The Blessed

Chapter 17

h.e.l.lo guys Author here, just wanna say something real quick..

Haha I know that ya all are waiting for the new chapter...or not, sad.... anyway im just here to say that I..... Got my NEW PHONE yesterday. bruuuh hahaha, *ahem* you see since the day that my phone got lost I"m really trying to find a way to get a new phone, not just because I can"t write a new chapter but I got a lot of stuffs to do like work and sh*t, I"m really disparate that day and ask my relatives for some help but sadly they can"t help me too coz you know they are also tight in budget because of this lockdown thing, but someone is really persistent and keep on pestering me about buying me a new phone, who is that? yea my Girlfriend.... What? you think I"m a weeb? did you really think that I"m a socially awkward guy who always locked up in a room and eat nothing but instant noodles? No I"m not..... Well, she is kinda rich that"s why she is so persistent about buying me a new phone like it"s no big deal, yeah be jealous hahaha. But I keep saying no, my pride as man won"t let me and I"m too shameful to let her buy me a new phone like I"m just asking her to buy me a candy, but she is so persistent that until yesterday, a delivery man knock on our door saying that I bought a smartphone online, and G.o.damit I was so nervous at that moment, you see whenever I buy something online I don"t use credit card, I always do COD or (cash on delivery) to those who don"t know, that"s why I was so nervous at that moment cause the phone was so f*cking expensive and I don"t have any money on me right now and I"m not really good at denying things like saying that " I"m sorry, I might have brought it on accident" or " I"ve already changed my mind, I don"t want them already please just return them on the seller", omg you guys don"t know the level of my nervousness at that moment bwahahaha im sweating like crazy, but when the delivery guy said that it was already paid I was shocked, he even ask me if I"m the one who paid it but I said "no" then he said that maybe someone did and put my name as the buyer of it, and at that moment I was like, " oh you sneaky little betch " I was trolled by my girlfriend, she knows what my reaction is going to be, she knows that I"m that type of guy, then when I msg her, she just f*cking laugh at me hahaha, anyway many things happen after that and in the end I just thanked her for that, G.o.d I love that little fox, also you can think of her like a sponsor of this story hahaha coz because of her I can update new chapters again yipee, so guys expect the new chapters tommorow I can"t do it right now I still need to do something work related since I also have a quota that I need to catch up since it"s been a week but I promise the new chapter tomorrow and since then regular updates AGAIN yey, so just wait for it since my mind is still on a vacation right now, hit me up with the suggestions if you want I"ll try to consider it if it"s good so comment it down below of you have something. And that"s all for today, no chapters for now you already know, but I"ll see you tomorrow and since then, p-p-p-peace out! :)

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