The Blessed

Chapter 26

(AN: Read the Author"s note at the end or else.... And also, for G.o.dd.a.m.n sake, this chapter is not edited!...)

Words Count: 2326


( Tokyo, j.a.pan )


"...*Sigh*, we are finally in."

"..Yeah, that took much longer than we expected, but... Oy sasaki, what happened to you? are you okay?"

"yeah, I"m fine. it"s just that, my head hurts, and I"m feeling a bit weak. It did takes a while before I manage to take down all the gate, I thought that it"s just one gate but I didn"t expect that there"s a bunch of it so, I kinda overused my skill a little bit, that"s all."

".. I see, that"s normal, just leave it for a little while and it"ll be fine."

".. Yeah, I know."

".. okay, we will take a break for a moment, we will go in later so rest here for a while. tell me when your head is fine already, for the meantime, I"ll talk to shimursan to know our situation, alright?."

"..Yeah, sure. thanks."

"..No problem, we"re all in this anyway, no one"s leaving someone, we will go in together."

".. heh, where did you get those words from? you sounded like an old man, trying to hit some children on streets, haha."

"..che, I"m just being grateful here ya know."

"..Yeah, Yeah, go on already and do whatever the h.e.l.l you need to do."

".. alright, smell ya later Shrimp."



In the center of the crowd in the middle of the ground floor of the building, a girl was standing while examining the interior and the ceiling of the building. Suddenly, a muscular man approaches her.

"Shimura...Mmm, what is it?" Noticing the wierd expression of the girl, the muscular man asked.

"..Oh, it"s Nothing, it"s just that, I find it a bit weird."

".. yeah, I agree. This is really a weird building."

"..Oh yeah, that too. but no, not just the building but I mean, the thing on how we manage to get here."

"Mmm, What of it?"

".. Don"t you find it a little bit weird? we came from a far distance, we encounter a number of Monsters along the way, it"s not really a big problem for us because we have the numbers and all of us are not weak and capable of fighting them, but we always stayed alert because maybe, all of a sudden, a horde of monsters suddenly rush on to us, then it"s really not good if that happens right? but the time when we manage to get close in this area, we didn"t encounter any monsters anymore like, they just disappeared in this part of area or... I don"t know?"

".. Maybe they are just not there when we by, or we are just lucky that we didn"t encounter any."

".. Huh? that"s weird, cause if my memory was correct, we are in the middle of Tokyo, that is reported to be the most dangerous part of the city because this part of the city has the most numbers of monsters because this is where the outbreak of the monsters started. And here we are, running in the middle of the streets like we are all going for a casual morning jog."

" .*Sigh*, come on, don"t think about it too much, just consider it as we, being lucky. maybe the G.o.ds have already pitted us and decided to help us and shoo away the monsters, right?"

"..Hah, pitted? if the G.o.ds would really pitty someone, then i doubt that, that will be us. We just killed a person, not so long ago remember? so why would you think that he or she would pitty us."

"..*Sigh* come on, you know that we just did that because we need to survive, either them or us. it"s not like we are still on the normal days, I know where you are coming from but we need to do anything for us to survive, even if that includes, killing. And besides, it"s not like it"s the first time we did it, "right"?..."

"..Tch, Whatever."

".. Alright, put your worries aside. for now, let"s get back in the real problem we got in here. So, how was it? did you find anything?"

".. Mmm, i didn"t find anything, there"s nothing in here."

"..are you sure? maybe you have missed something, or if not then, maybe a secret door or entrance."

"..*Sigh* I doubt that. I already checked the four sides of this building and I didn"t even see a single stairs or anything that will lead us inside. I also checked the walls in every sides of this building, and there"s not even a single barricaded window or balcony to be seen, of course, other than the one where we shot the man earlier but other than that, there"s nothing else. I also think that maybe there"s a secret entrance in here or something. So I used my skill to examine the whole building, and you do know that I can find even the smallest crack in this building right?

"O-Ofcourse, I am"

"..Good. I have a really high confidence when it comes to my skill so when I say that there"s none, there - is - NONE! alright?"

".. Y-yeah, Sure."

"..*Fake Cough*.. Anyway. So I used it to find if there"s a secret door in here or anything that we can use to go inside but, Surprise! I didn"t find any. This is a really secured building, and I really doubt that the government or any other people back in the normal day will create a type of building like this, I don"t see its purpose rather than being a perfect protection for monsters. So that leaves me with a conclusion that, someone is responsible for this, I don"t know when or how, but someone did this...or someone Turn this building into something like "this"."

"So, you are saying that, there"s someone inside that has a skill that can do this?"

"..Yeah, maybe it"s something like a free manipulation on somethings, or the same with Yuki"s skill, not sure but it"s something close to that."

"..Alright, looks like we are going for a messy way. Oh, and what about the possible numbers of the people inside, cause I"m really expecting a fight at the moment we get in here, but to my surprise, we didn"t get any resistance at all. maybe they are all preparing inside."

"..Oh, about that. Their numbers, I didn"t got their exact numbers but, all I can say is, there"s a lot of them up there, too many. When I was examining the whole building earlier, I"m picking up a lot of sound vibration of their footsteps, my estimation is, maybe over fifty at least."

"..Wow, that many huh? haha, looks like this is going to be a big battle huh?"

