The beginning of everything started from a certain meteorite.
There was a mysterious mucus clinging on to this meteorite, scientists around the world were gathered in order to find out about the true ident.i.ty of this mucus.

I’ve only heard the news about a fallen meteorite at this point in time and have not yet partic.i.p.ated in the research.
Aoko was alsoーーstill alive.
It’s a story from a couple years back.

And thenーーthe fact that this meteorite is no ordinary meteorite was proven.
That meteorite was something like a s.p.a.ceship.
An unknown virus that was born on a planet somewhere far away.
A transport ship to carry it to this Earth.

Exactly, who sent this meteorite to Earth was still not known.
But one thing was clear, the fact that this was an invasion weapon.

Majority of the meteorite was broken by friction before it invaded Earth.
But getting broken was its purpose.
Broken within the atmosphere and distributing the virus in the atmosphere, infecting the lifeforms on the planet.
That was this fellow’s role.

To the manufacturer, it’s probably a defective good this time around.
At any rate, because it landed without burning up completely.
But a finished product will eventuallyーーa meteorite that will properly burn up coming to Earth was just the matter of time.

The organization created by the people that rose up to the alien threat from there was『Noah’s Ark』.
To stand up against the invaders that don’t reveal themselves and protect this planetーーFor that purpose, with the outward appearance of an environmental protection organization but in fact is actually doing various invader counter-measure preparations from the aliens.
Me working as one of the members protecting this planet and a researcher was also at this time.

But, the organization gradually became weird as the research of the virus continues.
A beautiful world with no discrimination can be built if this virus is used.
Resurrecting the dead is possible.
Mankind surpa.s.sing G.o.d is possible.
『Noah’s Ark』became enslaved by these firm convictions.

“The ones that sent this meteorite isn’t an invader, it’s a messenger of G.o.d! ”
“To liberate us from the fear of the inevitable death, they have sent this meteorite! ”
“‘Use this to evolve’, such is the revelation from G.o.d!”

It was also natural for people who are suggesting such to begin appearing.
『Noah’s Ark』has went mad.
It has approached its end as an organization.

And thenーーJust a couple months back, this time a properly functioning meteorite with the virus burned up in the atmosphere.

『Noah’s Ark』confirmed this and activated the flood plan.
Infectees in the rampageous state and a unique chemical that forces the transition into the rampageous state was spread all around the world.

The scary part about this virus is that there are no immediate negative influences even when infected.
There are no negative influences in the initial state even when infected, but if bitten by an infectee in the rampageous stateーーthe condition worsen and becomes the rampageous state immediately.
Inhaling the chemical has the same effect.
This is the true ident.i.ty of the virus covering this planet.
We mankind was already infected before we were even bitten.


We were infected before we were even bitten……!

“”Perhaps because the infectees’ lives were exposed to danger, the virus that had laid dormant in the body when bitten by another rampageous state infectee activates immediately, and the other is the mentioned chemical, anyhow this is the commonly known zombification’s true ident.i.ty. In the case of one being lucky enough to not have their brain cells destroyed, the infectee gets the chance of becoming a unique individual.””

Me becoming the Infected Emperor was also because I was lucky……was it?

“”It seems that there are also other various requirements to evolve the host into a unique individual butーーthere are no longer means to investigate that””

Because of this situation.

“Does the condition progress even without getting bitten?”
“”No, the condition will not worsen no matter what happens as long as one isn’t bitten……Since the mentioned chemical probably ran out……And if a certain condition is excluded””

It will not worsen as long as one isn’t bitten……This is the reason why the zombie hunter guys did not zombify despite violating female zombies.

“Father, that is……?”
“”Aa, Sakura has seen, the moment one despair in this situation and admits defeat to the zombie virus it will also activate it immediately.

Losing, or the moment one admits defeat to the zombie virus the zombification happens……
It’s relatively outrageous, oi.

