The Book Eating Magician

Chapter 144 – Pirate Archipelago (4)

Chapter 144 – Pirate Archipelago (4)

There were only two choices, but Theodore had a reason for his decision.

It was because using Transmission on Lee Yoonsung, when he had high proficiency with Battle Song, would be more efficient than using it on Satomer, whose knowledge he had just recently accepted. Of course, the existence of the Hidden Meaning technique which Randolph showed him on the cruise ship also played a role in this decision.

Gluttony"s voice responded to Theodore"s request.

–I understand.

At the same time, a notification was heard in Theodore"s head.

[Hidden feature "Transmission" has been activated.]

[Confirming the request for a Quest, and calling the object name "Lee Yoonsung". Reviewing the quest… Success, object name "Lee Yoonsung" has approved your call.]

[He will temporarily be synchronized with the user"s consciousness.]

Theodore"s vision turned black before the system"s voice was cut off. He prepared for the usual loss of consciousness, but the situation was different this time. Everyone would be confused to see the black landscape around him, but Theodore was accustomed to this and waited calmly.

Unsurprisingly, particles of light started to gather before him. At first, the light just took the shape of a man before his distinct features appeared. He had an eastern appearance which looked different from the other people on the continent.

"It has been a while," Lee Yoonsung greeted Theodore with a smile. He hadn"t expected to meet Theo again, so he welcomed Theodore without concealing his joy.

"Yes, it is great to see you after a long time," Theodore also responded with a welcome expression.

When he called Alfred, the situation had been so urgent that he didn"t have a chance to say h.e.l.lo. However, Theodore would"ve liked to have a discussion with Alfred, who was a senior who had lived a few generations before him. Wasn"t it a situation that any magician dreamed of?

The two people chatted briefly before naturally cutting to the chase. It was quick since both sides knew of the matter. Lee Yoonsung pointed out his intentions first. "I know the current situation. You will release my unfulfilled wish, and I will give everything to you."

"…That"s right." Theodore was silent at the blunt words before replying.

Although "Lee Yoonsung" was already dead, Gluttony"s Transmission meant the permanent disappearance of the Lee Yoonsung standing before him right now. He couldn"t even imagine what it was like to be a lingering presence when regrets weighing him down.

"If so, please ask."

Therefore, the cool answer was unexpected in many ways.

"Are you serious?"

"Hey, I thought you wanted it. Didn"t you come here to ask me? In any case, the human "Lee Yoonsung" is already dead, so there is no point in lingering," Lee Yoonsung advised him with soft eyes, causing Theodore to smile humbly.

Lee Yoonsung"s face was tranquil even when discussing his own demise. Then he reluctantly expressed the regret that he, Lee Yoonsung, had when he died.

"I want to go back home."

"Do you mean…"

"The Baekun Mountains, my birthplace."

Theodore couldn"t help sighing. Going back home was a fairly simply wish, but in Lee Yoonsung"s case, the distance was the problem. According to his memories, the Baekun Mountains were located on the east side of the continent. It was too far for a sea journey, so it meant crossing half the continent.

This was a journey which would take at least a year.

Although Lee Yoonsung didn"t show his emotion on the outside, he scratched his head with a distressed expression and started talking. "I"m sorry, but this is something I can"t change. I want to make it as easy as possible, but Transmission wouldn"t work like that."

"Ah, of course." Theodore had guessed it, but he couldn"t help clicking his tongue at the harshness of the grimoire. If he could compromise with the contents of the quest, Lee Yoonsung would"ve pa.s.sed everything over to Theodore for barely nothing.

However, Gluttony had set the quest as the real inner wishes, so Theodore was forced to do it, regardless of the difficulty.

"Hah, it would be a simple matter if it was Alfred or Satomer."

Then he would be able to carry out the quests on the way back to Meltor. The difficulty compared to Lee Yoonsung was like the difference between the sky and the land.

