The Blessed

Chapter 7

(Tokyo, j.a.pan)


"Who are you guys?"

After the four-man in a suit came in the one in the middle that looks like the leader of the group and the only one who doesn"t wear walk forward, grab a chair and sit beside Ray"s bed and spoke in a calm and friendly manner.

"h.e.l.lo Mr. Williams, my name is Alexander you can call me Alex if you want, and this is my agents, we are from the WSA, here"s my I"d please do check it I know your doubts.

"o~k..." World Security a.s.sociation" huh....*gives back the id*, so what does the WSA want from me?"

(A/N: I just made that up ok? don"t know if such a.s.sociation does really exist or if their job is to do something like this, IDK I"m just too lazy to search it up so just stick to that one, I can"t think of a much better and sounds much cooler or bada.s.s name for an organization like M.I.B or something so I just write something so obvious, so don"t go into comments and say "Nye, Nye, Nye WSO will not do such thing it"s not their job to-" just shut up ok and read peacefully, ok that"s all.)

" We came here only to ask you some questions regarding about your experiences ever since you"ve gone unconscious from .... "the zap" I guess that"s how the people call it now, yeah since that until now, we are collecting information for our investigations to help our a.s.sociation build a solid information about all the things that are happening and what was supposed to happen in our world, and we"re here to ask for your cooperation to help us with that Mr.Williams."

"Oh, and what made you think that I can help you regarding about that? I guess you already know that I just waked up yesterday so and I know less much as you do."

" let me tell you something first about what is our job Mr.Williams, we are the one who is tasked to investigate the supernatural phenomena that are happening around the people in our planet, for example, the thing that"s floating in the middle of a city in New York and also the system that appears in front of every people around the world and how does it affect all of us, and I would say that we are doing a great job so far I guess, we already know about the system and we also discovered on what does the zap thing do in the people around the world, we guess that everything that is happening so far is connected from the thing that is floating in the New York since it all started there, ..... wait take a look at this."

When Ray takes the phone that Alex gives him, he started to watch the video in it, the video shows a topless man full of muscles and looks like a soldier, the man started to do some stretching for about a minute and slowly walk to the side of a nearby tank, he crouched and place his hands underneath the tank"s wheel and started to lift it over his head slowly and push it upward and turn the tank upside down.

"Woah :o .... amazing, is this real?"

" yeah it"s real, he is a soldier from Russia, the video was taken like a week ago, we also learn from that, that the zap thing makes every people in the world much stronger, it"s like it doubled the strength we have befo- no I mean the "stats", it doubled the stats we have before, I guess you have seen your system already?"

"uhhh....yeah not too long ago but I haven"t seen it all, just the status"

"ok so let me show you my system first."

Suddenly a virtual screen appears in the middle of them.

"here"s my status look."


Name: Alexander Wesley

Age: 28

Job: Special Agent [+]1

t.i.tle: None

HP: 100/100

Level: 1

Fatigue: 0


Strength - 38

Vitality - 46

Agility - 40

Ability - 47

Sense - 26

Intelligence - 28

Charisma - 31

Luck - 26


Physical damage reduction - 6%

Remaining Points - 0


« Equipped Items »


(Agent"s Uniform)Dress Shirt - (Def: 4) (Durability - 89) Necktie - (Def : 6) (Durability - 92)

Suit Jacket - (Def: 10)

(Durability:96/100) Suit Pants - (Def- 6) (Durability- 94/100), Leather Shoes - (Def:13) (Durability: 80)

( Items )

Watch - (Durability - 78) - (Durability - 88)

Wallet - ( Durability - 72)

Ring - ( Durability - 100)

Phone - ( Durability - 92)

Earpiece - ( Durability - 83)

« Skills »

Precision: LVL 6

Sneak: LVL 7

Adaptability: LVL 6

Focus: LVL 5





[ You will receive a notification from the system once you acquired

a new t.i.tle for your self ]


(A human "a.s.set" who is recruited, trained, controlled, and employed to obtain and report information, within law enforcement or in a certain Organization.)


[The Description for this Job is Unavailable]

[The Host will be noticed once this feature is already available]

" oh, some of his stats are better than mine and also the skills, guess because people like him are trained like h.e.l.l just to become like that but, I wonder why he doesn"t carry a gun with him, I mean yeah he has companions and all but what kind of special agent doesn"t bring a gun even the smallest at least."

"Ok, so I suppose you have seen it all already? "

"Oh yes, they are definitely much better than mine"

" yeah, so you could say that half of the numbers you could see in my stats are my actual stats before the zap happens, and also doubling the stats of every people in the world is not the only thing it does, look at this old man."

Alex shows a picture of a skinny old man.

