“I see……Yukiko-san is amazing erm…… She’s a free spirit!”
“Aki-nee, you don’t have to force yourself to follow up for this kind of b.i.t.c.h”

After dinner, I told Aki-chan and girls what kind of woman Yukiko was.

“……Jin-san, don’t act like a boyfriend just because we had s.e.x a couple of times”

……I shall die.

“I’, I’m just kidding! I just wanted to try saying it!”
“Yes, really. So don’t make that kind of face…… It makes me want to bully you even more”

Right now, didn’t she just casually say something amazing?

“Ehehe…… If I do this, I can have Jin-san……bully me even more later……”

I thought she changed from M to S but that wasn’t the case.
But an ultimate S is a supreme M, an ultimate M is a supreme S.
I have heard that before but……Is this that.

Bidding farewell to Ootsuchi pair and Inoue-san, we decided to go back and sleep for the day.

“I’m sleeping with Onii-chan!”
“Alright alright, I get it, then let’s sleep in this futon that we got from the discount store together”

We always sleep in the bed but this time I lay the futon in the small room and sleep with Aki-chan and Saya.
By the way, Sakura-chan is……

“Today I’m sleeping in Jin-nii’s bed!”

She declares in a smug and for some reason composed face.
Probably, it’s a pose that’s saying to Saya ‘I’m holding back for your sake so show some respect!’
But Saya pretends not to notice.
There doesn’t seem to be much effect.

“Jin-san? I will do lots of lewd stuff for you once morning comes. To the point where you don’t hold any interest for other girls”

Aki-chan has been in this mood since finding out that Yukiko was a super b.i.t.c.h.
……Let’s put off the a.n.a.l development for a little more.

But being able to use a girl’s body to take care of my morning wood is luxurious……
Furthermore, it’s a proposition from the girl.
This is the best.
……But how much is going to be wrung out of me.


It’s morning
Somehow my nether region feels good……is what I thought and then I see Aki-chan violating me in the cowgirl position.
Speaking of which, this is my first time in the cowgirl position…… is what I thought absentmindedly in a half-asleep state.

Looking casually to the sides, Sakura-chan is sleeping on my bed with good manners, Saya is beside me and sucking on my fingers for some reason.
To be sucking while sleeping, how skilful……

“Jin-san, good morning”
“Aa, un morning…… Aki-chan I’m about to c.u.m……”

After waking up, the pleasure got even stronger.
At the same time as my head begins to clear, I fall into the sensation of being violated by the pleasure from Aki-chan.

“Do you want to let it out? It’s fine you know? But anywhere other than inside is no-go so…… let’s have lots of pleasureful leaking from the morning ”
“Aa, Aki-chan……n!”

Unable to stand it, I came inside Aki-chan’s v.a.g.i.n.a.
My p.e.n.i.s throbbed and pulsed.

“Haaa~ It feels good……I’m melting……!”
“The inside of Aki-chan’s v.a.g.i.n.a is convulsing……the tightening is amazing”

Aki-chan’s light and sticky first-rate p.u.s.s.y tighten tightly again and again as if to wring out my s.e.m.e.n, and her entire lower body convulsing.

“Ah, Jin-san got big again……! Let’s do it once more?”
“Un, I want to. I want to feel good inside Aki-chan”
“It can’t be helpedー, then next is……”
“In the lotus position”

I got up into the lotus position while keeping myself in Aki-chan and indulge in the pleasure.
I stealthily remove my fingers without waking Saya up.


We called out each other’s name for no particular reason.
Somehow just doing that feels happy.

“Aki-chan is such a pervert, suddenly a.s.saulting me in the morning”
“Yes, I’m a perverted d.i.c.k case that can’t calm down if I don’t have master’s c.o.c.k in my p.u.s.s.y…… Please pour plenty of your baby juice into this pitiful human d.i.c.k case……!”

The insides of Aki-chan who has completely gone in heat mix the s.e.m.e.n I let out previously and Aki-chan’s love juice together making it easier to move.
It’s irresistibly erotic.

“Aa, I’m going to pour plenty into my personal p.u.s.s.y again”
“Please give it to me! Please give it to mee mooreee! Jin-syaan!”

We move our hips and pleasuring each other repeatedly.
The inside of Aki-chan’s v.a.g.i.n.a squirms as we move, pulsing as though to wring my s.e.m.e.n.
The mouth of her womb has already come down, desperately kissing my superb c.o.c.k……!
This is……I’m……!

“Hiii, aaaa!”

Dokun! DopyuーDopyuー……PikuPiku……

While enjoying the aftertaste of ejaculating, I made sure to pour out whatever s.e.m.e.n left in my urethra into her womb.

“Aki, I love you”
“Yes……! Please love me plenty from now on as well……!”

“Doing it only with Aki-nee is unfair ”
“Sakura did it secretly yesterday! It’s a tie!”

The two of them are squabbling while eating breakfast.
Today’s breakfast is miso soup that isn’t instant with rice, and corn beef and vegetable salad and so forth.

“Now now, the two of you quarrelling is……”
“Jin-san be quiet!”
“Jin-nii be quiet!”

……There’s no place for me.

“Onii-chan, uncooーl”
“Mu, muu……”
“But Onii-chan? Later…… you’ll do it to me right?”

Saya’s dog ears are twitching with antic.i.p.ation.

“Aa, of course”

Hearing that, Saya’s tail starts swinging energetically……

Since breakfast is done, it’s time for departure……
Yukiko……let’s leave her in Toono’s room.

Somehow the police vehicle seems strange……
If I’m not wrong……the Aizu couple is riding that car.

I didn’t feel like separating them so I let them get in the same car.
Zombie fundamentally doesn’t sleep so, when there’s no work I just leave them be.

“Onii-chan, what’s that?”
“Until yesterday, they were just normally holding hands but”

What is going on?

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