"..but the thing is, they are all scattered in each and every floor, and base on their movements, some of them are just walking around and some are running really fast and..... I also detected some footsteps the ceiling, I-i don"t know, it"s weird, I don"t understand it."

"...Hmm, Maybe they are warming up and setting some traps, but you can just detect them all later once we get in and we"ll handle the rest, don"t worry about it too much, even if their numbers are much greater than us, remember that we still have a stronger card that will give us a sure win, alright? just sit there and relax for a moment, I"ll tell them about it and have them prepare, were blasting in later."

"..*Sigh* Alright, Whatev- ...Huh? Wait, it changed! "

"...What?..what changed?"

"..The building! I barely feel it but it"s close, I feel the change, something moved."

"..I-i don"t get it, What ch-.."


Suddenly, their conversation was cut off by one of his subordinate that hurriedly call him from his back, causing him to stop talking in the middle of their conversation and look to who it is.

"..Huh? Oh Eizo, what is it?"

"..a stair, a stair suddenly appears, I- I can"t explain it but. You need to see this, hurry up." said by the guy named Eizo while gesturing for them to hurry.

"Alright let"s go."


"..Where the h.e.l.l did that come from?" ask by the muscular guy named Anzai

"..I don"t know, it"s definitely not there earlier when I checked the whole building."

When they arrived at the front of the building, they saw a long and big stairs that leads to the second floor of the building, at the end of the stairs, it has a Ma.s.sive Door that looks like it was made of stone but it has an elegant design that make it looks like it was a door to a palace.

They all climb the stairs and stop at the ma.s.sive door in front of them.

"..What the heck is this?"

"Hey look, something is written in it."

"..Hmm, it"s written in English. I can"t read Romaji (Alphabet)."

"..Me also, I can read a little but, I"m not confident enough."

".. Shimura, you can read and understand English right?"

"..Yeah, I can."

"..Then, please do read this."

"..Yeah, sure. Okay let me see. Umm, it says that...

h.e.l.lo my brave and dear adventurers. Welcome to the great and oh so beautiful "Paradise and Safe Dungeon" the only dungeon that has the most safest names, the name of this dungeon is totally not a scam at all, it"s really safe and it"s like a Paradise inside it, nothing but full of cute bunnies and flying pigs, so don"t hesitate to go in, go on, don"t be scared, it has a lot of treasures in it you know? it"s full of gold, and a bunch of legendary items, you want a Legendary Gun that can blow up the entire moon? we have it in here, or maybe a sword that can shatter the whole heaven? as cringe as F*ck, but we also have it in here. Everything you desire we have it here, even your favorite waifu is in here, this is not a bait for you to come in so please don"t hesitate. Have I said that, This dungeon has Fifty floors, each floor has a boss, after you kill the boss, you can advance to the next floor, don"t worry, the boss will do nothing but cuddle you to death so worry nothing, and if you manage to clear all the floor, defeat the last boss and reach the top floor, you will be granted a Three Wishes. So great deal right you definitely don"t want to miss this chance. Anyway, Have fun on clearing the dungeon.

That"s all it says."

"What the F*ck was that?"

"Who wrote this thing? hey are you sure that, that was the exact thing that was written in here?"

"... Of course, what made you think that I made that all up huh?"

"..*Sigh* I cant understand what is happening anymore, Shimura, can you scan the whole building again? see if you can see anything inside."

".. I have done it already, but I can"t feel anything inside anymore, I can only feel the exterior part of the building but the inside, my skill can"t reach it, like something is blocking my skill."

"..Alright, let"s plan things out first before we go inside, it looks like they were ready to welcome us so let"s also prepare. The enemies inside has a greater number than us so we can"t recklessly go inside, given the fact that they have someone who can make something like this in an instant. it"s still dangerous, but as long as we plan this out carefully, then I can a.s.sure you all that we will, conquer this whole building and make it ours."

""""..YEAH! """"" (×20)

"..Savor your every moment because it won"t be for long." Said by the muscular guy named Anzai as he looks at the doors while having a scary smile on his face.


At the top of the building, Ray can be seen, eating some Marshmallows while watching his "guests" down below the building.

"...Weird, is that supposed to be their leader?..... He looks stupid." Said by Ray as he stuff some Marshmallows in his mouth before vanishing from the rooftop.


(AN: Hey guys, I have a good questions for you, please answer it. last day, some guy posted a review about my novel, saying that the writing quality of my novel, sucks as F*ck, and also that my novel is almost UNREADABLE. Now guys, tell me, is it really a ALMOST UNREADABLE? coz if yes, then I"ll try to change it all and make it at least READABLE, cause oh my G.o.d, my poor readers. No for real guys, I"m saying this for almost Everytime that, please comment it down bellow if you ever see any mistakes in my grammar or anything so I can correct it once I see it, but up until now, no one is actually doing it, so I thought that, oh maybe they can understand it at least cause no one is actually complaining about it. I know that I have a lot of mistakes that"s why I"m saying it for every G.o.dd.a.m.n chapter that it"s not edited and maybe there is a lot of mistakes in this chapter right? but turns out that my novel is ALMOST UNREADABLE all along, so guys, tell me now if it"s really like that? cause if it"s, then I"ll try to edit the whole chapters and do my best to make at least READABLE! That"s all, stay safe, have a nice day/evening, thanks for reading, love you all, bye bye.?)

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