"Good. Give me the report anytime."

Fu Shijun hung up his cellphone. His face carried a bit of indifference.   

Grandfather Fu saw that he was still working at home and sighed: "You shouldn"t work too much. If there is still stuff to do, give it to your subordinates. You don"t necessarily need to do it yourself."   

Fu Shijun shaked his head: "This isn"t work."

He said: "It was that person who went to the Qin Family to cause a ruckus. He hasn"t given up on hara.s.sing Su Zui yet."   

After Yang Yuanhang got swept out the door by Su Zui, only a few days pa.s.sed before he was unable to endure not having someone raise him. He began thinking of all the methods he could use to accidentally see Su Zui and beg for his forgiveness.

Fu Shijun didn"t let him have his way and very quickly send people to take care of it.

If there was no accident, then Yang Yuanhang will scram out of this city within three days and be unable to ever bother Su Zui again.   

Grandfather Fu sighed: "Old Qin"s family is pretty unlucky."

With the family in such a mess, even when he is old, he wasn"t able to live a carefree day.   

It"s good that Su Zui finally began to make progress now and let Old Qin completely lose all hope.   

Remembering that soft and peaceful child, Grandfather Fu suddenly realized something: "Are you very familiar with Su Zui now?"

To protect him to this degree?   

Fu Shijun: "......Moderately."

He can"t deny that he has been paying a lot of attention to Su Zui recently.

But Su Zui still alienates himself from him, although his guard has lowered by a lot compared to the start.   

Grandfather Fu nodded his head from the pleasant surprise: "Not bad. You know how to make friends."

His son had been indifferent since he was small.

Although it wasn"t to the point of heartless, but it was still a large gap between normal people.   

Even if other people were antisocial, they could still have a few friends who they can talk to.

But his son didn"t have a single close friend. He was alone every single day and only interacts with coworkers.

What"s more ridiculous was that he was quickly approaching his thirties, but he still hasn"t found a partner.   

Those older sons of his was already giving him grandsons or quickly getting married. It was only this youngest son that haven"t settle down!   

Grandfather Fu became angry from his worries.

He had first suspect that his son"s body had some disease and almost caused their relationship to break off.

Later, he guessed that his s.e.xual orientation was different from others and prepared himself mentally for a long time.   

As a result, he waited for several years and almost became an equal rights activist, but his son still haven"t brought a man back home.   

Fu Shijun kept repeating this phrase: not interested.

Grandfather Fu almost felt that if there was a day where Fu Shijun brought a dog home and say that this is his wife, he will most probably be gratified that his son finally found a partner.   

Grandfather Fu familiarly turned the question around: "Since you already have friends, why don"t you start considering the major events in your life?"

He meaningfully said: "You can"t always be single. I am also not picky with your choices. As long as you like the person and they are sensible, it"s fine."

Fu Shijun was more familiar than him and directly stood up: "If there"s nothing else, I"ll go up first to do some work."

As he spoke, he grabbed the jacket from the back of the chair, extended his long legs, and went out the door in a few steps.   

The left behind Grandfather Fu looked at his son"s straight back and he sighed.

As soon as he brought up the topic of finding a partner, his son will run away. Yet he is so caring towards another family"s child.


Why does he suddenly feel like something is not right?


Fu Shijun wasn"t completely evading. He actually did have something to do.

He let someone research about Su Zhimo"s data and it was about to arrive soon.

While he doesn"t have evidence that Yang Yuanhang"s words were the truth, but it didn"t interfere with the doubt he has against Su Zhimo.   

To speak truthfully, Su Zhimo this insignificant person, if she wasn"t Su Zui"s stepsister, even if she jumped in front of him, he will still not give her a single glance.   

Fu Shijun opened the data and slowly read it.

After reading the introduction, his expression suddenly became cold.

As if he saw something that made even him feel stunned.


Su Zui: "Was everything arranged?"

System 555 obediently nodded: "Everything went smoothly."   

Being influenced by the main lead"s luck halo, the person Fu Shijun ordered to investigate Su Zhimo was completely unable to discover her past.

It was his instructions to the system that a tiny hint was forcefully squeezed into the compiled material.

He believes that Fu Shijun will definitely be able to catch it and use this lead to discover Su Zhimo"s origins.   

Su Zui smiled with upturned lips: "That"s good."   

He doesn"t like owing people debt.

Fu Shijun helped him handle the proposal and Yang Yuanhang"s matter. He returned the favor by warning him of Su Zhimo"s ident.i.ty.

What came has been sent back. He can probably call it evens now.


Su Zhimo"s mood was very bad.

With Yang Yuanhang gone, the plan to use Su Zui to obtain the two family properties was entirely broken.

Her position wasn"t steady. She could no longer stay calm and quickly suggested to Su Chengzhi to let her enter the company for experience.   

