“Now, let’s start by talking about why I can speak”

The mysterious girl started talking about why she can speak.

“I think the man who rules knows but, the people infected by this virus can read into others’ memories…… My knowledge comes from my parents’ memories, well, basically, I have my parents teach it to me”

I read into the red unique individual and Aki-chan’s memories.

“I see…… That’s how your knowledge was……”

I’ve also talked about the things that happened at that time with Usokawa.
That’s why Usokawa also seems to trust the girl.

“There’s one thing I want to ask”
“Mu? What could it be”

We know why she is able to speak.
But there’s still one more thing that I’m curious about.

“What’s your name?”
“My name? Aa that’s right, it is indeed inconvenient to not have a name…… But what kind of name should I choose, messenger is……not cute so I don’t want it……above all, it’s already impossible……umu”

After muttering to herself, she met her eyes with her motherーーWakako-san.
She closes her eyes for a moment after that……and started talking.

“Un, as I thought, I also prefer this as well, then let’s go with thisーー
My name is……Aizu Kotsuru. The cute Kotsuru-chan filled with love, please call me that”

Kotsuru……that’s what she calls herself.

“But……what did you mean by messenger?”

Usokawa seems to be curious about the word ‘messenger’ that Kotsuru said.
I’m also curious as well, messenger……what is she trying to convey?
But……she also said that it’s already impossible, what exactly is the meaning behind this?

“For that, I’d have to start from why I was born so quickly but……it is going to take quite some time…… you don’t mind, right?”
“Please do”

A short answer.

“Ok, understood……Then let’s start with a story from the past, once upon a time……”

At the end of this s.p.a.cious universe……
There’s a certain planet with science and technological developments beyond this planet.
That planet was at the height of its prosperity but one day, a war that involved the entire planet started.
Amidst the war, a certain virus was developed and it’sーー

“Zombie virus……huh”
“That’s right, the thing you guys call the zombie virus, as you guys have thought, this is an invasion weapon”

As expected, the zombie virus was an invasion weapon.

“The purpose of this virus is for the intelligent life of that planet to be able to easily govern the lifeforms of other planets, the man who rules, if it’s you then somehow you understood that, right?”

Well……I guess.

If I’m able to place other zombies under my control.
There should also be an existence who’s able to control the zombies who control zombies.
That is, of course, the creator of this virus.

After all, this power was gotten through luck, a present.
I have thought about that so I didn’t place too much trust in it.

“Yes, that’s exactly it, this virus is used to deteriorate the intelligent life’s intelligence, making them easier to control. In short, domestication”

Then I’m the farmer?

“That’s the way things are. If you put it that way then, they are the ones in charge of exploiting the farmers, or in other words, they are like the n.o.bles”
“It’s the worst”
“Aa, it’s the worstーーthat’s probably why they’ve perished”


“As the war continues on, their planetーーthe birthplace of the zombie virus, became the planet of death with no life remaining, it’s fine if you think about it as exchanging blows with weapons of annihilation that are even worse than nuclear weapons”
“That’s how it is, the spouse of the woman who rules”

The main culprit of this zombie turmoil has already perished huh……

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