The Blood Kiss

Chapter Three.

Slowly he turned and lifted his head, staring into Jenner"s eyes.

Jenner lifted a thick, straight brow and said in that same mental voice, If it is a war you want, then you should at least let me do my job and draft out a notice to the rest of my people.

The dry humor in his friend"s voice had him chuckling. Keeping his voice silent, speaking on the mental paths, he said, Come... we have more important matters than this. I want to find Steven and leave this macabre city. Tennessee is so much more peaceful than this.

His eyes lingered, for a long moment, on Julianna, on her raven hair and the pale green silk of her gown. She was dressed like Arwen, just waiting for Aragorn to come and carry her away, that delicate silk flowing down her body, a silver coronet at her brow. It was actually a d.a.m.ned good resemblance, with her top-heavy mouth and perfect oval face. Roman bit out a sigh of regret that he hadn"t had a moment to taste that lopsided mouth, but a true vampire child wasn"t an indulgence he"d allow himself.

Not in this lifetime.

And he wouldn"t be risking his sanity by getting so close to the child of the man who had helped put his father in the ground. If he were to do so...

... he just might not have the strength to walk away from such a vision.

Then again, as Roman stared into her face, his eyes trailing over every feature as though he were trying to memorize them, he knew d.a.m.ned good and well he was here because he had to see her, up close, just once, before he walked away.

It didn"t matter who her father was.

She could be mortal.

She could be the child of s.p.a.ce aliens.

She could be the child of zealots here to peal his hide from his body and burn it, dousing him with salt water and shooting the rest of his sorry carca.s.s with silver bullets. It wouldn"t matter. He had to see her, closer, just once.

Of course, he was hoping it might be more than once... and for a little longer than a minute.

But that all depended on whether she knew what he needed to know.

"Who is out there?" a soft, tired voice asked from the balcony.

He stilled in the trees, one hand pressed against the rough bark of an oak, his entire body tensing. He hadn"t made a d.a.m.ned sound and he knew it.

"d.a.m.n it, I told my father I wanted to be alone... for once... alone." Her voice was thick with tears and anger and emotion, and she was moving closer. "After twenty-five years, don"t you think I deserve a little bit of peace in my d.a.m.ned life?"

And then she stepped into the moonlight, and Roman felt his heart stutter to a stop within his chest.

Moonlight shone silver on her face, highlighting the wet tracks of her tears, and a rage unlike he had ever known tore through him. Moving forward, he said in a voice that sounded unlike his own, "I am no man of your father"s, Julianna."

Her eyes rested on his face as she studied him. Then she laughed, propping her elbow on the stone railing of the balcony. "This is N"Awhns, slick. Every man here is a man of my father"s. Get off my land. I own this place. I bought it with money my mother left me, and it"s mine. I don"t want you, or anybody else on it."

He smiled, the grin c.o.c.king up his mouth as he studied her face. "I"m not from around here, Julianna. And I"m not your father"s man." Then he said baldly, "You"re the most gorgeous thing I"ve ever seen in my life."

She stilled and lifted her head, putting both hands on the stone railing, c.o.c.king her head and studying him, the fat black braid of her hair trailing over her shoulder as she looked at him. "Well, you"re a little more blunt than his usual rats are. What is your name?"

"Roman," he replied.

Her entire body froze. "Roman," she whispered.

He heard the dry little click in her throat as she swallowed, and he laughed. "Well, I see Daddy has warned you about me," he mused, pacing in the moonlight. "Don"t worry. I won"t bite." Then he slid her a look. "But you"re welcome to."

Her eyes widened slightly. "I"m still human," she said faintly.

"Until you die," he reminded her. "I know more about you than you could possibly dream, Julianna, how the vampire family lives, how they die, what kills them, what thrills them, what makes them happy, what makes them sad... but I wonder, does your father know the same about me?"

"He"s scared to death of you," she said levelly. Then she winced, covering her mouth with the palm of her hand. "Ahh... hmmm." She started to laugh, a weak giggle at first that grew until she was all but doubled over with the gales of laughter, leaning against the balcony and wiping tears of mirth from her eyes. "Oh, d.a.m.n-that"s rich. All this time, he hid that from your father and then from you. And I let it slip. Oopsie."