Su Chengzhi was a bit hesitant: "You still have half a year before you graduate. What"s the rush?"

Because his family background wasn"t good, he was naturally distrustful and guard the powers in his hand very heavily.   

Originally, his att.i.tude towards his pampered daughter shouldn"t be like this.

Maybe it was the stuff that had happened recently that influenced his frame of mind.   

Su Zhimo slowly said: "Aren"t I doing this because I can help you out earlier?"

She lowered her eyes: "Brother has already entered the company for a few months. I don"t want to be worse than him. If that happens, you won"t have face either."   

In the original plan, Su Family"s small company was only a snack and she didn"t attach much importance to it in the beginning.

But now, there was temporarily no hope in the Qin Family and the Fu Family was too out of reach. She can only obtain the Su Family first before doing anything else.   

Hearing her mention Su Zui, Su Chengzhi"s face became green.

After he and Su Zui completely tore each other"s face, their father and son labels were only for show.

The more Su Zui live comfortably in the Qin Family, the more it is slapping his face!   

He thought about it for a while and said: "Then let"s do this. Next month, I"ll arrange you into the company."

Su Zhimo let out a sigh of relief and exposed an adoring smile: "I just know that papa loves me the most."

This cheap father of hers was narrow-minded and shortsighted. The only good point was that he greatly cares for her with all his heart.   

As a result, when she entered the company, she realized that she breathed a sigh of relief too early.

Su Chengzhi actually only arranged her to be a staff member?!   

With this basic level job, she could only work as a staff on the first floor. It wasn"t even related to management.

Even if she wants to rely on herself to gain experience, the position couldn"t be worse than this!

In the future, she will manage a company, not work with others in an office. What"s the use of learning things from the very basic?   

In a frustrated mood, Su Zhimo went to question Su Chengzhi. After urging Su Chengzhi for half a day, she was told she shouldn"t aim too high.

If she didn"t know better, she could have though Su Chengzhi was deliberately wasting her time.

But even if Su Chengzhi was narrow-minded and shortsighted, he still has basic awareness. In his view, if one wants to gain experience, then they should start from the ground up!

Su Chengzhi had a stubborn personality and disliked people talking back to him the most.

It took her reasoning with him in every possible way and her mom pillow talking to him for a long time before Su Chengzhi finally changed his mind and let her became a group leader.   

Su Zhimo almost quit the job.   

When Su Zhi first went into the Qin Corporation, he was already a project manager!

And this low position was given to him because he didn"t have experience.   

She was far more capable than Su Zui, yet when she entered Su Family"s small company, she actually got the position of a group leader.

While it says group leader, but the most she does is manage a few people. It was still essentially a basic level job.   

Although comparing her situation only made Su Zhimo intensely angry and caused a loss of sleep, she was unable to do anything.

The only thing she could obtain right now was the Su Family. Before she managed to gather enough capital, she couldn"t just leave just because she said so.   

With a melancholy expression, Xie Yan patted her hand: "Zhimo, you have to endure a bit more. With the Fu Family being the way it is, if we go back right now, we will only be bullied by other people."

Su Zhimo patiently said: "You don"t have to worry. I won"t be impulsive."   

While the Fu Family had a lot of sons, but the inner family was not a mess. The Fu Corporation was firmly in the hands of Fu Shijun. The family"s cohesiveness was high.

For her to be able to come in contact with some of the higher ups in the Fu Corporation, she had already wasted a lot of strength and was unable to continue.   

Right now, Fu Shijun and Su Zui were colluding together. If she returned to the Fu Family, she will only be suppressed by Fu Shijun.

The best choice was still hide while coming up with a new strategy.   

Her plan was very good, but other people weren"t ignorant fools.

After he found out that there was something not right in the results of the first investigation, Fu Shijun made the person investigate again.

This time it used a lot of connection and power and took half a month, before finally digging up all the truths behind Su Zhimo"s origins.   

After receiving this new data, Fu Shijun"s eyes flashed coldly.

He really didn"t antic.i.p.ate that Su Zhimo was actually his niece.

Suddenly thinking of something, he made a call. His voice was heavy.

"Go investigate the person behind the manager that was giving Xiao Zui trouble last time."

"You don"t need evidence. An oral confession is fine."   

He really wants to see just how deep Su Zhimo"s hands already extend into the Fu Corporation.   

And also, there was still——   

Fu Shijun closed the material and in a rare occasion, felt some hesitation.

How will he tell Su Zui about this.


Su Zui, who was the main worry of Fu Shijun, was not a bit aware.

Since the cannon fodder"s revenge main mission was coming to an end, he focused his attention to completing the inheriting the family business mission.   

Without Su Zhimo"s interference, his road to promotion was very smooth.

Without even a month, he was able to obtain this family company"s stock and manager authority.

In an instant, the inheriting the family business mission"s completion status went up to 40%.   

