl"s body is really bad . She is not fit for strenuous exercise, and best for her to be running less . "

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