When it comes to the business district, there are lots of tall buildings.
It’s somewhat of a skysc.r.a.per.
The figures of the zombies in these skysc.r.a.pers are no old folks or children, they are mostly zombie salaryman and zombie OL.
It’s a different feeling from the shopping district with lots of zombie housewives.
It’s fine to say that the type of districts is different.

“It will be alright, it will definitely be alright……”

……I can’t really say specifically what will be alright.
In truth, I’m also anxious.
It’s likely that our parents not fine, or in the worst case already dead.

……Even so.
We have to move on.
We have to confirm it.

For that sake, at the very least in front of Saya, I have to be a strong older brother.
I squeezed Saya’s hand back in return.

“Jin-san, is this the building?”
“Aa, I’ve only come here a number of times but, it should be here”

Corpses are scattered about in front of the building……
This is probably the result of the firefight I’ve seen in the video.
……Our parents don’t seem to be here.


I casually place my hands together and head towards the interior of the building.

There are a lot of zombies inside the building but, there are no corpses.
I casually raise my voice and place the area under my control.

There’s the possibility that there are unique individuals in this building.
I make the suitable zombies take the lead, and begin investigating.

……That is!
There is a unique individual sprouting black wings at the inner part of the entrance hall.
Black wings like a crow.
It looks like a fallen angel but, the face is that of a crow.


I immediately cover Sakura-chan’s mouth.

“……Don’t raise your voice, we’ll get noticed”
“I, I get it……”

It seems like the unique individual still hasn’t noticed us……eeh!
Near unique individual is……!

“To think that we would meet in such place, right? The f.u.c.king b.i.t.c.h who steal Sayaka from me……”

Father and Step-mother!

“Whatever. It’s none of my business if you remarry or make a new family……but you know……why did you steal Sayaka from me!? Oi answer me! I said answer me! You rotten c.u.n.t!……Tsk even your brains are rotten”

Saya’s hand that is holding me starts trembling.
Who would’ve thought that this guy.


Father stood between Step-mother and the black wings unique individual……!

“Aan? Don’t get in the way, this is a couple’s issue outsiders don’t get in the way, hey”

“……You’re really getting the way……Shall I kill the both of you together”

……Like I’ll let you!

“Shoot the black wings guy!”

I order the zombies to open fire.
It’s a preemptive strike from a firearm.

“What the! That s.h.i.t…..!?”
“Get away from Father……You guys catch the black wings guy”

I calmly tell the guy.
I threw out orders to the surrounding zombies, to make them catch him butーー

“Tsk what is this all of a sudden……even though they weren’t attacking before”

The guy flew up into the sky.
Just from looking at the body, it seems that none of the bullets. .h.i.t.
It was a poor move to make the newcomer zombies shoot the firearms……!

“……Sayaka, is that Sayaka!? As I thought, you’re the same as me! As expected of my daughter…… Sayaka is a dog…… Sayaka, Father became one with a crow”

I tightly squeeze Saya’s hand that is trembling with anxiety back
The brute fiend that raped the still young Saya when she was even younger.

“It will be alright. I will protect Saya”

I will kill this guy
Even if I have to killーーI will protect Saya.


I will definitely protect her.

“Who are you? Why are you holding hands with my Sayaka?”
“It’s not『my』. Saya is Saya. She’s a person. The child is not the possession of the parent”
“What is this guy……I see you’re the kid from that f.u.c.king b.i.t.c.h’s remarriage! The frog’s offspring is a frog. A s.h.i.t’s kid is a s.h.i.t huh……I shall kill this guy as well”

The fight against Saya’s biological father that has fused with a crow begins……!

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