Chapter 81
The Bloodshot One-Eyed Zombie Emperor 81☆

Aki-chan and Sakura-chan discovered that they are pregnant.
It’s because we f.u.c.ked like rabbits¹ as they call it.
I’ve resolved myself for this happening one day but……as I thought, I’m still uneasy.
Will they give birth safely……?

By the way, the persons themselves are,

“I’m always together with Sakura but……”
“To think that we’d also get pregnant together with just the difference of a couple of months, right?”

is, what they said.

Now, here comes a certain problem.
That is……

“Onii-chan! Let’s do it! We’re doing it, right? We have to do it!?”
“Calm down, Saya”

Saya transformed into a s.e.x monster.
Saya who has been s.e.xually developed by her biological father, has a very high s.e.x drive.
It seems that until now, Saya read the mood because Aki-chan and Sakura-chan are around and held back during s.e.x but……

“It’s better to not do it now! It’ll be a disaster if something were to happen to the baby inside!”

I lightly chop her.

Saya held back because Onii-chan isn’t just hers.
But this happened the moment she knows that the two of them are pregnant and can’t have s.e.x.
‘If the two of them aren’t here then, it’ll be fine if I monopolize, right! Of course, I mean s.e.xually!’……is how it seems.

“……Onii-chan, you don’t want to have s.e.x with me?”
“There’s no way that’s true”

I immediately answer.
I can answer that immediately.
I myself, want to have tons of s.e.x with Saya.
But……Saya is still young.

“Is it fine to throw all the l.u.s.t that I have been dividing amongst the three of you until now on to just Saya?”
“It’s fine! Because the s.e.x with Onii-chan feels good!”

Saya says it’s fine because it’s different from the s.e.x with her biological father that doesn’t feel good but……
Even so, being rough with Saya is……

“No can do?”

Saya who’s looking at me with loving eyes.
It can’t be helped.

“I get it, up to three times a day”
“Didn’t it just increase by one!”
“I’ll give you three extremely rich rounds so rest easy”

Saya who glares at me with doubtful eyes.
Such a Saya is also cute and lovely.

“……Nn, ah, mou……! Don’t think you can deceive me with a kiss! I’m totally not happy about it!”

She says that but, she seems to be extremely happy as far as looking at her tail……
Not retorting her is also an older brother’s kindness, un.

As expected, it’s Yukiko’s debut huh.
Even though I deceived Saya with the kiss.
I have not the slightest intention of busting myself off.
Why do I have to do something like m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e sadly.
There’s also the option of having Aki-chan and girls rub me off with their hands but……

“There’s also a limit for that?”

Right now, I am using one of the rooms in the new residence as the s.e.x room.
Not the bedroom I’m doing it with Aki-chan and girls, a whole different room.
Somehow, I want to separate it from Aki-chan and the girls, taking care of my s.e.xual urges with Yukiko.

Inside that s.e.x room, Yukiko is suc

king on my d.i.c.k without saying a word.
She’s obediently following my ‘suck it’ order.
She lets out an agonizing voice when I forcefully shove my meat stick down her throat.
……Looking at her in pain made me wither slightly.
It won’t do. As I thought, I don’t like the look of a girl agonizing.
If we’re doing it, I want us to feel good together.

“Alright, that’s more than enough……Yukiko, the f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o is fine with just this much”
“Ah, uh……”

Yukiko separates her lips from my superb c.o.c.k.
Zombie maid Yukiko was made to wear the maid outfit but, she’s rather capable.
Completing the orders I gave perfectly, finishing various miscellaneous tasks without any problem.
It’s obvious that from receiving my orders, her intelligence is returning.

I did my best, didn’t I? Praise me, praise me!
Yukiko looks intently at me with her face only saying that.

It’s just that……I don’t feel a clear consciousness.
Her intelligence is also about that of a dog.
I can’t say it even as flattery that……it’s the same as a human.
It seems fine to think that the personality is different from that before the infection.
As expected, the resurrection like Sakura-chan is like a miracle that happened because of the vaccine and my genetic information.
Though the vaccine is an incomplete article……

“Even if I were to give her the vaccine at this point in time, it’s probably too late”

I pet Yukiko’s head.
When I do this, it……somehow reminds me of when I was rearing Shiro.
She’s really like a dog, un.