Lee Yoonsung noticed Theodore"s inner discouragement and knocked against his shoulder. "I"m sorry to have such a foolish regret. If it isn"t easy, just forget about it. A dead person shouldn"t be grabbing the ankle of a living person."

However, a flash went through Theodore at those words. Lee Yoonsung called Theodore his benefactor, but the reality was the opposite. Without Battle Song and the increased physical abilities, Theodore would"ve died in the fight against Superbia.

The worst thing was that Lee Yoonsung was saying that his "Transmission" request was too difficult. Wasn"t Theodore forgetting the kindness bestowed upon him?

Theodore reflected on his own ugly self and opened his mouth to say, "I will listen to your request."


"I can"t be sure when, but I will surely bring you home to the Baekun Mountains."

Lee Yoonsung was surprised by the declaration but nodded silently. He could feel the weight in Theodore"s voice. With one more bow, Lee Yoonsung thanked Theodore and then disappeared into light.

The thick darkness descended once again.

–Shall we move onto the next one? Gluttony"s voice broke the silence.


–There is still one person, Satomer. His quest is remaining.

"…Yes, call him." Theodore accepted in order to check all the quests.

Then he heard the notification about asking for permission.

[Confirming the request for a Quest, and calling the object name "Satomer". Reviewing the quest… Success, object name "Satomer" has approved your call.]

Satomer"s emergence was no different from Lee Yoonsung"s. The light gathered in the air and the shape of a person appeared in front of Theodore. The person had disheveled long hair and messed up robes.

His appearance was exactly the same as in Synchro, and it seemed as if a cold voice would ring out at any minute. The man who looked like a wraith at first sight was the peak of the modern summoning magician, Satomer.

As always, he spoke in a cynical tone, "Calling me so quickly… I only just handed over my knowledge, and you want to know the rest already?"


"I know the story, so let"s get started."

Satomer suddenly sat down and stared at Theodore with red, bloodshot eyes.

A person with a weak heart wouldn"t be able to face his gaze. However, Theodore noticed that his gaze was different from before. The frustration, which had filled him like sharp broken gla.s.s, had disappeared.

Satomer observed Theodore for a moment. Then with a smile, Satomer opened his mouth to speak, "Che, it"s hard to focus my eyes right now. This is all because of you, cheeky young junior."


"It"s okay if you don"t know. How is Hugin? Are you using him?"

"Hugin." The moment that Theodore thought the name of the crow…


All of a sudden, Hugin popped out of thin air. This was Theodore"s consciousness, so any contracted beings could access it. However, Hugin wasn"t the only one called to this mental world. Mitra, the girl who had fallen asleep on Hugin"s back, raised her voice out of confusion from the sudden summoning.

[Heeeng?! Bwack sail, where? Bwack sail!]

It was okay if she just raised her voice, but the confused Mitra also tightened her legs around Hugin"s neck.


Hugin struggled, casing Mitra to tighten her grasp on his neck. It was a vicious cycle of repet.i.tion. In the end, Mitra, whose eyes had turned into whirlpools, fell to the ground and then Hugin fell next to her. It was a comedy between an elemental and summoned being.

"…Well, he seems well."

"…Yes, really well."

The two men exchanged a look before looking in another direction. In an attempt to revive the broken atmosphere, Satomer coughed a few times before going back to the main point.

"Hmm, my regret… you"ve guessed it right?"

Theodore"s face sobered. The foolish and tenacious dream of the summoning magician, Satomer… He had spend his whole life trying to do one thing. Now that desperation was handed over to Theodore.

Theodore nodded heavily and revealed the wish which was difficult for Satomer to say.

"The summoning of a senior summons, correct?"

"Yes, exactly." Satomer clapped playfully.

The starting point of this madness was the ill.u.s.tration in a book he"d read in his childhood. It was an image of a summoning magician who called an ice giant to deal with a lightning magician. That summoning magician was an existence who had lived in a previous age. However, it had set off a fire in Satomer"s heart, a fire intense enough to burn until it became ashes.