“”Not giving up, not losing, and not getting bitten……Being able to maintain this would prevent the zombification but……A human capable of that would already not be a human””

A superhuman in mental strength……True that a fellow like that wouldn’t be a normal human.

“We are already infected so it doesn’t matter to us……But what exactly is this sound? And the zombies in this hospital as well…… ”

“”Aa, this sound is in a range that originally cannot be heard by humans but……Being able to hear it, it’s confirmed that it doesn’t work on unique individuals.””

Please stop reaching a conclusion by yourself, the conversation can’t move on.

“”This sound was born from the research of my friend and mine, as you guys have noticed, for an infected person to evolve into a unique individual they are required to have a strong craving for either one of the three main desiresーーdesire for food, desire for sleep, desire for s.e.x””

The desire for sleep as well……
But what will happen after evolving from the desire for sleep?

“”This sound has the effect of influencing the virus in the body and enhancing only the desire for s.e.x, it’s adjusted in a way that a dangerous unique individual evolved from the desire for food would not appear when done so””

So this is the sound that Sakura’s father has created.

“”This form, if attacked by a unique individual evolved from the desire for food, would be totally helpless, so I used a counter-measure that was prepared beforehand “”
“But, why did Father turn into this form……”
“”Why did I turn into this form? That is because MotherーーAoko and I became one””
“……Don’t tell me, you fused with your own wife!?”

A fused individual between two people.
As long as human beings are lifeforms it’s not an impossible story but……

“”That’s right…… I fused with Aoko……Right now it feels extremely pleasant……Feeling the sense of unity that s.e.xual intercourse can’t even compare……Being physically enveloped by Aoko, there’s no happiness like this””

What is, that……
I can’t understand, don’t want to understand……

“”It was plainly to resurrect Aoko at first……I understood from the experiments on animals that right after the death, administering a complete corpse with the zombie virus would resurrect but also increasing the ferocity……On that day, clutching at straws I administered the virus on Aoko…But, the resurrected Aoko had no reason……This kind of state can’t be shown to Sakura……Thus I held a funeral with no corpse.””

Aki-chan made a face that understood everything.
I see……So Sakura’s mother wasn’t cremated in the first place.

“”I……In order to make Aoko regain her senses did various experiments……Locking her deep inside this hospital’s underground……But none of it had any effect. If I were to even let a little bit of my guard down, Aoko would try to bite me……To the me that produced no results,『Noah’s Ark』probably ran out of patience……Just like this, I was discarded during the flood plan””

In order to return a zombified human back……

“”Yes, it’s s.e.xual intercourse. Upon copulating and giving s.e.xual pleasure to Aoko, she became very calm……Even though restrains were needed at the beginning, Aoko started seeking out for me in the end, but it was only suppressing the ferocity and her senses had no return, till the very end, Aoko was like a beast””
“Why…… did you hide the matter about Mother! I wanted to meet her as well!”
“”I’m sorry……Sakura. Aoko was still ferocious towards people other than me. The human, Ashino Aoko was the same as dead, above all Aoko’s existence was cla.s.sified, it can’t be told to a loose-tongued child””
“”The moment I saw rampaging zombified infectees in this hospital, I discerned that this hospital and I had been discarded by 『Noah’s Ark』. I thought of searching for Sakura together with AokoーーBecause there’s no need to hide Aoko anymore, at that moment……The body of Aoko that was clinging to me started dissolving……And it became like this””

‘Somehow he was able to make it all the way to this room’, as they let out a bitter smile.

“”All I could do with this body was no more than pressing the device’s switch and drive the zombies mad with s.e.xual desires, I’m sorry I couldn’t go look for you, Sakura””
“Father……Erm, what about Mother’s consciousness?”
“”Practically none……It’s just that I can tell that Aoko’s cells that have fused with mine are extremely delighted. I think there’s not even a fragment of logic behind it but, by feeling, or perhaps by instinct I could tell……Sakura, won’t you become one with us? Let’s be together as a family again, this time around there will be no more separations……Now Sakura……Together……””

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