Yukiko stretches my hand that was petting her downwards.
She rubs her cheeks against my arm, fawning over me.
Naturally, my hand that was lowered came in contact with Yukiko’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s……

“Oo, soft……it’s not to the extent of Aki-chan but, it’s still soft as it is”

I indulge myself in a girl’s softness.
……Girls are so mysterious, why are they soft wherever you touch them.
The b.r.e.a.s.t.s are especially wonderful, but.

“Yukiko, try showing me your crotch?”

Perhaps she’s trying to answer with an ‘Hai’, Yukiko reply with an ‘Ai’
I turn over the skirt of the frilly maid outfit and……
Over there is her secret slit that is thoroughly wet.
She had amazing body hair when I first saw it but……I made her deal with it and now she’s paipan².
But observing the genitals closely like this……it’s quite the used and darkened p.u.s.s.y.
Really, how much did this girl play around before the infection.

By the way, as one would expect, I let her wear underwear usually.
She’s taking care of my s.e.xual urges so, I made her remove it but……this is, quite the.
I’m also able to satisfy my eyes, this is great.

“Even though it’s a s.e.x sleeve p.u.s.s.y that I say isn’t allowed to make a baby, it’s like this……do you want to do it that badly?”

Yukiko who’s slightly embarra.s.sed.
She has no linguistic capability but, the ’embarra.s.sment’ emotion seem to remain.

“You loose s.l.u.t, what are you getting embarra.s.sed for now”

I temporarily leave Yukiko alone and lay on the bed in the s.e.x room. with a 大 pose.
Just the right pose for displaying my erected p.e.n.i.s.

“Hey, service c.o.c.k-sama by rubbing briskly it with that p.u.s.s.y that’s in heat”
“Ah, uu……”

Yukiko climbs atop the bed with the skirt of her frilly maid outfit flipped up as it is, and sat on top of me.
I observe fixedly, the joining part that should’ve been hidden by the skirt originally.
Genital swallowing another genital.
I’ve seen it multiple times but, this moment is irresistible like I thought.

“Oo……the insides are warm……it has quite the decent tightness despite being a b.i.t.c.h p.u.s.s.y isn’t it”
“Oh, oou……”

Raising a beast-like voice, Yukiko starts grinding.
The insides stimulate my meat stick while making the sounds of water.
This “accustomed” hip movements.
As expected, Yukiko is a b.i.t.c.h.
A perverted woman who loves s.e.x.
A wh.o.r.e that would open her legs for anyone as long as it feels good.

“You wh.o.r.e……you’re already my exclusive toilet, I won’t allow you to cheat with other d.i.c.ks”
“Oh, oo, ooo!”

She seems to have understood yet maybe not.
Well, there’s no way she would understand with her current intelligence.
But……this beast-like s.e.x, is irresistible.
Without saying anything, moving the hips with the sole purpose of seeking pleasure……isn’t it marvellous.

The insides that are in heat is, every single crease is, fawning over me.
The female genital that has even more juice wraps around me.
Deep inside the sloppy v.a.g.i.n.a is the cervix that has completely lower down.
The feeling of the cervix and my glans glueing together like they are deep-kissing.
Even though I told it to not make any baby, her body is, she is, begging for s.e.m.e.n.

There’s the need to order her but, her body is servicing me.
There wasn’t such thing previously, thinking about it that way, Yukiko might also be changing slowly.
If I’m being long for by such her, what’s left is……to pour it out.
I can’t bear with just the pa.s.sive pleasure that is obtainable by her moving her body.
I also start moving, thrusting into her deepest spot.

“Oo, ooo! Ah, aa, uuu!”