"It is okay if it is just once. If you can call a senior summons just once, I am fine with dying. After all, I didn"t succeed until the end, but you can do it."

"Can I succeed?"

"Of course. You inherited my whole life"s knowledge and have a part of me in you. No, I am part of you."

There was nothing he could do, so Satomer couldn"t help feeling bittersweet.

In the end, it was like this. He was transferring to another person something he couldn"t do himself. Satomer was really ridiculous and unsightly. However, Theodore didn"t laugh at all as he nodded firmly.

"Yes, I will succeed."

"…Y-Yes. Thank you?" Satomer was at a loss in front of that firm determination. He wasn"t familiar with this type of atmosphere, so he changed the topic hurriedly. "By the way, you seem to be in a strange place."


"You are in someone"s "domain." If it is the middle of the sea, the viable candidates are a kraken, megalodon, or sea serpent."

"Domain" was an unfamiliar word, but Theodore immediately examined all of Satomer"s knowledge.

High ranking existences which could crush this world and transcendent beings who couldn"t be compared to ordinary monsters… The beings that lived in ancient times were said to have a domain. The dragon, famous for being the strongest species, also had a "domain."

Theodore felt a sense of incongruity and asked, "Sea serpent…?"

"Ah, it is a dialect. It is a t.i.tle for those without wings. In other words-"

…A blue dragon, or a sea dragon.


At that moment, the puzzle pieces scattered in Theodore"s mind merged to form a completed picture. The structure of the Pirate Archipelago couldn"t be maintained under normal circ.u.mstances. The ruler of the Pirate Archipelago, the sea G.o.d…

The existence of the dragons which have ruled since long ago…

There was a name Theo had found by chance from an old legend in the library. It was the name of an evil dragon who had taken on the guise of a mermaid to seduce sailors into shipwrecking and was capable of calling tsunamis.

"Sea dragon, Aquilo…?" Theodore spoke in a trembling voice.

Current schedule: 6 chapters a week to match the author"s release rate.

Chapter 145 – Sea Dragon Aquilo (1)

Sea Dragon Aquilo…

In this era, only a few people remembered the name. However, sailors who lived on the sea once dreaded even speaking this name.

The sea serpent, a monster who could create a huge wave with a wave of its tail and who governed storms… Some people referred to it as one of the two disasters of the sea, along with the kraken, but they were actually in entirely different categories.

"Blue dragon?!"


Randolph raised his voice after being informed of this fact, and Theodore replied in a calm manner.

From the beginning, "sea serpent" was just a t.i.tle. In the minds of ordinary people, a dragon was a monster that flew through the sky with two wings, not a swimmer in the sea with a long body like a snake.

However, the dragon was never a species distinguished by the presence of wings, so calling it a serpent was nothing more than ignorance. They were the strongest species of the material world and the rulers over natural laws!

In particular, the sea dragon, Aquilo, was the most notorious among the blue dragon clan, ruling over the sea since a long time ago.

Based on archaeological records, it was an adult dragon that would"ve lived for a least a thousand years. The last time it appeared had been 150 years ago, when it woke up from a nap and wiped out a fleet from the Soldun Kingdom.

"I"ve looked up the name in the library a few times, but it is never a good thing."

Back when Theodore lived in the academy"s library, he had read thousands of books, regardless of their type.

Among them, there had naturally been books containing legends and folktales about the continent. The name Aquilo had appeared only a few times, but he hadn"t forgotten it. His fingers were lacking if he wanted to count all the actions in his memories.

Sweeping away a port city because their tribute was a few days late…

Killing a wandering minstrel because his lyrics were unpleasant…

Sinking a fishing boat because the number of boats had reduced…

In addition, the number of ships sunk and people killed was as numerous as the stars.

