The Bloodline System

Chapter 1155 Sense Of Foreboding

Chapter 1155 Sense Of Foreboding

Author"s Note: Do not purchase yet


"We"re one week behind travel schedule... this means we will arrive at Galaxy Flalencia days after IYSOP has begun," Aildris disclosed.

"That"s bad... you kids will be automatically disqualified if you arrive there any later than a day before the compet.i.tion begins," Gradier Xanatus voiced out.

Chatter! Chatter! Chatter!

There was instant panic amongst the candidates upon the revelation of this new information.

"What do we do?" Angy questioned from the side.

Before Gustav could voice any response, Miss Aimee figure glowed up as she floated off the s.p.a.cecraft floor.

"Hmm?" Gustav stared at her.

"I will take care of it," She said before flying towards one of the corridors.

In the next instant, Miss Aimee had arrived outside the s.p.a.cecraft which was currently moving at a crazy speed.


It left a glowing milky trail as it cut through s.p.a.ce faster than a shooting star.


Miss Aimee wasted no time in following after it and caught up in a moment. She maintained the same speed with the s.p.a.cecraft which was many times faster than the speed of light.

Her entire body suddenly lit up with a purplish glow. The glow extended from her figure to the s.p.a.cecraft and in the next instant, the entire s.p.a.cecraft had been covered with this purplish aura.

"Give me navigations," Miss Aimee voiced out as she increased her speed.

Within the s.p.a.cecraft they hadn"t expected the speed of the craft to suddenly increase by a notch and it took them by surprise.

Some of them were sent flying in seperate directions from the suddenly speed and activated their s.p.a.cesuit once more to help them gain balance.

"That"s why she is the only woman I will ever call master," A grin appeared on Gustav"s face as he voiced out.

Without Miss Aimee"s presence they were totally b.u.mmed out and he was sure he wouldn"t be able to come up with a way to salvage the situation.

Fortunately, she had truly appeared at a time where she was needed. With this their journey would be faster and they could make it to Flalencia Galaxy even faster.

The only issue was, it didn"t seem like Miss Aimee was likely to slow down.


"Oh s.h.i.+t," E.E exclaimed as s.p.a.ce began to crack right before their very eyes.

Lines like broken gla.s.s spread across s.p.a.ce from what they could see within the s.p.a.cecraft.

"Her speed is causing a rift to open up within s.p.a.ce," Falco stated.

Just as he had said, up ahead more lines had been torn in s.p.a.ce and soon a rift appeared.


Miss Aimee wasted no time in dragging them in along with herself.

The soon entered a world of purple with intense s.p.a.ce turbulence pulling and trying to rip everything to shreds.

Miss Aimee was not affected in the slightest. The purplish aura spreading from her figure to the s.p.a.cecraft also made sure Gustav and the others were unaffected as well.


Soon they reappeared in another part of s.p.a.ce and Miss Aimee still hadn"t slowed down. She kept charging forward with intensity.

-(Within the control room)

-"She has taken the piloting work off our hands,"

-"At least we get to arrive there days before the compet.i.tion begins,"

-"The rifts she keeps opening are equivalent to the dimensional gateways but more chaotic,"

-"She is too powerful... we are not even affected in the slightest,"

The pilots and navigators couldn"t help but express their shock as the s.p.a.cecraft glided through s.p.a.ce with the help of Miss Aimee.


"What about the grand commander?" Matilda questioned.

"What about him?" Gustav said with an unbothered expression.

"Shouldn"t we be worried?" Matilda inquired.

"That"s an Alpha ranked Mixedblood. There is nothing to be worried about," Gustav replied.

"The old man will find his way," Sheila added from the side.

Matilda felt that since even the old man great granddaughter was unbothered there was no need for her to worry.

Everyone else strapped in as Miss Aimee became the new pilot and flew them away.


In an unknown part of s.p.a.ce a middle aged man clad in a silver colored MBO uniform floated above an asteroid as he looked around.

The asteroid was half the size of the earth"s moon as it floated in s.p.a.ce.

