Su Zui opened his eyes and saw a slender wrist. The distinct finger joints were touching the top of a dark brown leather gift box; fingers so white that they seem to let out light. It was apparent that this appearance was meticulously kept to the point that any flaws can"t be detected.

Su Zui thought this wasn"t how his former hands looked like. His hands were white and slender, but not taken care of to the point where a single touch could leave a mark.   

Immediately, he paused. How did he look like before? Why can"t he remember anything——   

"......Didn"t I said to you already that you don"t need to keep buying me these things? I"m not the type of person who needs you to use money to provide for me!"   

Su Zui didn"t have much time to ponder over before hearing a slightly resentful male voice.   

He followed the sound and looked over.   

The person who spoke was a tall youth who is handsome in appearance, had a tall height, and is wearing a white shirt and casual pants. The corners of the cloth is stained with colored paint. His countenance had a touch of refined scholarly appearance; a look that can cause many females" hearts to skip.

Except the way this person looks at him carries some anger, like he was fighting against some humiliating situation.   

——Who is this?   

The situation before his eyes were too sudden and strange. The more you talk, the more mistakes you make. Su Zui didn"t respond. He maintained this body"s former position: not moving and holding the gift box while standing.   

While he continued to be perplexed, a script suddenly appeared out of nowhere in his brain.   

This script is his current body"s history.   

The original and him has the same name: Su Zui. He is currently 22 years old, already graduated from college for a year, and has a boyfriend called Yang Yuanhang.   

The original"s financial background is exceptional. The family has two companies. On the mother"s side, the company is worth almost a hundred million with its branch offices covering the entire globe. He is also the only son. After he gains enough experience, he can inherit the two companies. This is simply a matter of being born with a silver spoon in his mouth(1).   

Yang Yuanhang is the exact opposite. He came from a single parent family with a poor financial situation.

His college degree is in art. This major is simply flushing money down the toilet. Yang Yuanhang"s family only has his mother as the only person making money. To afford him finishing his college degree, his mother is already in a huge debt. This meant his mother would be unable to a.s.sist him financially after Yang Yuanhang graduated from college.   

Normally, this is nothing. Yang Yuanhang actually have some talent in regards to painting. If he paints a.s.siduously in the future, even if it doesn"t earn a large sum of money, it will still be enough for him to eat.   

However the problem lies here. His abilities weren"t great but he conducted himself with an artist"s aloof aura. During college, his att.i.tude to potential rich buyers was unwelcoming(2). He disliked how the price they offered was too low. After a while, a reputation is formed and gradually, no one is willing to approach him to buy his paintings.

As graduation approached, he is faced with the predicament of an unemployed future .   

Just at this time, the original appeared.

At an art exhibition held not too long ago, the original, who went to partic.i.p.ate his alma mater"s activity, fell in love at first sight.   

In regards to dating the original, Yang Yuanhang was against it at the start.

Even though he and the original are both gay, but because he is the only child, he was taught by his mom the philosophy of marrying a woman and having a child in order to pa.s.s on the torch.

Being a rich second generation, the original lively exhibit what they call "You and I originally had no connection, but we do now after I spent money."

Branded wines, expensive cars, casual gifts that all worth at least hundred thousands……

It was a world that Yang Yuanhang never dared to think about before.   

On one hand exists an arduous reality without hope. On the other hand exists a liberal life if you only extend your hand and grab it. Yang Yuanhang hesitated for half a month before accepting the former body"s pursue. He began living in the original"s villa. The original provided everything from food, clothes, and money while also praising his art skills.   

The more he live off of the original, the more Yang Yuanhang began to immerse himself in his "aloof" persona. From time to time, he flares up. When the original gave him gifts, Yang Yuanhang could frequently criticize and question Su Zui if he was trying to use money to buy him like buying a canary.

It can be said that this is hypocrisy(3).

But the original was blinded by love and accepted this treatment. Not only did he not get angry at all, he would also coax Yang Yuanhang in a good manner every time while continuing to buy and send Yang Yuanhang presents with zest. So much that not too long ago, the original arranged an art exhibition for him while bribing his own friends to praise the paintings to fulfill his sweetheart"s vanity.   