However, despite the tyranny, Aquilo couldn"t be properly killed. Surrounded by the vast reaches of the sea, which was much more s.p.a.cious than the land, Aquilo"s power became exceedingly powerful, making it almost invincible in the sea.

"…In other words, we must absolutely never touch it."

"Yes, I think so as well."

The opinions of the two people, who would be regarded as strong in every part of the world, coincided without any errors. When considering the general power of an adult dragon, it was said that two masters were needed to equal it, and three were required to kill it reliably.

Even Veronica complained that she couldn"t be certain of victory in a one-on-one match, so it was impossible for a 6th Circle magician and half-master swordsman.

After deciding on a stance of non-aggression, Randolph opened his mouth first. "Hrmm, so we should stay low during our remaining time here?"

"Yes, we can"t get involved in any situations."

Theodore examined the knowledge he had recently absorbed from Satomer. It was in order to confirm the concept of "domain," which was still unfamiliar to him. According to Satomer"s knowledge, the "domain" of a dragon could also be called their lair, a place where they stored collected treasures and nested.

"Perhaps the fog surrounding this island is a type of alarm system."

The fog was the boundary of Aquilo"s domain, and it controlled the people who could enter. No one could go in and out without Aquilo knowing.

The two people were more likely to cause a fuss if they stole a boat and tried to escape. The safest and wisest choice was to wait for the day when the cruise ship returned and they would leave for the Soldun Kingdom.

Yes, Theodore"s conclusion was undoubtedly reasonable.

However, he overlooked one thing. It was a mistake he made because he hadn"t fully comprehended Satomer"s knowledge.

Satomer had told Theodore in the mental world that the Pirate Archipelago was Aquilo"s domain. So, from the very beginning, the existence of the two people had already caught the notorious dragon"s eyes.


Was Theo imagining it? For a moment, a chill ran down his spine.

*     *     *

Five days pa.s.sed since then.

Despite the tension on the first night, the two of them stayed at the inn without any problems. The pa.s.senger ship would come back in 10 days, so half the time had already pa.s.sed. Perhaps their policy to stay as invisible as possible was viable.

Randolph and Theodore became deeply involved in their training while enjoying their peaceful days. As Randolph swung his sword in the yard, Theodore read books in his chair.


Theodore finished reading a book and closed it.

"Eat, Gluttony."

Then he threw the book he was reading into the air, while at the same time, the tongue protruded and caught the book.

["Thunderbolt from Dry Skies" has been consumed. Your understanding is very high.]

[You have acquired 6th Circle magic, "Thunderbolt."]

[By acquiring top ranked electric magic, the proficiency of lower ranked electric magic has increased.]

As the waves of knowledge flowed as usual, Theodore closed his eyes and focused.

Having Gluttony"s ability to acquire knowledge and proficiency was fraudulent but the efficiency would be low if Theodore wasn"t motivated to learn. However, the always sincere Theodore was able to bring out the power to the maximum.

Theodore opened his eyes with a faint smile.

"Okay, half the books I"ve brought with me have been digested."

He had brought many 6th Circle magic books with him when he left Meltor. In the meantime, his progress had been slow since he hadn"t had a lot of time to read books. However, his performance during these five days was comparable to that of a few weeks or a month.

Some magic books would take more time because they were difficult to understand, but he was confident that he could learn them all in three months.

However, the most important thing to solve was the issue of his vessel, which had a time limit.

"…Should I use this during my stay on this island?"

Charlotte"s Necklace was the treasure grade artifact which turned all ghosts into powerful evil spirits. Theo had obtained it after the duel bid with Isaac, but he had never used it once. The saint"s seal, which had turned this necklace into a mere accessory, still hadn"t been released.

Theodore looked at the necklace before placing it in his inventory with a sigh.

"Stop. There is no need to increase the risk factor.’

A large scale magic event like summoning evil spirits could trigger the dragon"s aggression.

