The Blessed

Chapter 20

(A/N: Again this is not edited and I will do it tomorrow so since then, just try to chew this one.)

( Tokyo, j.a.pan )


"Huh... Oh G.o.d.... What in the world is that?"

When he look towards the pointed direction, He saw a single Monster in the middle of the road, it was blocking their way towards the park. It has an ugly, disgusting and really creepy appearance, its arms has long claws attached to it, and its long feet was bended in front like a feet of a kangaroo but has more muscles, its face is indescribable, it was distorted and was turn into something called art.

" Holy Jesus, I have seen a lot of monsters, but that is the most disgusting one I have ever seen so far." Said by a Skill Caster guy.

"Couldn"t agree with you more." Said by the guy holding a shield.

"But strange... usually, when a monster see us, they will run straight to us, or do something to attack us but that one is just standing there." Said by the guy wielding a bow.

"Its brain must be nothing but pure s.h.i.t hahaha"

"Haha yeah like Y-.."


The Guy with the Sword suddenly froze when he saw the man beside him suddenly lose its head in the middle of talking.


The body just fall to the ground like a puppet that lose its string and continuesly shake even without its head, it"s like the body didn"t even know what happened.

It all happen so fast that the man beside him didn"t know how to react and just watch the headless body of his friend fall to the ground.

Even the rest of them didn"t know what happened, they just notice it all when they heard the body falls to the ground.

"Oh my G.o.d! Captain!"

"Huh!? What happ-... Oh my G.o.d, Is that- Is that K-Kizuku?"

"Captain! The monster...I-it was holding the ...."

"Huh....isn"t that.... wait is he the one who did this. That"s impossible! I didn"t even see him moved. But if it"s really him then...."

When they look at the direction of the monster, it was still in its position but it was holding something between its claws.

"K-Kizuku....W-what happened? I-i..... I was just talking to you.. why are you dead now? w-where did your head go.."

"Oy Genji! Snap out of it! you need to focus man! There"s a Monster in front of us!" Said by the other guy towards the friend of the guy that just died.

"Y-yeah you"re right, Focus, The monster. Yeah let"s focus on the monster!... Yeah let"s Kill it! Let"s go!"

"Yeah that"s rig-...N-No! We can"t go recklessly man! we need to pl..." While talking he was suddenly interrupted by the other guy.

"Wait the monster.... It was holding Kizuku"s Head! Look!.."

When they look towards its direction, the monster who is holding the severed head of their comrades suddenly lift its arm and position the severed head towards its own head, suddenly the whole head of the creature was opened, it was like a flower, a disgusting flower that has a bunch of spikes in every petals of it.

The Monster put the Severed Head in the middle of its Wide open Mouth/Head, then suddenly its Mouth/Head closed. Now the head of the monster was bigger than its normal size since the severed head was inside of it. Then suddenly the whole head of the creature started to move like its whole head was waving and several cracking noise can be heard like it was eating a potato chip. Suddenly a thick liquid substance can be seen leaking from the monster"s head. Its color was indescribable, it"s a mixture of different variants of color.



Some of the guys who are watching this scene was throwing up their Breakfast. While the other guys has a Disgusted expression on their faces.

"C-Captain! What should we do?!"

"Don"t do anything hasty, we need to plan things out if we want to beat that th-.."


Suddenly the friend of the guy who has his head got eaten by the monster burst into anger and rush towards the monster while brandishing his sword.

"Oy! Get back here!"

"Genji! What are you doing! Get back here!"

"Genji! are you crazy what are you thinking, Get back here!"

They all shouted for him to get back, but none of them manage to reach him as he continuesly rush towards the monster.