"As you can see he is not that healthy, he has a stage 5 cancer and also a diabetic and his right foot got cut off because of an infection he was a.s.sumed to die in this month already but that thing happen and when he wakes up, his foot got restored and all of his illness got cured, totally a G.o.dsend you can say it was beyond miracle, and of course it"s not only him, it also happens in many people around the world, they got cured, they become strong, many things happen this and that but, for what? that is our questions, for what? that is the things we"re trying to find out, and we"re pretty sure that it"s not for free right? many people say specially the religious ones that it was a G.o.dsend it was made by G.o.d, to protect us, to heal us, bless us, but I don"t believe in those b*lls.h.i.ts, we are trying to make the world believe that there is a reason behind all of this, we still don"t know whether it"s good or bad but we believe that there is something and that something is what we are trying to prove, what we are trying to find, so-.."

"G.o.dsend?, made by G.o.d?, hahaha I mean they are not wrong but to protect us? no definitely not."

" So have you decided to finally help us Mr.Williams?"

"wait let me ask you something first, judging from what you are saying to me, I"m pretty sure that you already know what was going on right? and you only need me to talk just to confirm things I mean you have to be right? you haven"t even answered my question yet cause it"s pretty weird to a.s.sume that an unconscious person that has been sleeping for a whole month since this "the zap" thing happened has an experience of what was even going on, that"s pretty weird, right? now can you tell me again please on what is your lead or what made you think that an unconscious person who just waked up yesterday is the possible source of information on everything that is happening around the world or..... you"re just randomly thinking some things?"

Suddenly a smile can be seen forming in Alex"s face like he was enjoying their conversation.

" you are a very smart and clever person Mr.Williams I give you that, you"re not letting me have it unless you gain something from it right? you are a trader, not a giver haha I get it."

"I mean I already know about all of this, whatever you are saying to me can be just seen on the news or internet, you are taking advantage on me cause I didn"t know anything since I just wake up yesterday, I wonder how many times you have said those speeches of yours already to others just to make them speak without giving any sensitive information but also making it look like you are saying something so crucial and top-secret, that"s also smart and very clever I give you that haha if you came here yesterday just after I woke up and said those things to me I might fall for that but not now, .....

mmm..... I know that you already ask so many people but there is something in it that you don"t understand or doesn"t make any sense-, no let me guess, base on what did you tell me, you also have an unconscious agents so I"m pretty sure that you can just ask them about all that happens but no there is something wrong about it they can"t lie to you or anything right, but what about it that doesn"t satisfy you that you need to ask so many people just to ask the same questions all over again and again if you know that they will all say the same answer right? *stare~* No, they didn"t say the same right? every time you ask someone they all answer differently and every time you ask someone you find something new, hahaha whatever I have my answers already."

" ..... *sigh* you are good at guessing things Mr.Williams, scary good, I"m not even saying anything yet."

"hahaha you can say it like that, but anyway regarding about your questions, yeah sure ask me anything I"m satisfied as F already, I"m just wasting your time anyway since you guys are so bland and poetic, and also you guys at the back, yeah you guys you can sit you know, there are some chairs in there and also you can take off that suit jacket already, look your sweating so much, I turned off the AC in here since I"m so bad at a cold temperature that"s why I"m only using a fan."

"No thank you were fine" the agents politely decline Ray"s offer.

"o~k is that some kind of training too?"

" Yeah, something like that anyway let"s proceed to the questioning shall we?"

"yeah sure ask away"


The questioning last for an hour they ask every question they got and Ray answer it honestly and also Ray tell them everything he knows and what happen to him when he got unconscious but he didn"t tell them regarding about him being "the blessed" and what are the blessings he got since they might react to it, also he didn"t agree to them about showing his system for some obvious reasons but they didn"t pursue it and just let it be, after the questioning they just bid their goodbyes and appreciation for helping them and other stuff and proceed to leave.


"Haaaaa finally some breather, they are really greedy aren"t they geez~ anyway looks like the questioning makes me hungry cause it"s G.o.d.a.m.n stressful to explain things *sigh* and also, I forgot about the fourth feature that I"m planning to check on since I"m getting disturbed every time I"m trying to, it like it"s a work of nature dammit, anyway this time might be good enough yeah let"s do this real quick before I eat."









*Inhale, Exhale* "ok let"s do this!"

"Blessi" he suddenly stops and immediately looks at the door*

"huuu! I thought someone is going to knock again for G.o.d sake, ok this time for real"

"Blessi-" looks again at the door.

"haaaaaaa, I"m being such a paranoid at this... anyway let"s just do this dammit."


*Knock*, *Knock*, *Knock*

"Oooohh for the love of G.o.d!, Jesus!"


(A/N: yow guys this time I don"t have any excuse about why this chapter is so late I"m just being lazy this day hahaha and also I"ll try to post another chapter tommorow.....maybe hahaha, OH G.o.d OF ALL HARDWORKING PERSONS PLEASE BLESS ME! BLESS SOME ENERGY SO I won"t BE LAZY TOMORROW AND UPDATE THIS TRASH NOVEL OF MINE PLEASE I BEG YOU!

that"s all hehhe. :)

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