Roman arched a level brow at her. "Really." It was a simple statement more than a question, and he just waited as she finished her last bout of giggles and then he leaped, covering the twenty feet between the ground and the balcony, hooking his hands across the railing and leaning over it, staring into her sparkling eyes. "And why on earth is he afraid of us?" he asked in a soft whisper.

She swallowed, looking from the ground, where he had just stood, to his eyes. "Wow."

He glanced down and shrugged. "I take it you aren"t allowed to spend much time with your cousins," he queried.

"I prefer not to," she responded gently. Then she lifted her gaze and met his eyes. "I"ve never met a werewolf before."

He smiled, a slow curl of his lips, as he studied her lovely, ethereal face. "I"ve met dozens of vampires before. But I"ve never met one as lovely as you. You"re more lovely than any angel I"ve ever seen," he murmured, taking one of her hands and lifting it to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to the back of it.

Julianna felt her heart stutter inside her chest. "I"m ahh... not really a vampire," she said weakly. "Not yet."

He released her hand to catch her braid, rubbing his thumb idly up and down it as he stared into her eyes. "I know," he responded. "I also know how you become one. Is he pushing you into it yet? Or would he rather you get pregnant and breed first?"

She flinched, lowering her eyes. "You really do know him well," she murmured, shame flooding her.

Roman"s mouth twisted in a bitter smile. "I"ve had lots of time to get to know him, lots of time to see how he works," he said quietly, his head lowering. "He likes to take, and he likes to get. And what he likes to get is anything that will make him stronger. And that is more-more of his own blood under him. I suspect he would do it, even if it meant making his own daughter act the wh.o.r.e."

She laughed, a harsh, bitter sound. "d.a.m.n, you sure you aren"t a psychic? A mind reader?" Walking away, she rubbed her arms with her hands, trying to chase away the chill such a thought caused. "I was given a choice today. Either mate with a man of his choosing, willingly, or become vampire in full, whether I like it or not. Granted, he worded it much prettier than that, but it amounts to the same thing, doesn"t it?"

The werewolf with the pale green eyes merely stared at her, but she saw the sympathy in his eyes. Sympathy. When was the last time anybody had cared enough about her to feel sympathy? Of course, this sleek, s.e.xy man was the last one she wanted feeling sorry for her. Heaven but he made her hungry.

She hadn"t felt any drawing to the men her father constantly shoved at her, but him ... She had glimpsed him at the ball, from a distance, just enough to see the thick, sun-streaked golden-blond hair and the square jaw under the half-mask he wore.

And there was that a.s.s. The tight braes he wore revealed a body that was hard, firm, and sleekly muscled. Broad shoulders under the tunic-style shirt, and narrow hips... and now she could see his hands. Long-fingered, wide-palmed hands that looked as though they knew very well how to touch a woman.

She had turned away from him, instead of heeding the little voice in her mind that whispered she go to him, a dance-so innocent, and it was her party, after all. But she had ignored that voice and turned away.

And now, here he stood, and he was the man her father hated more than anybody else in the world. Hated and feared.

Julianna had to admit she wasn"t above being petty. Her father would scream with rage if he knew the thoughts she was suddenly entertaining about Roman Montgomery, the king of the werewolves, and the one man in more than half the country who didn"t fear Eduard Capiet-or respect him.

But that was just a minor part. Even at the ball, staring at him from a distance had made her belly go hot and tight. Up close, the effect was so much worse.

She wanted to know how he tasted... how those rather beautiful hands would feel against her skin.

Her belly tightened at the thought, and she licked her lips, feeling the pulse in her gums as arousal grew and the ghost of the vampire l.u.s.t that lurked within her rose to whisper seductively in her mind. However, for once, the ideas that demon inspired weren"t unwelcome.

Going to him, wrapping her arms around his neck, and covering his mouth with hers for long moments didn"t seem at all unattractive. Neither did licking the skin that covered the large vein in his throat. Or undoing the lacings of his shirt, shoving it aside, and stroking the hard chest beneath.

Under the cotton of the chemise she wore her nipples tightened, and she felt the rush of blood to her face. Spinning around, she stared up at the moon, crossing her arms over her chest and cursing herself silently. He pitied her-she had best remember that.

A small, sane voice whispered, "He"s your father"s enemy-remember that." But that was no deterrent. In fact, the rebel part of her she had been forced to subdue all her life teased her unmercifully about how much fun she could have, defying her father in this way.