He needed to keep this in mind. His opponent was the notorious sea dragon, Aquilo. It was the tyrant of the sea, who killed people for minor reasons and sank thousands of ships. Just like how children smiled when stepping on ants, the lives of humans were just like worms to a dragon.

Theo had to remember that the Pirate Archipelago was Aquilo"s palm, so disaster could be found at any time.

—Like right now.

[Deo!] At that moment, Mitra, who had been sleeping in the warm sunlight on the window, shot up and screamed.

Before Theodore could question her, his sensory perception let out a large alarm. His back was frozen cold, and his hairs stood up like they were bristling. He had experienced a chill like this before.

It was when he dived into Laevateinn"s flames and when he collided with Pride in the past. In other words, the owner of this presence was a monster on the same level!

"What, a bottle of water?!"

As Theodore hurriedly prepared for battle, the colourful bottle of water sitting in the room moved. To be precise, it was the bottle"s contents. "Water" filled up the room.


The water emerged from the bottle and produced a surreal sight. Regardless of whether it pulled the water in the air or gathered it in small lumps, the water quickly grew to the size of a person. The water became more and more like a person, until it changed to the image of a beautiful mermaid.

"Senior elemental, a naiad…!"

The naiad, a senior elemental which couldn"t be summoned unless the summoner was an elf elementalist, spoke calmly, [That is correct, human with Arv"s blessing.] 

Normally she wouldn"t be speaking, but in this situation, she opened her mouth first without any signs of embarra.s.sment.

[From now on, I will pa.s.s on "Her" words.]

Before Theodore could ask, another voice was heard.


It was sweet enough to melt his ears, but cold enough to cause a chill down his spine. This wasn"t the voice of a human. It embraced pure desire without any moderation. The voice whispering into his ears was enough to turn any man or woman into a h.o.r.n.y monkey.

Theodore barely held onto his rope of reason and replied, "It is nice to meet you, Ruler of the Sea."

There was no question about the ident.i.ty of the other person. Theodore politely greeted the uninvited visitor. No, she was the master of this place, so he might be the uninvited person. Sea Dragon Aquilo, the being who dominated the sea for thousands of years, scanned Theodore up and down.

Then she continued speaking in that sensual voice, [First, welcome to my island, Boy.]

"It is a very sudden welcome."

[Ahaha, you are saying that, but you don"t seem  very surprised? You look young in terms of your face, but you seem to have acc.u.mulated many experiences.]

Thus far, it was still okay. Theodore didn"t feel any animosity in her voice. Was it mere curiosity? Or was she killing time? Either way, he needed information. Theodore was barely able to open his mouth before the gaze conveyed through the naiad.

"…I"m sorry, can I ask why you are looking for me?"

[Hrmm, is it so hard talking to me?]

"Honestly, it is quite burdensome."

Aquilo"s voice cut off for a moment.

[Ahahaha! You, you are too honest! I don"t hate such a personality, but shouldn"t you be careful from now on?]

–I might accidentally kill you.

Theodore was soaked in a cold sweat. It wasn"t a threat or warning, but just that Aquila was really worried about killing Theodore… Just like accidentally crushing an ant under her foot. Fortunately, Aquilo didn"t put that declaration into action.

She chuckled before answering Theodore"s question, [Okay, I"ll tell you simply. In three days, a festival to worship me will be held in the heart of the islands. At that time, I want you to come with your companion.]

In the first place, a veto didn"t exist. Theodore nodded and replied, "…I understand."

[You are smart as well. If you asked one more question, I would"ve cut off your head,] Aquilo said before turning off the naiad"s summoning.

The shape of the mermaid distorted, and the water slowly fell to the ground as the magic power was cut off. While the water soaked the wooden floor and carpet, Aquilo"s voice could still heard.

[Then I"ll be waiting in three days.]

After that, she added a fearsome warning.

[Boy, if you don"t come, I will kill you.]

Current schedule: 6 chapters a week to match the author"s release rate.

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