* ̡̲̫͕͙́̇͐̌̽̀Ṕ̵̫̑́͘͝U̴̙̮̟̗̻̤͓͚̺͋̽̈̇̽͌̓̈́͠ͅR̷̞̦̘̗̊́̂͋̈́͗͊̆̍͜E̵̹͚̪̓ ̷̢͓̻̻̯̬̣̮̓̈͗̀̚̚͜͠Ś̵̡͙̠̘̠̗͕̥̲̈́̊ͅḦ̷͔̜͙̠͍̠̳́̂͒͐̋̀̚Ì̶̧̼̳̲͚̝̰̯͂͑̾̊̏Ṱ̶̈́̋́̆̆̈́̑͌͠!̷̳̈́͂̋̌̇̅̄̚ ̸̨̲͊̄̄̉̏͆̆Ǹ̷̡̨̛̮̟̻̝̆͂͒͌̓̂͠Ö̵̦̱̼̖̜̰͕́́̓͠͝T̴̟̬͔̩̫͇̒͐͘H̵͈̟̊͑͝Į̴͙̼͉͆̅̆͒̽͂̅̎N̵͍͒̄̾̀̇͐͠͝Ģ̵̡̆̽͠͝ ̶̛̥̮͔̦̥́̿̊̓̐̉̌͛̍B̸̢̧̘̱̤̰̘̮̠͙̉͌́̋͗̂̚͝Ų̵̢̢̹̟̲͎̂͒́̃̏̐̍̚͝͝T̸̨̜̺̣̱̃̾͌͆͠ ̶̢̘̜̫̬̪̹̄͋̋̀͘ͅͅP̸͓̠̫̿̽̈́U̶͉̺͙͒̒͜R̵̘̪̠͓̬̹͕͂̈́̈̋̆͂̀̕̚͝Ȩ̴̞̖̟͚̭͐̈́̿͆̿ ̵̢̨̭̮͕̩̌̿̒̌͒̈́S̵͔̓̐̂͆̿̐͝͝ͅH̷̺̠̙̺̰̺̠̖̓̎̍͒̽̚Į̴͉̳͇̜̰͓̥̱̎͘ͅT̷͖̮̦͇̗̓̌̌͊̒͗!̶̩͙̰̺̟͈͇̖̼͆͆̆̈́͐̉͝ *

Suddenly the monster said something in the same exact voice of his eaten friend.

Genji who heard this got more angry and grew more fiercely towards the monster. He was like getting insulted by the monster.

"You F*cker! HOW DARE YOU USE THAT VOICE!"ll pay for that!... I"ll f*cking KILL YOU!"

While running towards the monster, his sword suddenly shone bright, as he approach the monster, the light on his sword grow more intense until it was almost blinding enough.

"Ugh!....W-what is this.!?"

"Is this a Skill?"

"I didn"t know he has this kind of skill!"


Even the guys in the back who was about to follow him was suddenly stopped by the blinding light of his sword.

When Genji was close enough to the monster, he suddenly jump high and hold his sword above his head using his two hands.

"I"LL KILL YOU AND AVENGE MY FRIEND!..DIE!!... HUWAAAHH! ... TAKE THIS!" (A/N: "Ryujin no ken wo kurae!" )



Suddenly a slicing sound followed by an explosion can be heard. The guys at the back who have their eyes closed, started to open it slowly to look at the direction of the monster to see what happened.

"Uuh, I didn"t know he has this strong power, he is not even a blessed."

"How did he get this strong? I thought we are all in the same level?!"

"Yeah, but what happen? did he kill it.?"

"I don"t know, my Eyes still hurt."

"Yeah the light was so sudden."

Their eyes was adjusting and slowly recovering but they can barely see what happened in front of them. The whole street was destroyed, the buildings in the side was wrecked, but when they look in the middle of the street, they saw someone standing there but they can"t see it clearly. Time flew fast and they can finally see what exactly happened in the opposite direction.

"Oh sh*t!"

"Oh my G.o.d!"

"Oh my....Genji.."


The one who is standing in the middle was the monster they thought was defeated, and there is someone lying on the ground in front of the monster. This is no other than their friend Genji. When they look at his body, they saw that his head was also missing and a pool of blood was spurting in its sliced neck.