Of course, if it was only this then it"s nothing. Isn"t it just being pretentious? The original was willing to flatter. This is also his own choice.

After being disgusted for a short period of time, Yang Yuanhang continues to enjoy the original"s offerings on one side while plotting with the original"s stepsister on the other side. The plan was to make the original"s grandfather die from excess of anger while also scheming to steal the original"s family business.

…...This is really green(4) and tragic.

Su Zui only has this one sentence to the original"s history and personality. Immediately, he thought: right now, this green and tragic person seems to be himself?

Su Zui: "......" Oof.   

Fortunately, the current plot hasn"t progressed that far. Currently, Yang Yuanhang just recently got in touch with the original"s stepsister and haven"t managed to make the original"s grandfather die from anger yet.

The two people are very apparently still in their pa.s.sionately in love phase. With great difficulty, the original managed to persuade his friend from outside the country to buy a limited edition set of painting brushes. Today, he eagerly presented this to Yang Yuanhang.   

Su Zui narrowed his eyes. His vision sweep across the delicately packaged gift box in his hands.

This is a set of sable hair paint brushes. It goes without saying, animal hair paint brushes belong to the more expensive watercolor brushes category. The original selected the most high-end brand. No more than five hundred sets were produced per year, causing it to become watercolor artist"s Venus(5) in their heart. An entire set"s price exceeds two hundred thousand.   

There doesn"t exist a watercolor artist whose heart wasn"t moved by this set of brushes. When Yang Yuanhang first saw this set, his heart naturally beat faster in excitement.   

However after the excitement comes a sense of humiliation that is hard to get rid of.

He is a full grown male adult but is always treated like a pet by Su Zui, how could his self-esteem accept this?   

In addition…….there is a slight feeling of guilt.   

The person before his eyes is smiling softly just like before. The joyful black eyes seems to be as pure as water and filled with light.

Just by being gazed at can caused a person to feel hot.   

He should not know about that matter, Yang Yuanhang thought.

However, this awareness did not let him put his guard down. On the contrary, it caused his heart"s fretfulness to further increase.   

He hurriedly move his gaze away and use an angry tone to cover up his heart"s messy feelings: "......Didn"t I said to you already that you don"t need to keep buying me these things? I"m not the type of person who needs you to use money to provide for me!"

The happiness in the youth"s eyes froze over and expressed a stunned expression. The corner of his eyes also drooped down and he silently continues to stand.   

Su Zui"s appearance looks very well-behaved. This causes people to cannot help but to lower their guards. By standing there in a daze with his soft black hair falling on his forehead, this appearance makes him seems like a small lost animal in a jungle.   

Yang Yuanhang looked at this dazed and deeply hurt look and a small sliver of regret that seldomly appears is born. Not wanting to continue to get angry when Su Zui looks like this, he prepares to say a few sentences of kind words and accept the gift along the way.   

However, who could have known that this time Su Zui did not follow the script. He stood there in a daze for a few seconds and suddenly seems to understand something. His wrist turned and took back the delicate gift box.   

He raised his head and his eyes drooped down. The corner of his mouth bent to display a warm and soft smile. His tone was light and soft just like before. However, the words said left Yang Yuanhang to be unable to comprehend its meaning for a short while: " I apologize. This is because I was inconsiderate. Since you don"t want this, then let"s forget about it."   

Although with the original"s financial background, two hundred thousands isn"t really anything but Su Zui doesn"t have a habit of throwing money into the trash can.   

Yang Yuanhang is not able to control his expression for a moment and exposed a stunned look: "I——"   

However, Su Zui didn"t raise his head to look at him and only left a soft "I will leave first", and grabbed the paint brush set that the original painstakingly bought before turning around and nimbly walked down the stairs and out the door; leaving Yang Yuanhang to continue standing there with his face more colorful than a mixing palette.


Outside the villa"s entrance is a parked silver Maybach. This color and its owner are the same in that they are both offensively conspicuous. When the sun shined on the body of the car, the car seems to reflect light as if there were small diamonds.

