I moved her while taking care not to get dirtied by the blood.

“Fuu……Over here is probably fine”

It’s not that heavy but, moving a human being is quite the heavy labour.
Caregivers that does this almost every day is amazing.

As usual, she has no reaction.
I lay my hands on the fairly huge breast that is not to the extent of Aki-chan but, bigger than Sakura-chan
Body temperature is quite low……but it seems like the heart is beating.
The sound of breathing is faint but it is there.
Seems like the wound on the nape of the neck has stopped bleeding.

‘Completely a corpse’ーーIt doesn’t seem that way.
Nonetheless, the injury is severe.
She will undoubtedly die if it’s left as it is.

The zombie virus in my body is telling me.
‘This girl is still alive.’
‘If she’s revived, she can be used as manpower’ーー

It’s somewhat unpleasant not knowing the name of the girl I’m about to violate so I started searching her.

“So your name is……Toono Yukiko huh”

She’s a year below me according to the student card that’s in her wallet.
I try turning on the smartphone but……

“Out of battery it seems, well this can be left for later”

Just knowing her name is good enough.
I toss the smartphone aside and look at Yukiko-chan.

“I don’t know if you have boyfriend or not but, I’m doing itー? If you don’t quickly wake up, you’re going to be rapedー?”

Just in case, I tried talking to her but, no response.
As I thought, c.u.mming inside and letting her mucous membrane absorb my virus from the s.e.m.e.n is the only way!

I tear off the clothes on the girl that has her hair in a side tail hairstyle.
I remove the top so that only her bra.s.siere remains.

“Quite the cute bra you’re wearing”

Because removing everything is troublesome and insipid, I shift the bra.s.siere just slightly and expose the nipples.

“A little bit black?”

Unlike Aki-chan’s pink and cute teasable nipples, it’s a little darkened.

“Uーm, did it become this colour because she got addicted to something like masturbating with her nipples, or……”

Non-virgin as expected?
I rolled her nipples with my fingers but, there’s no change at all.

“As it is now, it doesn’t seem like her p.u.s.s.y will be getting wet even if I play with it.”

Lifting the skirt, I tried looking at Yukiko’s woman parts but, it doesn’t seem to be wet.
Removing only the panties slightly, and leaving it hanging it on one of her legs.

“Wow, is this a jungle”

It’s an amazing bristle.
Aki-chan is reasonable, Sakura-chan is slightly grown, Saya pretty much isn’t growing yet, is how it goes hence I was shocked by what followed.

“……It’d probably hurt her if she’s conscious but there’s no reaction again”

Well, her eyes are opened but it doesn’t seem to be looking at anything, there’s probably no consciousness at all.
While thinking about that, I spread her lower parts with my fingers.
Commonly referred to as kupaa¹.
……It isn’t getting wet.
Thrusting it in as it is now is an act of suicide.
It will be s.e.x with only pain.

Having said that, stimulating her meat hole doesn’t seem to be getting her wet, telling her to ‘get soaking wet’ doesn’t have any meaning as long as she is not in the condition to be able to hear orders.
It can’t be helped.

“Shall I try using this lotion……”

The lotion that’s placed in the basket.
Originally, I took it thinking that it could be used in a.n.a.l developing but, seems like it’s time for its debut right away.

I remove the plastic wrapping around the container, remove the lid and spread lotion on my palm.
I apply the slimy fluid on my palm onto Yukiko-chan’s genitals.
The surface became slimy with lotion.
But just the surface won’t do, I have to properly coat the inside as well.

It has been a while but, I put plenty of lotion deep into the innards when I’m using a s.e.x sleeve.
It feels better that way

Fitting the container on to the mouth of the v.a.g.i.n.a, I feed plenty of lotion into the v.a.g.i.n.a.
……About this much?

I spread her open and confirm the insides again.
Un, she’s properly soaked all the way inside.

“Then since the preparation is done, let’s stick it inー”

While preparing Yukiko, I also got ready.
I slap her thigh with my son.

“……There really is no reaction, this is just likeーー”

A s.e.x sleeve.
No, the one inflated with air is more appropriate?
Well, it’s the same either way.