The head of the monster was once again twiching like crazy while producing some cracking sound. After a minute, its head stop moving and it suddenly look towards the group of people in front of it.

If the monster can show an emotion in its face, then you can see how confuse the monster was. it was confused on the group of people in front of him. The Monster can"t understand their actions, If you can hear the thoughts of the monster then you will probably heard something like this.

"What are this insects doing? Do they really think that they can stand against me? You are all Nothing but a bunch of Worms! Just stand there and Let me eat you!".


A couple of seconds ago, back when the monster was busy at eating...

"Were gonna die, that monster is truly a monster..... we are not even a match...we can"t defeat that thing...we are really gonn-"

"Captain! Tell us what to do now! if we just stand here we are really gonna die.! You are the F*cking Captain so make your G.o.d.a.m.n Decisions"

"Y-you are right, I"m sorry....Thanks, I almost lost it...*Sigh* Alright, here"s the plan, I don"t know if it"ll work but let"s do it nonetheless.."

"Like we have a F*cking choice here."


"Alright Everyone let"s do this, let"s avenge our friends, even if we die, we"ll die fighting!"


"Alright, Get Ready in your positions!"

They use the chance that the monster was still busy at eating. They all quickly moved up and go in their directed position, It was different from their original positioning. They place the Tanks in the Front, Next the Fighters, Followed by the marksman and the skill caster. They are being watched by the monster ahead, it"s like he was watching a bunch of insects.

" ᴵ"ᴸᴸ ᴷᴵᴸᴸ ʸᴼᵁ! ᴬⱽᴱᴺᴳᴱ! ꜰᴜʟʟ ᴏꜰ ꜱʜɪᴛ!ᴵ"ᴸᴸ ᶠᵁᶜᴷᴵᴺᴳ ᴷᴵᴸᴸ ʸᴼᵁ! "

Suddenly they heard the monster speak but this time it is much more clearer. It has the mixture of the voice of Kizuki and Genji.

"Don"t let that provoke you and distract you, stay in your positions! We will charge ahead without breaking this form, we"ll fight till the very end and finish this thing in front of us! Now Everyone, lets do this just like we planned!.....Now! CHARGE!!"



At the top of the building in a very far away. There is a certain man watching everything from the very beginning.

"*Sigh* Oh man! I"m really expecting a lot from this guys.... given that they were from the government, I really thought that they were something. What are they even doing? They are nothing but a bunch of idiots.....Why would they even fight that? It"s clearly out of their league, can"t they f*cking see it?"




Name: (None)

Race: Kriskyeksus (Grimirer)

Cla.s.s: Knight

Level: 75

Origin: Priscoulet Planet


"Look, All they ever fought was a bunch of p.a.w.ns since the very beginning and that almost bring the h.e.l.l out of them, and now they are trying to head on a F*cking Knight!?... Are they even using their heads? I don"t know what their level was but I"m pretty sure that they were all below to mine, and I am just a level 51 for G.o.dsake, and that guy over there was a freaking level 75.... But why did the system sp.a.w.n that kind of monster anyway!? it"s so obvious that the players around the area are not even that high level?....Anyway that man with the glowing sword earlier was clearly strong. If they just use there head and make a plan then use that move when the monster was caught off guard then I think they have a small chance to win.... but why did he solo that monster anyway? does he think he was a protagonist of some shounen manga?... d.a.m.n this guys are a bunch of idiots..... Wait, what are they doing now...Oh my... Pfft!... they are all wiped out!..*Facepalm*..What did I told ya huh?....Power of friendship doesn"t work in here man... oh G.o.d! How did this guys even survived this long.....*Sigh* ...Oh well looks like they failed...Now.... It"s my turn I guess!...."


(A/N: And There! Anyway I don"t know what are your reaction to this chapter, but either way I hope you like it and if you do, drop some stones will ya and make this novel high man, HIGH! anyway I"ll upload another chapter tommorow, so until then enjoy your pitiful lives haha Jk....Okay I"m out of here, Peace out! :)

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