There’s totally no sign of people in the shelter.
Looking at how the barricades haven’t been destroyed, getting a.s.saulted by a unique individual and annihilated…… doesn’t seem to be it.

“There’s not even one zombie…… it’s like they skipped out at night”

A zombie outbreak inside the shelter, annihilation…… doesn’t seem to be it.

“I wonder where did everybody go”

It’s understandable if a couple of people are gone for ration provisioning.
But what is this that there’s n.o.body?

“Saya, I’m sure they are fine, everybody is still alive”

I tried saying it to make the worried Saya feel at ease but, it’s somehow tawdry.
A rea.s.surance with no basis is useless it seems……

What’s this sound……is it an engine?
Is a car pa.s.sing nearby?

Ah, the sound stopped.
It seems like it’s parked nearby.

“Shall we go take a look at the situation outside……”

Coming out from the shelterーーelementary school, we went to go take a look……

“Jin-nii, that’s……”
“It’s……an armoured vehicle”

A few black armoured vehicles are parked in front of the school gate.
There are cases of zombies operating a vehicle.
The zombie policemen under my control are the same, apart from that, for example, such as a taxi driver before the infection, there are also cases of people who were driving on a daily basis driving after the zombification like they did before the infection.
However, no matter how you look at it, these black armoured vehicles don’t appear to be or taxis.
……Which means, the probability of a person who’s not zombified driving it is high.

Is it an enemy, is it an ally.

“Jin-san! People got off of it!”

A group of people clad in black that looks like troops got off.
And these sequence of movements that has no unnecessary element……they are people that have been trained.
I know it because I have zombie policemen under my control and, those are not movements like that of a zombie hunter who was a normal person awhile back.

Who exactly are these people……?
Since they are holding guns, they don’t seem to be here for a picnic.
They don’t seem to have noticed us yet, we’ll watch the situation for a little bit more.

“Alright, let’s reconfirm today’s mission. Today’s mission is the search for any survivor that’s similar to the Infected Emperor”

What is this about!?

“According to the survivors who were rescued from this elementary school, it seems that the Infected Emperor brings along policemen…… Let’s try our best to avoid a fight, he’s not an opponent we can fight and win squarely, as soon as we find him report to the headquarters, and try to converse, it’s not that we want to be enemies with him”

Am I the last boss or something?
For the time being, it seems that they are not hostile but.

“It seems like I’m being called, I’ll try going, they don’t seem to be hostile.”
“Jin-nii? is it fine?”
“Leave it to me……the three of you continue hiding for now”

Furthermore, that guy who was speaking just now…… his eyes are red.
He’s probably a zombie……
Whether he’s a unique individual, or he has regained his senses like Sakura-chan……
Well, I’ll know if I try ordering him.

“There are police vehicles close by……there’s a high probability that the Infected Emperor is in the vicinity, beware of the zombies around while we cautiously searcーー”
“Stop! Raise your hands and don’t move!”

The moment when I shouted that.
A couple of the guys who have gotten off the vehicle, stood still with their hands held up.

“My body won’t move……!”
“What is going on……!”

Are those who didn’t stand still might be unique individuals, in the first place I don’t know if they are zombies but, a lot of those guys stopped their movements.

“Who are you!”

A guy who can move freely points his gun at me.

“The Infected Emperor that you guys are searching for, confiscate the gun from that guy, I can’t calmly have a talk with that dangerous thing pointing towards at me”

Having a girl’s affection pointing towards me is more than enough.

“St, stop it let go……”
“Sorry, my body is moving on its own……”

With this, it’s fine.

“Now then, who’s the highest position in here?”
“It’s me……”

The guy who has been speaking from before announces himself.
……Well, with his hands held up though.

“Who are you guys? You don’t seem to be an amateur group like the zombie hunters”
“We are the j.a.pan Reconstruction Board’s intervention unit……”

j.a.pan Reconstruction Board……
Usokawa said it on television, the a.s.sembly of former government personnel for the sake of rebuilding the collapsed j.a.pan government.
Then these guys are the former self-defence forces?

“You, what’s your name?”
“I’m Hongou……appointed to be this unit’s commanding officer”

Commanding officer huh.

“Fumu…… For the time being, it’s alright to put your hands down, it’s fine to let your body be at ease”

I am not hostile. I have to have them understand that.

“My body……!”
“I can finally move……”

Their movements have returned, the group members are relieved.

“Th, thank you, by the way, what’s your name?”

Well, something like the name is fine.

“I’m Fujiwara. Fujiwara Jin. I’ve already said it but, I’m the Infected Emperor you guys are talking about”

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