After being ordered to remove her clothes, Yukiko steadily takes off her clothes obediently.
I’ve got used to it from looking at Aki-chan and girls but, watching a girl change live is nice as expected…….
Now, it’s nice that she’s enthusiastic.


Yukiko that has finished changing is just standing there at where she was.
……Ah, I see, I’ve only told Yukiko to take off her clothes.
If it’s as always, the girl would do something lewd by herself from there so I’ve forgotten.

“But what should I do…… there’s no art if I just violate her normally as she is now……”

Even If I have s.e.x with Yukiko who has zero intelligence and self-consciousness she wouldn’t raise a single moan.
It’ll be the same as before.
If it’s a tuna partner¹ then there should be ways to have fun with a tuna partner.

If it’s like this then it’ll be s.e.x that’s the same as with a s.e.x sleeve or Dutch wife partner……

s.e.x sleeve……?

……That’s right!
It’s a sudden idea, what about making a human into a s.e.x sleeve?
If I decide on that then……

“Fuu, with this the preparation is complete”

What did I do, that’s…… I’ve restrained her with gummed tape.
I got Yukiko to hold her own thighs with her arms, and fixed her in place with gummed tape.
It’s just right in the piledriver position.


Yukiko that has her movements sealed makes a curious look.
It seems that Yukiko couldn’t comprehend why her body won’t move.
The reason is the gummed tape restraining her but, it seems she couldn’t even comprehend that.
Yukiko seems to only have the minimal intelligence enough to understand my orders.

I actually wanted to tie her up with a rope but…… there’s no way the me who was a virgin until the zombie uproar possesses the technique, I tearfully make do with the gummed tape.
I wanted to try tortoise sh.e.l.l bondage but……
There’s no helping it since I don’t know the technique.
That will be left for another opportunity.

“Oo, this is a superb view, superb view”

Not only the v.a.g.i.n.a, the a.n.u.s is also exposed.
……Not only her pubic hair is amazing, her a.s.s hair is also amazing.
Her family probably has thick body hair all around.
Toono has thick body hair as well.
It can be said that……they are cousins in that sense.

“It might be good to make her shave it later”

I sniff her body odour.
……There’s no smell.
Well, it’s natural since she’s a zombie.

Zombies are fundamentally scentless.
It seems that their metabolism stops(In the blue file Sakura-chan’s father gave, it’s written that it’s unknown why despite having no metabolism the zombies are able to function) zombies doesn’t smell.
They are living so there’s no smell of decay, nor smell of sweat.

The exception is the unique individual.
They sweat and so if they don’t enter the shower they’d stink,
Since Aki-chan became a unique individual she has also smell of sweat.

And, Yukiko.
The smell of a woman…… there doesn’t feel like there’s any hint of anything like the female hormone.
It unnecessarily makes Yukiko feel like an inorganic s.e.x sleeve.
But unlike a s.e.x sleeve, Yukiko is always warm.
This is the most prominent difference from a normal s.e.x sleeve.
And, she’s able to get pregnant, well I’m sealing that function though.

“We are going to have s.e.x now but……don’t conceive, don’t get pregnant, it’ll be a pain if we made a kid”

What am I suppose to do if even Yukiko has a child.
I’ll properly order her body.


Yukiko nods.
It seems that she understands the order.

“Alright, I’ll thrust my d.i.c.k in okay? Get wet”

I order Yukiko to wet her nether regions.
The next momentーーher nectar comes dripping out.
It might be my imagination but Yukiko face turns red.
It doesn’t seem to have an effect on her soul but she’s aroused.

“What? Are you aroused? You lecherous woman, did you get turned on by a d.i.c.k even though you’re used goods?”

I held Yukiko up.
She was able to be held up easily.
……In this one week, not only has the libido changed, the strength has as well.
Previously I casually try to crush a steel can with my hands and I was able to do it.
It’s a steel can you know? Not an aluminium can.
What is becoming of my body.
Well, I’ve stopped being a human from the moment my arm is able to be turned into a blade,

“……If it comes to this, it’s truly a s.e.x sleeve”

I insert into Yukiko in the position commonly known as ekiben².
Due to her limbs being bounded, it’s different from usual because the female can’t cling on to the male.
I move Yukiko’s body like a s.e.x sleeve and ravish her insides.
It’s in a true sense, ‘Using’.
The partner has no reaction, I can’t feel the movement of a woman trying to please me.
Her insides are only wet, and a slight tightening.
It can’t be helped, should I order her……

“Oi, it’s your master’s d.i.c.k-sama? Service it more by yourself. I’ll abandon you if you’re useless you know?”