Slovenly opening her mouth, Yukiko shakes in pleasure as her saliva drips all over.
I thrust with my glans up her womb with a thump.
Not just once or twice, many times over.
‘Dosun dosun³‘, I left it to my strength and roughly thrust up, tormenting the womb which is the precious organ next to the heart.
If I do it this roughly, won’t the shape changeーーin the worst case, won’t it breakーーthinking about that for a moment, I move even more recklessly.

I can’t do it with Aki-chan and girls.
Such violent s.e.x, there’s no way I can do it.
The relentless piston that uses the muscle that has become too strong after the infection.
If it was a normal girl, the genital would undoubtedly break.
Even if I were to say that my s.e.x with Aki-chan and girls are slightly rough, in truth, I always have my limiter on.
But not when I’m with Yukiko.
It’s just seriously and single-mindedly shaking my hips.
It’s the s.e.x that takes care of my s.e.xual urges that I can do because Yukiko has zombified and become tougher to a certain extent

……I’m almost at my limit!

“I’m letting it out, once!”
“Oh, ooo! Ah, aa, uuuiuuu……!”

Ending the rough piston, I thrust my genital into Yukiko’s deepest part as I poured my s.e.m.e.n out.
‘Dokun dokun’, the long e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n continues, filling up Yukiko’s womb.
……Yukiko’s body trembles and shakes greatly.

It seems like she came from being creampied.

“Oo, the coming p.u.s.s.y is tightening……I got hard again”

Stimulated by the insides that are o.r.g.a.s.ming over and over, my superb c.o.c.k becomes lively inside the v.a.g.i.n.a.
It e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed once but, the hardness maintains.

“I’m moving again……”
“Ah, aa, aauuu……”

Is it about 5 times?
I who have poured my s.e.m.e.n out into Yukiko’s v.a.g.i.n.a multiple times is, satisfied to a certain extent.
She didn’t fawn over me and go ‘I love you I love you’ like Aki-chan and girls but, ravishing her insides that is perfectly in heat as a female is also quite something.
I have her do a cleanup f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o after the act, ending it with one more e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n in the mouth so, it’s 6 times huh.

“One more round……I guess I should stop here, right, Saya”
“Eh!? How……?”

I felt the presence of Saya behind me so I tried calling out and, it seems to be a bingo.

“Of course I know, that’s……Yukiko, take a shower and clean yourself up”
“Ah, uh……”

I order Yukiko whose body is dirtied with my bodily fluid to cleanse her body.
The maid outfit is also messed up so, it’s washing for this.

“Did Yukiko-san feel good? Hehー……Onii-chan’s serious piston, isn’t it amazing?”
“Aa, aau”

Saya is talking to Yukiko
……Conversation established? This is.

“You understand?”

‘Somewhat’, oi oi.

“Well, one way or the other, I think Yukiko-san likes Onii-chan as well?”
“……Is that so? I was only ordering her”
“Aau? Ai?”

Yukiko also has her own thinking, is it?
Though I don’t really understand.
Well, since she has been zombified, she probably has a different personality from the Toono Yukiko from before the infection.

…..At least she’s not ‘useless’
When I said ‘useless’ previously, she became a.s.sertive.
Though something undoubtedly happened before the infectionーー

“Thanks for the usual cleaning and the likesー”

Being waved to by Saya, Yukiko waves back.
She has that degree of intelligence.
But, she doesn’t have the intelligence to talk about her past.

Now, it’s just something in the dark.

“Then, the three rich rounds! Let’s do it! Let’s!”
“It can’t be helped……what about the position?”
“Missionary! I like having Onii-chan nibble on my ears!”

It’s true that it’ll be difficult to play bite her ears if it isn’t in the missionary position huh.
I have Saya remove her clothes and push her down.
I gently touch the b.r.e.a.s.t.s that have slightly swell up recently.
Caressing it, it has a nice softness.
Even if it’s this small, b.r.e.a.s.t.s are b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

“Cute, Saya”

While we lightly kiss repeatedly, I roll the nipples with my fingers.
Though I’m just rubbing it with the pad of my fingers, it’s gradually starting to congest.