This is this year"s most recent limited edition model, such that even if you have money, it is very hard to obtain. While this area is full of villas, this area couldn"t be cla.s.sified as the apex of the rich circle. The majority of the inhabitants in the area do not drive this type of grand car.   

There are a few rich youths standing near the shrubs not far away. Their faces were filled with envy as they looked at the car and talked in a low voice. Su Zui haven"t come out yet but can still hear them talking in a low voice about "his" gossip.

Don"t look and be fooled by these rich youths, whose external appearance are normally well-groomed to be bright and beautiful. In private, their gossip level matches that of young schoolgirls.   

"This car should belong to the Su family right? I heard that he is currently keeping a person? Should be a recently graduated male college student. The way he is concealed pretty tight lid."   

"Look at that gap between us. That limited edition car costs about ten million and he just casually buys it. It took me several months of paychecks to buy the most convenient Bentley and I still got scolded by my father for not thinking about the family and got my allowance confiscated!"   

"This is what people can call a real rich son. Being the only child, in the future, both his father and mother"s family business will belong to him. Just his stock and bonuses are enough to squander for several hundred of years."   

"That"s not necessarily true. Madam Qin pa.s.sed away early but his stepmother is still young. Who knows when she will give birth to a son that can compete for family property. As the saying goes, if there is a stepmother there is a stepfather(6). This type of stuff isn"t so uncommon……"   

"Hai(7), so what? Su family"s company is only worth how much? The company that Madam Qin left behind is the real deal."   

"It"s not that simple. That group of uncles aren"t good-for-nothing. Whether he can get the family business in the end is still hard to say. With our lower status, our family is already fighting and scheming against each other. Families like the Qin family can only be more rotten."   

Without a change in expression, Su Zui walked out of the villa.   

What was discussed wasn"t wrong. Rich families are full of disagreement. The original"s family is not an exception.   

The original"s family background can bring up envy in people, but reality is the original"s mother died early and the father grew up in the countryside before coming to the cities and relied on his wife"s family to a.s.sist in creating his company to earn money. On the outside, he had an illegitimate daughter. After his wife died from illness, he immediately took his mistress and illegitimate daughter into the family and allow them to become Madam Su and Lady Su.   

When the mother died, she left him with what can be considered an enormous company. However, the internal Qin family isn"t peaceful. Who knows how many of Su Zui"s elders plot with the intention to profit from his misfortunes.

If it wasn"t for Su Zui"s capable grandfather who is determined to have the company to be inherited by the original, the company could have already been divided up by the original"s relatives when the original"s mother died.   

Seeing him come out, the young rich youths immediately become silent. You look at me and I look at you. Each and every one of them looked like quails who had been splashed with water.

Talking behind a person"s back but was discovered by the individual. Although they were talking in a low voice that the other definitely cannot hear them and they weren"t discussing about anything bad, but it is still inevitably awkward.   

Furthermore, this is the Young Master Su that they were just gossiping about. And …….he is pretty good-looking.   

Although their family circ.u.mstances couldn"t compare to that of Su Zui, but in the end they are also rich children. What type of handsome men and beautiful girls had they not seen before?

However, when they first saw this face, they cannot help but feel the differences between people is probably bigger than the differences between a pig and a human.   

"I heard that originally it was because Young Master Su"s father looks too handsome that he was able to marry Qin family"s only daughter with instant success. At that time, I felt that what is this ridiculous old-fashion story? Now that I see Young Master Su"s looks, I completely believe it!"   

"He looks so young. Is he really 22 years old? Why do I feel like he looks more like how I look back when I was in high school?"   

"Nope, can you not flatter yourself? Do you need me to bring up your high school photos to have you wake up?"   

"Oof, how can you be so abnormal? Keeping such old photos, are you secretly in love with me?"   

"s.h.i.t! I"m bent! I"m willing to have him keep me! No! Even if I"m in the loss, I"m still willing! I"m going to charge into the villa right now and fight with that pretty boy who is occupying my seat!"   