The moment she heard that word, Yukiko badgers me for a kiss.
It’s as if, ‘I’ll do anything so don’t abandon me’.
Like she’s saying that.

Did something happen before the infection, I wonder.
Well, whatever.
I’ll make use of that.

“……Nn, your kissing is inept, even though you have s.e.x have you not kiss that much?”

s.e.x is different from a kiss which is something sacred.
There are not little people that think that way.
Especially virgins, it feels like it’s as strong a trend for s.l.u.tty b.i.t.c.hes.
Is Yukiko like that as well?


Yukiko’s insides are tightening desperately.
That plus Yukiko bends her waist in accordance with my movements.
With a little bit of rotation added when moving, my d.i.c.k hits a place that’s different from before.
It feels like I’m about to melt from the irregular pleasure.

“……Uu! You’re quite good, Yukiko”

I roughly move Yukiko up and down, stimulating my p.e.n.i.s.
……I’m c.u.mming soon.

“I’m about to c.u.m okay? Of course, the way it is now…… I’m going to c.u.m inside you raw without any contraception but don’t get pregnant alright?”

I went into the last spurt as I warn that.
Knocking her womb with my rough piston, we kiss again.


“Puhaa, ahーc.u.mming c.u.mming……”

Pushing the head of my p.e.n.i.s tightly on to the mouth of her womb, I came inside her.
I’ve c.u.m inside multiple times but it’s irresistible.
At first, I thought that I’d get tired of it one day but, there’s not even a fragment of that feeling left.
I’ll c.u.m inside however many times.


Yukiko is trembling in her o.r.g.a.s.m as she leaks out a soft voice.
Holding a person’s body up and having s.e.x like this is different from how it has been until now and it’s nice.
But as I thought, having a little reaction would be better, un.

There’s the need to command every single action but this is some pretty good stuff.
I place Yukiko on the sofa, that’s what I thought as I watch the s.e.m.e.n drip out of her……

Not yet.
I’ll c.u.m inside her once more.

I thought that and, removed Yukiko’s restrains.
The gummed tape was peeled off with force but, Yukiko doesn’t seem to be hurting.
As expected, she almost doesn’t feel any pain.

“Hey, I’ve set you free so now is your turn to service me”

I sat on the sofa and ordered her.
Now, what kind of service is Yukiko going to give me?


Yukiko faces me who is sitting on the sofa and approaches with the ganimata³ stance.
Slowly lowering her hips.


The inside of a v.a.g.i.n.a that has been creampied once is sloppy from the mixture of s.e.m.e.n and love juice.
It went in deeply more easily than the first time.

“Nn? Did you c.u.m from just having it inserted? As expected of a used s.l.u.tty b.i.t.c.h”

While her face slightly reddens, Yukiko moves closer to my face.
Kiss again?

“Uo! To think that my ear is getting licked……”

Where Yukiko was aiming for isn’t the mouth but the ear.
The peculiar ticklish pleasure is unbearable.
As she licks my ear, Yukiko holds tightly onto me with her arms.


It feels like she’s muttering something but……
In any case, it’s nothing important.
That’s her current intelligence.
Like what the Aizu couple say during their s.e.xual intercourse are just mutters without meaning.

“It’s like it’s coiling around me, this is bad……aa I’m c.u.mming again”

The inside of the v.a.g.i.n.a that has been creampied once caress my superb c.o.c.k as if it’s coiling around me.
The mouth of her womb is lovingly sticking to the head of my c.o.c.k.
Shaking her hips without shame in the ganimata stance, Yukiko services me.


This time it’s a grind.
While adding rotation, the lower mouth is sucking on my superb c.o.c.k.
The whirlpool of pleasure is also swallowing my consciousness……


s.e.m.e.n came out of my superb c.o.c.k.
Even though I’ve e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed, Yukiko’s hip movements don’t stop.
On the contrary, it’s as though she’s pressing for me to c.u.m more.
To pour s.e.m.e.n into the womb that won’t house any life.
What a decadence pleasure.
It feels like it might become a habit.

“Fuu…… Obtaining pleasure without me having to move one bit is nice……”

The s.e.x with Aki-chan and girls always ends up with us desperately shaking our hips to indulge in the s.e.xual pleasure.
But in the case of Yukiko’s s.e.x service, I just have to be the recipient.
It feels good just from sitting.

“I’ll embrace you again if I feel like it”

I pat Yukiko’s head while I’m still inside her.
Perhaps she’s happy about it, Yukiko that was taking a rest starts moving again.
The inside of Yukiko feels good, once again I am becoming bigger.

“I get it, I’ll pour it into you however many times”

I’ll do it just once more.
The clock that I unintentionally looked at shows 11:30……

© 2024