Chapter 82
The Bloodshot One-Eyed Zombie Emperor 82

That is a woman’s great event, one that a guy can do nothing but wait.
We are at Tokyo……the underground facility Usokawa and team are at.

“Will it be fine……”
“There’s nothing we can do but pray huh……Onii-chan”

Saya who’s sitting beside me looks at me with an anxious face.

That’s right.
Really, the thing that we can do now is only……pray for the two of their safety and wait.
No, to be accurate it’s four huh.

“It’ll surely be fine, our child was also able to deliver safely”

I thought who it is, look back and……
Ootsuchi-san who’s carrying her own son with, her daughter Rikako-san and detective Inoue who’s still zombified.
Nonetheless, though something like a fragment of detective Inoue’s consciousness is appearing and disappearing……it’s obvious that he has emotions.
In this aspect, it’s something I understand through our Yukiko.
By the way, they are usually in the shopping district but, because this time there’s the suspicion that Rikako-san is pregnant, they came to examine it.

Yukiko as well has no consciousness but……she can feel emotions.
It seems she has about the intelligence of a dog
Furthermore, she’s house sitting right now.
Recently I have her take care of my s.e.xual urges and other miscellaneous tasks so she’s become completely well-matched for the maid outfit.
Every day every day, I can’t do it with just Saya.
There’s the problem with the stamina.

“He’s a large son no matter how many times I look at him”
“He without a doubt took over his father, that guy also has a large body……”

Raiden-kunーーapparently, taken from the sumo wrestler, Raiden Tameemon¹ーーis a gigantic baby that was over 4 kg when he was born, a child with a splendid body without losing to the name.
It seems that Ootsuchi-san got pregnant with her husband’s child……

“……I also want a baby, Sakura-senpai did it so, I as well……!”
“Yes yes, this kind of thing is something you’re blessed with so bear with it”

Rikako-san who’s pouting.
In the end, it seems like this time is plainly a menstrual irregularity.
……Because she zombified, it’s easy to have menstrual irregularity, is what Sakura-chan’s father has said.

Even so……to think that……
Aki-chan, as well as Sakura-chan, are pregnant……

Today, Aki-chan went into labour first.
She’s in a state where she might give birth anytime so, we were prepared for it but……

“With this, you’re also a father huh”
“Ah, Usokawa-san”

I thought who is it this time and……
It’s Usokawa who I’m indebted to for this and that.
Well, I’ve also listened to quite a bit of request from this fellow so, it’s a give-and-take relationship.

“Girls in their teens, furthermore it’s two of them……you’re also quite the brute……you couldn’t wait?”
“I don’t want to hear it from you who impregnated an Infected Emperor in her twenties, besides……”

Besides, wait, rather……after putting various things in order, it’s decided that they want to give birth now.
Right now, the civili

zation, culture, techniques that mankind has built up are slowly declining.
It’s taking all we have to slow down the rate of declination, development and the likes……are impossible.

We have a peaceful relationship with Shikoku, Kyushu and the likes but…..the relationship with Kansai is fatally terrible as usual.
Though I don’t think it’s time for internal dissension……

“Will the declination of civilization and culture……not stop?”
“……Well, I guess”

Usokawa has an exhausted looking face.
The things lost during the zombie uproar is, excessively much.

“But……we can entrust it to the future, right? Now, the children that are born……”
“Aa, everyone……is black or brown, there’s not the slightest red”
“That’s right, though I’m red……”

Kotsuru and Raiden-kun…..their eyes are not red.
They have the eyes that an ordinary j.a.panese would have.
Saya? She’s a child but she isn’t a baby so……

The new breed of humans Kotsuru spoke of indeed exist……they are born.

“Probably numerous techniques will scatter, but it shouldn’t be all of them……conveying it is also our job……I suppose”
“Aa, we have to leave what we can, is that right, Usokawa”

Right now, developing is difficult.
But……if it’s in the future……possibly……

“Fujiwara……a baby’s great, you know? It’s cute……”

……Ah, this is bad.
This is going to take long.

“It’s really true about being the apple of one’s eyes……our child is the best! Is what I wasn’t planning to say but, it really is lovely……cute……”
“The eyes are big and round!”
“Yes yes, I get it I get it, I get that your family’s Minoru-kun is cute”

By the way, Usokawa’s son……Minoru-kun is the same bloodshot one-eyed Infected Emperor as me.
Though it’s natural since the mother is also one.
A frog’s offspring is a frog², an Infected Emperor’s offspring is an Infected Emperor, is what it is.

This is also something Kotsuru has said.
If I’m not wrong……””It’s not a guarantee that all blood relatives are Infected Emperors but, direct descent like son or daughter will undoubtedly become Infected Emperors””.
That being said, Minoru-kun is now still a baby, Eiko can’t move her legs freely, the only infected emperor in the country who can move freely is still just me as usual.
Since a baby can’t give orders.

“Fujiwara-san! Akiko-san is!”
“uu! I’m going right away!”

Saya and I who were called by the doctor stood up.

“Ji, Jin-san……this is, bad, it is, not pain but, something like an engine is, going berserkk!”
The sweat that is like rapids on Aki-chan’s face.
Her body is indeed shaking like an engine.
She’s giving birth, it seems.

“It’ll be fine, it’ll be fine……I’m here so”
“Aki-oneechan, do your best……”

Saya who grabs onto my hand tightly looking worried.

“Yes……I’ll do my bestt……!”

The child’s name has already been decided.
Aki-chan is pregnant with a boy and Sakura-chan is pregnant with a girl so it has already been decided before they were born.

The girl will adopt the mother’s liking, Ringo³.
The boy is……


The child between Aki-chan and me.
It’s a name we came up with while thinking about how we want him to open up a path to the future.

The boy who’s born with a single blood-red eye like me……went ‘ogyaa’ and began crying.


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