“……Let’s put it in”

I slowly penetrate the spot made slippery with the lotion in the missionary position.
The tight entrance is tightening on my superb c.o.c.k but……

“It feels empty……but good……”

If asked ‘Does it feel good?’, I would certainly be able to say yes.
But, what is this emptiness?
Thinking back, the s.e.x until now was always feeling good with the girl, l.u.s.ting for each other’s body, and reaching the heights of o.r.g.a.s.m.
Feeling good together, that’s s.e.x……is what I thought.
Now, what I’m doing isn’t s.e.x, it’s masturbating using a person’s body.

But being strongly aware of the sense of immorality from doing something that shouldn’t be done.
Using person’s body as please to satisfy one’s urges.
Ignoring the human rights and forcefully turning her into a s.e.x object.

This is, in its own way irresistible.

I remove my superb c.o.c.k from her once.
My son is not dirtied with blood.
A non-virgin as I thought, no it’s natural for a beauty of this calibre to not be a virgin.
Aki-chan is a rare case.
Nevertheless, somehow I feel very much irritated.

“Oi, used p.u.s.s.y, tighten tightly”

While saying that, I shake my hips without thinking.
It just feels good, there’s not the euphoria that spreads in my chest like when I was doing it with Aki-chan, Sakura-chan and Saya previously.
But it feels good.
I’m doing something unthinkable right now……
Uu……I’m about to let it out.
I want to enjoy it for a little longer……but I want to let it out……


Approaching the limit of my endurance, I throb and pour everything into Yukiko-chan’s v.a.g.i.n.a.
After finish c.u.mming I, without enjoying the aftertaste, pulled it out right away.

I used the toilet paper that was in the store to wipe the girl’s soiled body and the blood that spread on the ground.
The emptiness remained in my chest even after it has ended.
To make matters worse, the guilt is also dreadful.
But that makes it unnecessarily arousing when I was doing it……

And so the emptiness after entering sage mode is also just as astonishing.

“As I thought ,Jin-nii’s body became one that couldn’t be satisfied if it isn’t with usー”

When I turned back, for some reason Sakura-chan is there with a triumph look.

“Sakura-chan!? Since when……”
“From around when you said ‘Mu, I have seen her before somewhere"”

In short, it’s pretty much from the very beginning……

“No, I’m not particularly angry? Since it’s my bad that even though Jin-nii wants to do lewd stuff I wasn’t able to perceive it?”

……Those eyes aren’t laughing.
Is she angry at me, or as Sakura-chan has said, at herself.
……Or both

“You weren’t able to feel good, right?”
“From the bottom of my heart……”
“It felt empty, somehow it was only feeling good like masturbating with a s.e.x sleeve, I wasn’t able to feel the happiness”

I told my feelings honestly to Sakura-chan
Though it felt good, there was no satisfaction in the s.e.x with a partner that has completely no reaction.
If there was a just little bit more reaction……
Should I look forward to the next time.

“I seeー, then, what about s.e.x with me?”
“It felt good, it became the best feeling. It was an extremely happy feeling ”
“Hohou, Jin-nii is head over heels for meー……I’m the same, I feel happy when I have Jin-nii do me”

Our eyes met.
The red eyes reflected nothing but me.
The me inside her eyes is also looking at nothing but Sakura-chan……

No words were needed.
Sakura-chan and I naturally placed our lips together.

“……I love you”
“Me too”

We are doing it in the standing doggy position as Sakura-chan desired.
Sakura-chan places her hands on the shelves as she pushes her b.u.t.t out towards me.

“I can’t see Jin-nii’s face but……. I like how it feels like I’m being ravished”

It seems that way.
I also feel that knocking my hips on that small b.u.t.t with my s.e.xual desires in full throttle is in true sense ravishing, so I completely agree.

“Jin-nii? Are the preparations done?”

Sakura-chan points her b.u.t.t towards me and shakes it dancingly.
This time, I am calling her without omitting the honorifics.
After all, I wanted to have me some sweet vanilla s.e.x.