"??? Wake up brother, do you want to loss what is left of your allowance?!"


Su Zui doesn"t have time to care about other people"s gossip about himself because right as he sat down on the driver"s seat, his attention was caught by a strange voice.   

"h.e.l.lo! Dear host, thank you for selecting this book transmigration system. Cannon fodder system 555 is wholeheartedly in your serv…...holy s.h.i.t!"   

This voice seems to be coming directly from his brain without any signs. Su Zui"s hand which was fastening his seat belt immediately tighten. His pupil also slightly contract. A heavy voice asked: "......Who are you?!"   

The system is more dumbfounded than him. His whole database is full of disorder: "Yea, who am I? Where am I? Why did I start like this?"   

It is still one of Dai ZiGui"s new system! Although its inner database has already been debugged, but it still hasn"t pa.s.sed the AI stability function test. According to current system safety regulations, it shouldn"t have started its job so quickly…...   

The system sluggishly enter a computer crash like state until Su Zui asked another question and only then did he mechanically reply: "I am cannon fodder system 555."   

Su Zui pointed out coldly: "You already said that."   

System: "......."

No matter what it said, his program has already started. Host is also already bounded. It definitely cannot not work. The system slowly recovered from his crashed like state and hurriedly gave his host a self-introduction.   

Although it heard from its elder before that the system"s first host is most likely a newcomer that cannot persist through a few worlds, so it shouldn"t mind too much.

Although it is like this, facing its first host, system 555 is still unavoidably a bit nervous.   

"......The host will take over a novel character"s role according to the system"s property compatibility. Announcing task……"   

As the system keeps on talking, its mechanical voice continues to lower.

Among the numerous types of book transmigration systems, cannon fodder system is without a doubt the lowest type. The host that is bounded to them can only take on a small role that isn"t worth mentioning. Compared to those male lead/female lead systems, it is the difference between heaven and earth.   

A lot of people who selects cannon fodder system is only because they weren"t able to select any systems with higher qualifications.   

"Good, I understand."   

After hearing the system"s introduction, Su Zui"s expression was very calm.

He is a pragmatic person. Although he doesn"t know why he would bind to this system or how he lost his memories, but the current situation is already like this. Rather than question it, might as well solving the problems before his eyes.   

The only thing that is slightly regretful is that this system is also started for the first time. Besides knowing the plotline, it doesn"t know any more than he does.   

"Have all the information pa.s.sed on to me." Su Zui said as he absent-mindedly raised his head towards the car"s front mirror to have a glimpse——   

There is a face that carries the atmosphere of a youth. Black hair fittingly covers a bit of his eye brows. The appearance is clean and limpid. Deep black eyes are bright. Intricate eyelashes are fan out. When the corners of the mouth bent, the cheeks will have shallow dimples.

Like a furry, beautiful, and soft small animal, that harmless aura seems to emit from the mirror.   

He directed a indistinct smile towards the him in the mirror.   

Cannon fodder?

Although he didn"t have his previous memories, but intuition tells him the him from before and these two words should not have any connections whatsoever.


1: The original text 直接出生在罗马的真实写照 has a similar meaning of being born rich and living a smooth life.

2: The original text was 不假辞色, which basically means that he won"t cater to you. Basically bad customer service.

3: The original text 没有逼数了 is a saying that ridicules the other person, saying that they aren"t really smart with good intentions but pretends to be.

4: Green = you got cheated on.

5: Venus as in the G.o.ddess of love, not the planet.

6: The original text 有了后娘就有后爹 basically means the dad listens to the stepmother.

7: The "hai" here is meant to be an onomatopoeia.

Translator"s Notes:

Hi I"m Cloral, Dewy"s friend. I will be the one translating The Boss I Picked Up All Fell In Love With Me. Not all the translated chapters will be edited.

There are author notes after every chapter but I"m only going to translate the parts that pertain to this story. Hope you guys don"t mind ^-^

I will be releasing ma.s.s updates on either or Sunday. Follow me on Twitter @cloralpotato to know the exact moment I ma.s.s release.


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