2 O let thine ears consider well: the voice of my complaint.

3 If thou, Lord, wilt be extreme to mark what is done amiss: O Lord, who may abide it?

4 For there is mercy with thee: therefore shalt thou be feared.

5 I look for the Lord; my soul doth wait for him: in his word is my trust.

6 My soul fleeth unto the Lord: before the morning watch, I say, before the morning watch.

7 O Israel, trust in the Lord, for with the Lord there is mercy: and with him is plenteous redemption.

8 And he shall redeem Israel: from all his sins.

PSALM 131. _Domine, non est_.

O Lord, I am not high-minded: I have no proud looks.

2 I do not exercise myself in great matters: which are too high for me.

3 But I refrain my soul, and keep it low, like as a child that is weaned from his mother: yea, my soul is even as a weaned child.

4 O Israel, trust in the Lord: from this time forth for evermore.


PSALM 132. _Memento, Domine_.

Lord, remember David: and all his trouble;

2 How he sware unto the Lord: and vowed a vow unto the Almighty G.o.d of Jacob;

3 I will not come within the tabernacle of mine house: nor climb up into my bed;

4 I will not suffer mine eyes to sleep, nor mine eye-lids to slumber: neither the temples of my head to take any rest;

5 Until I find out a place for the temple of the Lord: an habitation for the mighty G.o.d of Jacob.

6 Lo, we heard of the same at Ephrata: and found it in the wood.

7 We will go into his tabernacle: and fall low on our knees before his footstool.

8 Arise, O Lord, into thy resting-place: thou, and the ark of thy strength.

9 Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness: and let thy saints sing with joyfulness.

10 For thy servant David"s sake: turn not away the presence of thine Anointed.

11 The Lord hath made a faithful oath unto David: and he shall not shrink from it;

12 Of the fruit of thy body: shall I set upon thy seat.

13 If thy children will keep my covenant, and my testimonies that I shall learn them: their children also shall sit upon thy seat for evermore.

14 For the Lord hath chosen Sion to be an habitation for himself: he hath longed for her.

15 This shall be my rest for ever: here will I dwell, for I have a delight therein.

16 I will bless her victuals with increase: and will satisfy her poor with bread.

17 I will deck her priests with health: and her saints shall rejoice and sing.

18 There shall I make the horn of David to flourish: I have ordained a lantern for mine Anointed.

19 As for his enemies, I shall clothe them with shame: but upon himself shall his crown flourish.

PSALM 133. _Ecce, quam bonum!_

Behold, how good and joyful a thing it is: brethren, to dwell together in unity!

2 It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down unto the beard: even unto Aaron"s beard, and went down to the skirts of his clothing.

3 Like as the dew of Hermon: which fell upon the hill of Sion.

4 For there the Lord promised his blessing: and life for evermore.

PSALM 134 _Ecce nunc_.

Behold now, praise the Lord: all ye servants of the Lord;

2 Ye that by night stand in the house of the Lord: even in the courts of the house of our G.o.d.

3 Lift up your hands in the sanctuary: and praise the Lord.

4 The Lord that made heaven and earth: give thee blessing out of Sion.

PSALM 135. _Laudate Nomen_.

O praise the Lord, laud ye the Name of the Lord: praise it, O ye servants of the Lord;

2 Ye that stand in the house of the Lord: in the courts of the house of our G.o.d.

3 O praise the Lord, for the Lord is gracious: O sing praises unto his Name, for it is lovely.

4 For why? the Lord hath chosen Jacob unto himself: and Israel for his own possession.

5 For I know that the Lord is great: and that our Lord is above all G.o.ds.

6 Whatsoever the Lord pleased, that did he in heaven and in earth: and in the sea, and in all deep places.

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