The Blessed

Chapter 12

(A/N: This chapter is not edited yet, I"ll do it tomorrow but for now you can have this one, also just comment it down below if you see some mistakes there and I"ll just gladly correct it, ok into the story.)





( Tokyo, j.a.pan )

Suddenly the helicopter made a sharp right turn causing it to dive and fall in Ray"s Apartment direction.

"Oh sh*t!"

Ray Immediately run to the door to go outside, after he got out of his room he run fast to the fire exit and go upstairs to the rooftop , while running, the whole building suddenly shaked from the impact of the helicopter to the


"Sh*t I need to know what"s exactly going on."

After he reach the rooftop he kick the door to force it open and go to the center to see what is happening in whole city from above.

"Oh G.o.d....... is this... the test?"

What he see from the rooftop is a city full of screams, smoke, explosion, sirens and gunshots everywhere.

" How did it end up like this, what is happ-...."


Suddenly he felt something enter his domain from his back, he immediately vanish to his position and appear to the side part of the rooftop.

He see a flying big boulder pa.s.s through the position he was just in and slam to the nearby building.

He look at the direction where the boulder came from and see that there is a Rampaging Creature at the top of the building and wrecking and throwing everything he sees.


"JEZUZ! What the f*ck is that?"

It looks like a big werewolf but it has twiching eyes all over its body, and long claws equipped in its hands, but the most remarkable part of it are his back, it has a long but small tentacles in its back wiggling all over like a group of worms stuck in some hole and struggling to get off it and it is squirting some brown thick liquid in it.

"Ugh, I feel like I will throw up my dinner last night if I continue looking, the enhanced vision make it even worst, it feels like I"m looking near from the side of it."

Suddenly the creature"s ear twitch

and the eyes all over its body look at Ray"s direction.



It suddenly jump off to the sky and now falling to the rooftop of the building where Ray was.

"Oh f*ck!"

Ray notice this and dodge it by rolling side ways.



Some cracks appeared from the rooftop from the impact of the landing.

"GRRRR! ..... RAAAA!"

Looking angry because Ray manage to dodge its attack, it immediately jump to reach Ray but,

"Oh no you don"t."

Suddenly the creature stop like it was frozen in the air and can"t move a single of its muscle, even the disgusting worms in its back also stop wiggling.


"Oh just shut up for a moment and be a good boi you disgusting....whatever you are."


[ Host can Identify any creature using the a.n.a.lyze feature of the system.]

"Oh, I didn"t know about that one."

[ That"s because the host have yet to check the new things that has been added to the system.]

"mmm, yeah I"ll do that later, but for now... lets see."




Name: (None)

Race:Piruka"se(Wraithfull Rustling)

Role: p.a.w.n

Level: 13

Origin:Xezor (A banished planet from the Gargañuan Universe.)


(A/N: d.a.m.n I"m using so much BS names in this chapter hahaha, my imagination is soaring trough the heavens already... hahaha.)

"Uhh, ok...I don"t know what that means but.......ok."

He examine the creature in front of him and after a minute of not knowing what to do with it he just decided to kill it.

" I"m sorry ok but you attack me first anyway so die for now so I can move on, that sounded straight from a drama show... anyway."

He took a pose and put his right hand on his left side and say

"now Die!" he did his best to imitate the sound an anime character and do a slicing motion to the Right side, the moment he did that, the creature in front of him stop growling and its head suddenly falls off to the ground followed by its body.

*Hehehe that was so embarra.s.sing, I don"t know why I need to use my hand whenever I want to do something but I guess it makes me look cool hahaha."



"Oh right I almost forgot about the things that is happening around me, I need to get out of this place first and find somewhere safe."

But when he was about to leave something pop out in front of him.



- You killed a "p.a.w.n"

- 30+ exp Received

- 2× exp for 59:59:38 (First kill bonus)


[ Congratulations Host! You level up! ]

[ You received 5 stats point, you can now check the system to see the other additional bonuses.]


"Oh... one monster and I level up?..... 2× exp for an hour?...."

Suddenly a smile can be seen appearing in his face, he look behind him and look at the street below.




" well, I can help them and gain level at the same time, I"m doing something good at least so no one can blame me for not saving anyone... oh right."

He suddenly realized that he still wearing his pajama all this time, he open his inventory, grab the clothes he put there and change.

" Good thing I prepared for this kind of situations "


" Right I"m all set now let"s gain some ex- I mean save some people....yeah that"s what I"m trying to say"


[ Host be careful and always be cautious of anything you encounter out there.]

"Yeah thanks system"

[ You are Welcome Host ]

*Inhale, Exhale*

"Now, time for some superhero live actions."


( A/N: ok guys I"m F*cking back hahaha, I"m sorry if I was gone for like I a couple of days I guess, but don"t worry I"m back already and btw if you haven"t seen it yet just in case, I edited all the chapters already, I corrected all the wrong grammar and spelling so it might be much more pleasant to read now hahaha and also I"ll update another chapter tommorow and also this chapter might be a little bit short yeah I know can say that this is just a part one... yeah think it like that and I"ll just post the other one tommorow hahaha, also I"m also thankful to the one that is liking this series I"m really grateful for you guys, please keep on supporting me throughout the story, well that"s all I guess thanks for the support again and I"ll see you on the next chapter, peace out! :)

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