In a tense voice, Julianna asked, "Why are you here, Roman Montgomery? It"s been months since your father died. If you were to come for vengeance, wouldn"t you have done it already?"

He laughed, and the sound was odd enough that she turned around, facing him, looking into his hard face, seeing the alien glow of rage in his werewolf"s eyes. "Don"t you know? Your father is holding prisoner somebody who is very dear to me."

Julianna stilled, fear tightening her belly. d.a.m.n you, Father. What in the h.e.l.l have you done now?

The House of Capiet could take no more losses from the hands of Wolfclan Montgomery. The wolves would slaughter them-the long line of House of Capiet would be no more. While Julianna harbored little love for many of her cousins, and even less for her father, she had no wish to see them slaughtered. If Roman desired to take offense to this and launch war upon Capiet, the wolves would destroy any and all a.s.sociated with the House-vestals, servants, and perhaps even the few children. Oh, she knew her history-the war between the Wolfclan and the House had cost the lives of many, both werewolf and vampire. But the wolves bred true, much easier than the vampire. They could have very well rebuilt their numbers after forty years. Since those final battles decades ago, only three true vampire children had been born to Capiet. Only a handful of humans-less than fifty-had been brought over successfully. Oh, she was certain her father had tried to bring over more, but the change was hard, d.a.m.n near brutal. Perhaps if some of the vestals were forced to come over-killed, in other words-their numbers would be stronger, but only their numbers. It took decades for a new vampire to come into full power.

She swallowed, running her tongue over her lips. Wolfclan could even decide to kill her. Although she would never become full vampire unless she took of the blood, she could be seen as a threat. If Capiet was destroyed and she left alive, she could go to one of the other vampire houses and have them change her, start the house anew, and bide her time until she was strong enough to take vengeance.

Not that she would. All she wanted was a normal life. Well, as normal as a vampire child"s could be. A man to love, a life outside of what her father approved... something.

Lifting her gaze, she met the burning green eyes of the wolf king and asked quietly, "Who has he taken?"

The pit of her stomach dropped out as he responded, "My little brother."

Julianna whirled away, leaning against the stone railing of the balcony, her head spinning. Father... why in the h.e.l.l would you do that? How could you be so stupid?

She didn"t bother asking him if he was certain. Nor did she doubt his words.

It was exactly like her father to do something so unbelievably arrogant... and so unbelievably stupid. He clung to the old ways, and he thought the laws of old would protect him.

Julianna had no doubt that the Montgomery boy had done something her father saw as an insult or offense. And in turn, he retaliated, taking the boy prisoner.

Roman Montgomery, though, was clearly not one to cling to the old ways, the old rules. She doubted many outside her father"s house would. The old laws were archaic, all but brutal. She knew just from speaking with her father"s lieutenant, Mikhail, that many vampires and werewolves had progressed. They"d known it was necessary if they wanted to continue to live and thrive in the modern world.

But not Eduard Capiet. Her mouth twisted in a bitter smirk. It wasn"t the first time he"d done something so arrogant, but it may well be his last. He"d been a fool-Eduard was often a fool in his arrogance, but this time it could cost him his life. He"d pulled the proverbial tiger"s tail, striking out at Wolfclan this way. Or perhaps, wolf tail was more like it.

And this wolf was very much displeased.

Julianna forced her mind to stop chasing itself in circles. Yes, her father had done a foolish, stupid thing. But she was his daughter-his heir, if she chose to accept it-and it was her responsibility to see their people protected.

Protected... against an entire pack of angry wolves? Capiet was small still, although not as weak as they had once been. But their numbers were in the hundreds. She suspected Montgomery"s pack was much, much larger.

Squeezing her eyes closed, she waited until the fear that flooded her leveled out. If she was going to talk their way out of this, she had better not sound like a blathering idiot.

"Is there a reason he was taken?" she asked, schooling her voice into a level tone. There was a formality to such things... always. People had died for not following proper protocol-granted, that had been ages ago, but still...

Roman laughed, a cool, mocking sound that did nothing to calm her fears. "Your father"s emissary claims he was making people nervous. Too much a temptation to the young vampires."

She could imagine that. Life was a sweet beckoning few vampires could ignore. And if the brother had half as much life surging inside him as Roman, he would indeed be a temptation.