The diamond looking item embedded into his forehead blinked with a mysterious glow and a projection of lines appeared before him.

These lines formed a s.p.a.cecraft upon closer look or what was left of it.

"Oh? The kids decimated them... as expected," He muttered.

There was no sound but he kept speaking since he was speaking to himself.

"Time to leave here now... I should find a s.p.a.cecraft in one of the checkpoint stations instead of expending all my energy," Immediately after saying this, his figure turned illusionary and he blasted forward with immense speed.



However, why did E.E close the vortex since he wanted to save them?

"Hold on Gus, Angy, don"t bring anymore slum dwellers yet," E.E voiced through the comms.

His face turned serious as he moved forward and the crowd began to part ways for him.

After a few seconds, he stopped and turned to stare at the left.


E.E snapped his fingers in the next instant and a vortex appeared like a ring above three of slum dwellers on the left.

The slum dwellers had looks of realisation upon seeing E.E"s action and were about to turn around and escape when the vortex descended upon them.

All three of them disappeared instantly instantly the crowd to turn wary and confused.

"There are some enemies disguised as slum dwellers amongst you lots... as soon as I get rid of them all, i will transport you all out of here," E.E announced to quell their confusion.


A vortex opened up right in front of Gustav and three figures were flung out.


Gustav dashed forward and grabbed all three of them before slamming them heavily into the ground.

They pa.s.sed out instantly and he proceeded to lift them off the ground beforr das.h.i.+ng in a particular diection.

-"Aildris, I"m bringing three your way," Gustav announced through the comms.

-"Sure, We"ve rounded up six of them on this part too," Aildris replied.

Anytime, E.E spotted a Genxodus member hiding in the midst of the slum dwellers, he would send them to Gustav.

Aildris was in charge of restraining the Genxodus members caught and keeping them in confines.

Everyone had a GPS indicator on them that showed the rest of the teammates where they are in real time. This made it possible for E.E to easily open up vortexes wherever Gustav was.

The instant Gustav saw a vortex and figures dressed like slum dwellers, he was instantly able to tell that these figures were Genxodus members.


In another part of the slums, a figure clad in MBO outfit could be seen flying above with a purplish aura covering her figure.

"Vera, on your three o clock, two hundred meters away... there"s a group of them trying to get away," Elevora disclosed as she flew across the city.

Matilda and Vera were busy handling a group of Genxodus members initially but upon Elevora"s message, she began heading in the direction disclosed.

Matilda was left to handle four Genxodus members alone. Fortunately, there was no bloodline dampening beacon around so she wasn"t restricted in the slightest.

While Elevora flee across the slums, she spotted two more groups trying to escape.

At this point, everyone was preoccupied with handling one Genxodus member or the other so Elevora had no choice but to swoop down herself.

-"Step on it! Let"s get out of here and rendezvous with the others back in one of the bases outside this city,"

One of the members yelled out as the hovercar sped through the street.

They were two hovercars speeding across the northeast streets and within each of them, there were four occupants.

With their speed, they would be able to arrive within the outskirts of the city in a couple of minutes.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

Alarms suddenly began blaring off within both hover cars as the security system sensed an hostile approach.

"What is that?"

"s.h.i.+t! It is an MBO officer!"

"Activate the weapons system,"

The Genxodus members in the second hover car voiced out frantically.

Elevora who approached from above could see canons phasing out of the hover cars.

Bam! Ting! Ting! Ting!

Projectiles began shooting towards her in the next instant.

sweeeevvv! Fwwoohh~

Elevora gracefully swerved from side to side across the air, dodging the projectiles.

One of them predicted her movement and fired out an explosive.

Elevora found herself heading into the sight of this explosive and flicked her wrist.


A purplish storm blasted forth from her hand, slamming into the explosive and causing a ma.s.sive blast in mid air.


Shockwaves spread across the vicinity blasting the hover cars off the road.

One was blasted straight across the air and slammed into a high rise like building by the side.


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