Of course, being an insignificant family company, it was nothing compared to the power of the Qin Corporation.

This 40% represents Grandfather Qin"s approval towards him.

As long as he doesn"t seek death in the future, then obtaining Qin Corporation was only a question of time.   

Proving his capability under a subsidiary company, Su Zui was logically called in to work at the head office and experience the genuine main work.

Today, Su Zui was still preparing to go to the head office to go to work when he suddenly received Fu Shijun"s phone call.

The man"s deep voice from the other side sounded beautiful in his ears: "I heard you got promoted. Why don"t you come out and have a celebratory dinner?"   

Su Zui raised his eyebrow, pushed away the circling thoughts in his head, and finally answered: "Ok. You can choose the location?"

Whatever. In the future, he will need to mix with the people in the industry. The big thigh that ought to be hugged should be hugged.   

Unexpectedly, Fu Shijun didn"t bring him to an elegant Western-style restaurant.

Instead, he reserved a room in a restaurant serving Cantonese cuisine and ordered a tableful of hot dishes.

Winter was right around the corner and the temperature was getting colder and colder. Eating these was very fitting.   

The main dish was Crucian carp soup. The fish soup was boiled until it turned milk white. The fragrances warm the person"s nose when the cover was lifted off.   

Fu Shijun raised his cuffs and exposed a section of his muscled arm. He personally ladled a bowl of fish soup for Su Zui: "Your stomach isn"t good. You should eat lightly today."

Su Zui"s gaze fell on his hand for a moment and he softly said: "Thank you."   

Su Zui"s appet.i.te wasn"t big and he quickly put down his chopsticks.

When the final bowl of warm fish soup went down his stomach, he was unable to resist letting out a satisfied light sigh.   

Fu Shijun was unable to resist sizing up the paralyzed Su Zui laying on the chair.

Before his eyes, it was as if there was a cat who ate and drank its fill, narrowed its originally big round eyes, and licked its pink claws as it laid under the sun.

Its tail was swaying behind his back.   

It made him want to grab it and then rubbed the cat"s ears and knead the pads.   

Su Zui noticed his gaze. He raised his head and asked: "What is it? Is there something wrong?"   

Fu Shijun came back from his fantasy of petting the cat: "......"

What was he thinking just now? Why does he keep on wanting to stroke his small friend?   

He was indifferent, not apathetic.

Even if he was slow, he could still realize that this degree of fantasy was over the line between friends.   

Meeting the youth"s lazy gaze, Fu Shijun"s brain suddenly became a mess.

Without knowing why, he suddenly remembered the time his father grumbled about him not finding a partner.   

Su Zui saw that he wasn"t talking for a long time and felt some doubt. He sat up straight and asked: "Uncle, are you feeling unwell?"   

This address made Fu Shijun"s originally disordered thoughts become more disordered within seconds.

His expression became rigid and his adam apple moved: "I——"

Su Zui had already got up to get his jacket and asked in concern: "Let us go to the hospital?"

Fu Shijun: "Wait!"

He forcefully threw the messy thoughts to the back of his head and mentioned the real reason he came: "There is something I need to tell you."   

In name, Su Zhimo was Su Zui"s stepsister, yet she wasn"t biologically Su Chengzhi"s child but rather his second brother"s illegitimate daughter.

This situation was rotten. No matter how one views it, it was still pretty disgusting.   

Fu Shijun suddenly forgot the weird thoughts from earlier and began to worry.

Will Su Zui take his anger out of him because of his and Su Zhimo"s blood relationship?   

He paused for a moment and cautiously asked for a promise: "Promise me first that you can"t be angry with me after you hear me out."   

Su Zui was baffled and can only say: "I won"t be angry. You can talk."

Just as his words exit his mouth, he heard the system"s emotionless electronic voice sounded in his ears.   

[Ding! Side mission 1: Be a winner in life (Attack male lead/female lead/boss) has become active. Mission target has locked on boss. Completion status: 20%]

[Novice"s early reward system had already transferred 2000 experience points to your account; please make sure it has been received!]

[My G.o.d! To be able to make boss heart spontaneously beat for you, you must be the king of the emperors! Boss has already extended his small small foot into the romance route for you! Small cannon fodder please don"t waste a single piece of the boss"s kind intentions. Quickly make the boss your wife, share the luck halo, and be winners in life!]   

Su Zui: ? ? ?


Su Zui can only feel his head becoming dizzy.

For a moment, he doesn"t know whether he should be astonished at the fact Fu Shijun actually have intentions towards him or ridicule the lack of sensibility in the terms the system decided to use.   


The author has something to say:

Zui Zui: What are you doing! You can"t do this! Retract it!╭(°A°`)╮

Annoying Spirit: I can! I really can! (Q◇Q)

System 555: I am only a small emotionless system *ヽ(°▽°)ノ

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