“Yes, yes”

Requested by Saya, I play bite her cute dog ears.
Biting down, I can feel it twitching and the flow of blood.
It’s different from a fake dog ears headband.
Saya’s dog ears are the real deal with blood flowing in them.

“Does it feel good?”
“……Un, Onii-chan……here, please”

She enjoyed it with her ears and nipples but, Saya wants not only the upper body……
She wants to be attacked on the bottom as well.
Saya who’s deliberately spreading her secret slit open, showing off her twitching insides.
Her viscous fluid seems to be dripping out.

“The finger isーー”
“Hurry up and give me your c.o.c.k please?”

I don’t need foreplay so hurry up.
Saya also seems to want to have s.e.x immediately.
This, could it be……

“Did you play with yourself while watching Yukiko and me have s.e.x?”
“……Uu! Un……”

Saya confirms it as her face turns red.
Such a Saya is unbearably lovely.
Masturbating while looking at that rough s.e.x means, maybe it’s better if I move a little wildly?

While I’m thinking that, I sink my meat stick into Saya’s loli p.u.s.s.y.
As usual, the forbidden step sister’s dog ears loli p.u.s.s.y is unable to receive all of it.

“Onii-chan, Onii-chan……uu!”

I love you, I love you.
Fawning on me, Saya with her tiny body is in her own way desperately servicing me.
Such a Saya is lovely.

“Onii-chann! Now, ears, you, can’t……!”

I play bite Saya’s ear, going in and out her shallow parts.
My glans and the area near it is wrapped by Saya’s lewd meat.
I didn’t stick it all the way in.

Deep inside is for, the end.

“O, Cnii-chan, why, inside……uu?”
“Saya comes easily if I shove it inside, right? It’s rich s.e.x so I won’t let you come so easily”
I reach my hands and touch her lovely b.r.e.a.s.t.s, play bite her ears as I bring Saya’s s.e.xual feelings higher.
It seems the small waves of pleasure are already a.s.saulting Saya. She shakes clumsily, matching the movements of my hips.

“Onii-chan, I want to come! Let me come……!”

Saya pleads but, I ignore it without hesitation.
I’ll bring Saya to the edge.
Saya who’s sweating all over her body, shaking her ears that are gleaming with my saliva, looks like she’s about to be swallowed up by the pleasure.

Almost, huh?

“Do you want to come? Come from deep inside?
“I want to come, I want to come! I want to sweetly come with Onii-chan’s! I want to come from the inside!”

Saya who’s pleading for o.r.g.a.s.m with, I want to come, I want to come.
Aa, she’s too cute.
I was also holding back, I’m almost……!

“I’ll give you the finishing blow!”

The meat stick that was going in and out at the shallow parts……I thrust deep inside!
It knocks into the deepest part of the loli p.u.s.s.y with a thump.

“Ah, ah, aaaa! Onii-chan! Onii-chan! Onii-channnn!”

Saya’s insides tighten tightly, wrapping around my superb c.o.c.k.
It seems like a pleasure that is incomparable to the ones until just now a.s.saults Saya, she fawns on me with her coming insides as she goes ‘Onii-chan’ multiple times.
I won’t be able to bear it if I’m in such an inside……!

“I’m letting it out, Saya!”

Saya s.n.a.t.c.hes my lips right away.
Looking at each other while kissing, coming inside is a certainty.
Entangling our fingers like lovers, I pour my s.e.m.e.n deep inside.
Saya’s p.u.s.s.y that is wet with love juice is being dirtied by my s.e.m.e.n……

The e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n I held and held back continues for a long time, dyeing Saya in my colour.

“Ehehe……Onii-chan? It feels extremely good”
“I also felt good, Saya……”

Casually looking at the place we join, the s.e.m.e.n that couldn’t enter anymore leaks out.
Aa, I’ll have to pour in again……

“You’re going to do it, two more times, right……? Onii-chan?”
“Of course”

Hanging over my lovely sister, I restart my piston movement.
The Saya I love.
The Saya who’s just mine.

“I love you”
“Onii-chan I love you……”

I continue pouring my love into my sister……

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