But not one that couldn"t be ignored. d.a.m.n you, Father, she thought furiously. He had used old laws to his own ends. And if it had been another wolf, he might well have gotten away with it. But the king"s brother} Not a chance.

Slowly, she forced air into her tight lungs. Lifting her head, she met Roman"s gaze. "I doubt you came to New Orleans to try to talk sense into my father."

The small smile on his mouth answered that question. With a slight nod, she murmured, "I didn"t think so. Where is he being held, do you know?"

His brow arched as a speculative look entered his eyes. He moved closer, until he was just a breath away, his body heat reaching out to tease her chilled body. "Why do you wish to know, Julianna? What is my brother"s life to you?"

"Life is precious," she whispered starkly, lowering her lashes to shield her eyes from him. "And if anything happens to your brother, my cousins will be the ones to pay for my father"s arrogance."

His pale green eyes narrowed as his hand came up. His fingers curved around her throat, and Julianna gasped as she felt her pulse speed up at his touch. Both fear and hunger warred inside her as she fought to keep her face calm. "Wolfclan doesn"t fall for vampire tricks, Julianna."

Coolly, she said, "And as I"ve said, I"m not yet vampire."

His hand fell away, and she stepped back, turning her back to him as she stared out into the night. No, she held no love for her father; she had no friends, save perhaps for Mikhail, among the vampires in New Orleans.

But she wouldn"t see innocents slaughtered. Not all of her father"s people were the mindless, cold-blooded monsters she knew Roman thought them to be.

Julianna knew what she had to do. As she ran the thought around in her head, she found a tiny smile dancing on her lips. She could even enjoy this. How often had her father forced her into things she hated? Taken things she loved from her? What a sweet revenge this could be.

Turning back to Roman, she said softly, "I"ll get him out."

His eyes, that pale, pale green, narrowed as he studied her face. Vampires could sense a lie-it was a skill Julianna was picking up over time as well. She had a gut feeling werewolves could also see a lie-although whether they could sense it the same way as a vampire could, she didn"t know.

But she wasn"t lying. She didn"t want the blood of her father"s people on her hands, not if she could do something to prevent it. Coolly, she stated, "I"m not lying."

Roman smiled, a slow, confident smile that did very little to settle the nerves jumping in her belly. "Oh, I know. When a person lies, it shows, somewhere in their body. Either their breathing speeds up, or their heart beat... sometimes, they just start to sweat. But there"s always something-even if it"s a minute change, it"s still there. What I want to know is why you would help me."

Julianna pursed her mouth in a frown. "I know my father-he"s not a kind man. I hate to think of anybody being tortured. What"s more, if your brother is harmed by him, I don"t want the people of Capiet to suffer, not for their leader"s stupidity."

c.o.c.king his head, he studied her. She didn"t like that intent stare; she suspected he saw entirely too much with his eyes. "You"re a wise woman-how can you possibly be his daughter?"

Turning away, she laughed bitterly. "Pure bad luck, I guess." Heading for the door, she beckoned him to follow her. "Come on. I don"t trust my father not to have his men out here at some point tonight. Even though he promised me time alone to think, he"s lied entirely too many times for me to believe him."

Chapter Three.

Roman had to admit, she had surprised him. She was so quiet, so soft. Well, at least she looked soft. She couldn"t be that soft if she was willing to defy her father like this. Vampires had been known to kill for much lesser offenses. In many ways, they were entirely too medieval.

He waited at the outskirts of the town, Jenner a silent presence at his back. The humidity was awful, the sun pounding down on them with brutal intensity, even though it was only eleven in the morning.

"What if this is a setup?"

Roman glanced at Jenner and shook his head. He had entertained the idea for a very short moment but shrugged it away as he recalled the innocence in her eyes. "No," he replied. "She is too-fresh. She is disgusted by her father. She"s innocent, but rather jaded as well. Julianna Capiet doesn"t care for Eduard. She fears him, but it goes deeper than that."

"Fear would be a wonderful motivator for her to stab you in the back, turn you over to him," Jenner argued.

"It would-but it"s cowardly. There"s nothing of a coward in her," Roman said flatly, shaking his head.

"That lovely face has clouded your mind, Roman. You"re not thinking clearly."

Sliding Jenner a narrow look, he said flatly, "Nothing could cloud my mind when my brother"s life is at stake. I spoke to her-I stood right next to her. If there was a he inside her, I would have known."

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