“It’s true……Sakura-chan is wet……”
“Un, I got wet after watching, I was thinking ‘If that was me, I could make Jin-nii feel even better……’ ”

I touch Sakura-chan’s b.u.t.t.
‘Saya’s b.u.t.t is definitely a child’s!’ is how it feels but, Sakura-chan has an adult b.u.t.t that is not as big as Aki-chan.
Sakura-chan’s a.n.a.l is twitching……
……Could it be

I wet my fingers with saliva, and stuck it into Sakura-chan’s a.n.u.s.


Sakura-chan’s b.u.t.t swallowed my fingers without resistance.

“Sakura-chan, could it be, you did a.n.a.l masturbation?”
“Th, that’s not……”
“I’ll give this to the honest girl?”

I show her the smallish a.n.a.l beads that were in the basket.


But in front of Sakura-chan’s vision that has turned around, there was a biggish a.n.a.l plug.

“You prefer this?”

I remove the a.n.a.l plug’s packing.

“Since when?”
“Since the time I fell in love with Jin-nii……”

I plaster Sakura-chan’s b.u.t.t and the a.n.a.l plug with lotion.
I have to make sure it’s properly plastered during a.n.a.l play.

“Then you were antic.i.p.ating for this? That’s why you came along, right?”
“Un, that’s right since I’m using it……Furthermore I, don’t have large breast so I feel that even if I approach normally Jin-nii wouldn’t accompany me……Guys like lewd girls, right? That’s why……”
“But I don’t like just any lewd girls. The ones I like are……”
“The girls that like Jin-nii, am I right?”

You have understood well.

“I’m putting it in”

Even though it’s a biggish a.n.a.l plug, it went in relatively easily.

“Amazing……With just my fingers……”
“It has been with your fingers until now?”
“I mean I can’t buy this can I…….”

Sakura-chan’s a.n.a.l swallowed the a.n.a.l plug.
If I plunge my d.i.c.k in here……

No, not this time.
The place I want to plunge it in is.

“Now, I will torment both your holes.”
“Ee! Wait, you can’t, if you put it in nowーー”

I stick my superb c.o.c.k into the wet meat hole.


Sakura-chan raised a voice similar to that of a beast.
As if in sync with the voice, the inside of her v.a.g.i.n.a tightens tightly.
Not just tightening.
It is moving as if inviting me deeper into her v.a.g.i.n.a.

Responding to the invitation, I move into her deepest.
The entrance of her womb and the tip of my p.e.n.i.s kissed.

“Jin-nii! Going deep suddenly is! This, I’m going to break……”

It’s tighter than usual.
Pushed by the a.n.a.l plug, it probably got narrower physically.
But it’s not just tightーー

“I love you! I roove you! Jin-nii, Jin-nii……”

Shaking our bodies, there’s a partner to indulge in the pleasure together.
There’s a great difference from before.

“Haaa……Haaa! Sakura-chan!”
“Uaaaaa……come! Come in deeper!”

I can’t stop moving my hips.
Shaking my hips as if I have gone mad, filling Sakura-chan with pleasure.
I will be satisfied if Sakura-chan is satisfied, Sakura-chan will be satisfied if I’m satisfied.
Filling with pleasure, our reasoning is getting painted over.
It feels good……
It feels happy……

“Sakura-chan, I’m letting it out!”
“Let it out! All of it inside……! Aaaaa!”

Dokun! Dokun……TokuToku……PikuPiku……

The pleasure of providing my s.e.m.e.n to the womb that is wishing for it.
My head is going weird from the pleasure incomparable to before.
The me after enjoying the aftertaste of e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.n.g. pull my superb c.o.c.k out and Sakura-chan sank to the ground as is.
Perhaps she let loose at that moment, the a.n.a.l plug fell out.

Sakura-chan’s a.n.u.s is spreading gaping wide.
It was very erotic.

“Haa, haa, haa…… Jin-nii I love you……”
“I love you too”

Holding up Sakura-chan that was sitting down, we kissed.
So happy……
So satisfied……
Let’s do it again……
For sure.

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