“My apologies…… I totally lost my senses”
“No, it’s fine”

I explain to Commanding Officer-san and guys who have regained their senses what has happened.
Well, it couldn’t be helped.
Since to begin with, a normal person can’t go against the temptations.

The reason I was able to resist and repudiate it was that I’m the Infected Emperor.
If I wasn’t the Infected Emperor, I’d probably have become one of them in the blink of an eye.
By the way, Aki-chan and girls were……

“‘Uwa……’is what I thought, yes”
“Those kind is more than enough with just my parents”
“The Shiro inside me was growling the whole time”

Is what they said.

Why the three of them were able to resist is probably because they have received my genetic information through s.e.xual intercourse.
Saliva, s.e.m.e.n……we’ve exchanged all sorts of body fluids, un.
“But……we’ve caused a great deal of trouble to you guys…… Originally, we were supposed to be the ones fighting. Even though we should be protecting you civilians, conversely, we were saved by you guys.”
“We don’t really mind. More importantly, there are lots we want to ask but, is it okay?”
“If I’m able to answer it……”

“Why did you guys in spite of being zombies, retain your senses?”
“We have from before this zombie crisis has occurred, been administered a certain vaccine by the country.”

It might be the same thing as what Sakura-chan was administered by her father.

“However, the vaccine was an incomplete product, it’s effective on some people and totally not on others”

As expected the vaccine is an incomplete product.
If it was a completed product, it wouldn’t be strange if it was disguised as a new influenza vaccine and administered to the entire nation.
But there was no such thing.

“We were lucky that the vaccine worked for us and thanks to that we were able to preserve our senses, though there was also a portion of people who were able to not have an outbreak……”

It’s about the group members that didn’t zombify.

“Chiba……I’m sorry”

Commanding Officer-san’s face turns cloudy.
Listening to what the group members said, he probably remembered about the vanished Chiba.

“AhーAre you alright?”
“……I’m sorry, the moment we received such mission, we were prepared to die but……to think that not even the corpse remained”

Commanding Officer-san goes ‘Hahaha’ with a bitter laughter.

“Next! What connection do you guys have with 『Noah’s Ark』?”

I changed the topic because the mood became dark.
It’s not like『Noah’s Ark』distributed the virus but, it doesn’t change the fact that they left the world in an unprecedented mayhem and crisis.
I don’t want to help an organization that has a relationship with such people.

“『Noah’s Ark』is……destroyed after being one-sidedly used by the j.a.pan government”


The organization that is on a global scale 『Noah’s Ark』.
Of course, exist a j.a.pan branch.

Tying in with the country’s top bra.s.s, researching about the zombie virus in secrecy……but.
『Noah’s Ark』 itself started becoming strange.
I’ve heard the stories surrounding this from Sakura-chan’s father.
If I’m not wrong, they started running out of control?

The j.a.pan government was unable to just stand by and watch decided to abandon 『Noah’s Ark』
Giving them false information, destroying them.

“Exactly what information?”
“They lied about having created a drug that produces Infected Emperors, it’s like a lie……well, it is a lie but 『Noah’s Ark』’s top bra.s.s didn’t even doubt the talk about the drug development success”

It’s natural for the j.a.pan government to be ruled by us.
That self-conceit made them trust too much in the government.

“But who did such thing……”
“Prime Minister Usokawa Minoru, schemed thinking ‘Let’s return a blow to those j.a.pan branch『Noah’s Ark』guys who are convinced that they are greater than the j.a.pan government’, it seems”

I see.

And just like this, the 『Noah’s Ark』’s top bra.s.s who took the medication that was no different from ordinary vitamin pills planning to become Infected Emperors were happily turned into ordinary zombies.
In reality, 『Noah’s Ark』 j.a.pan branch has been destroyed.

“Then, where’s that prime minister now? Letting his son come out on television and that’s it?”

Isn’t it better for him to come out on television himself?

“Prime Minister Usokawa……his vaccine wasn’t effective, he became an ordinary zombie”

He can’t be shown huh.

“It’s just that the vaccine was effective on his son Usokawa Makoto, and after finally finding him, we were able to move according to the scenario that was planned”
“Even so, didn’t it take too long?”
“The radio towers like television stations or the Skytree¹ were dens of unique individuals, because of that it took some time to recapture it”

Radio is……just sound, it lacks the persuasive power.

“Jin-san, is it really fine to trust these guys?”
“Uーn, since they absolutely cannot lie to my questions, they should be telling the truth”

We took some distance from Commander Officer-san’s group, it’s strategy meeting time.

“They don’t smell of bad people you know? Bad people, they have a distinct stench but, these Oji-sans don’t have it”
“Is that so, Saya thank you”

Since Saya’s nose says so as well, they are probably not bad people.
Even after seeing Saya who has fused with a dog, they were shocked but, they didn’t point feelings of repugnance towards her.
Well, it’s because our Saya is cute!
Of course.

……But, the organization they belong to as well? That is a whole different problem.

“Is it better to not talk about my father?”
“Uーmu, it’s a delicate line, well, not saying anything would prevent unnecessary problems from popping up”

Let’s keep it silent.
It’s not something that should be said moving on.

“For the time being……we’ll trust them for once……and go to Tokyo”
“……Uu! We are going?”
“If we let these guys return to Tokyo for now, there’s no guarantee that they won’t be back heavily equipped next time to kill me.”

If they attacked with tank, missile and sorts, as one would expect there’s nothing that can be done about it.

“If that’s the case, then it’s better to march into the enemy camp here”

The one who strikes first wins.
If we march in, they probably can’t use weapons with too much destructive power, there are also zombies in Tokyo.
It’ll be fine if I just raise my war potential on site.

“Furthermore, I personally want to meet this Usokawa guy as well”

In front of the fake, ‘I’m the real deal!’
Isn’t saying that the privilege of the real deal?

“Fuu……I understand, then, what do we do?”
“Of course……we go immediately”

It’s departure to the destination, Tokyo.
What, it’s just the distance of a couple hours in a car, it shouldn’t take that long.

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